Ellinor Fackle Fornius
About me
Works as a Senior Lecturer in Statistics, teaching courser in statistics and data analysis and conducting research primarily in the field of optimal design of experiments. Project leader for the research project 'Long-term Effects of Treatments for Self-harming Behavior - Statistical Method Development and Analysis.' Participates in a project developing models for testing items in knowledge assessments with the PRIM group.
Teaches at both undergraduate and master courses, for example, on statistical theory, optimal design, and R programming
Conducts research in the field of optimal design of experiments, particularly for situations where the experiment generates data analyzed using nonlinear or generalized linear models. This is common in a variety of applications, such as in drug trials and knowledge assessments. By optimising the design of an experiment well, for example, to find an appropriate dose for a drug or to estimate the difficulty of items in a test, the number of patients or students required to participate can be minimized, while maintaining a given precision in the estimates.