Stockholm university

Jakob Evertsson

About me

Ph.D (Åbo Akademi, Finland), M.St. (Oxford University, UK).

Associate professor in history (Uppsala university), associate professor in church history (Åbo Akademi University, Finland).

I am senior lecturer in education at the department of education and didactics at Stockholm University. My research has mainly focused on the areas of history of education/sociology of education and has touched on various themes such as state intervention, professionalization and curriculum studies. During the period 2020-2023, I led a research project on the role of the school inspection in the implementation of the elementary school 1861-1930 (Swedish Research Council). Since 2023, I am in charge of a project that examines the university as a referal body in the period 1968-2022.

At the basic level, my teaching is conducted within the courses: history of education and the school’s place in society, educational leadership and project and project organization. At advanced level, I am the course responsible for communicative leadership.

I am chairman of the committee for Carl Cederblad’s memorial fund, which distributes fund for research on public education.



Swedish Radio P1 ”Förmiddag med” about literacy broadcasted 5th of September 2024.

Gustav Vasas dröm om läsande svenskar 5 september 2024 - Förmiddag med | Sveriges Radio


Selected publications

Jakob Evertsson & Anna Larsson, (2024), "Skolämnens uppgång och fall: katekes, trädgårdsskötsel, åskådningsövningar och hembygdskunskap i skolans grammatik", 1-18, Björn Norlin, Anna Larsson & Henrik Åström Elmersjö (eds.), Utbildning och religion: historiska perspektiv (Skellefteå: Artos), forthcoming.

Jakob Evertsson, (2024), "Lärdomens katedral: en studie av relationen mellan lärdomsskola och kyrka i Strängnäs från medeltid till yngre vasatid", 81-110, Thomas Girmalm & Marie Rosenius (eds.), Lärande och kyrka (Umeå: Umeå universitet). 

Jakob Evertsson, (2024), ”’Making Teaching Cheap’: Secondary Occupations and Feminisation in Elementary Schools in Sweden, 1861–1910”, Paedagogica Historica vol. 60, no. 5, 825-844.

Evertsson, Jakob (2023), Jonas Thorup Thomsen, Danish Clergymen and their Book Collections: An investigation into Clerical Libraries, Book Distribution, and Knowledge Circulation in Denmark, c. 1685–1810, Nordic Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 20, 130-132.

Jakob Evertsson, (2022), “School inspection and state-initiated professionalisation of elementary school teachers in Sweden, 1861-1910”, History of Education, vol. 51, no. 4, 500–521. 

Jakob Evertsson, (2022), Materiality, Wallcharts, and Educational Change in Sweden from the Mid-nineteenth to the Early Twentieth Century, Nordic Journal of Educational History, vol. 9, no. 1, 27–59.

Jakob Evertsson, (2022), ”Från katekes till naturlära: en mikrohistorisk studie av folkskolans införande i Lagunda kontrakt, 1861–1900”, Uppsala stiftshistoriska sällskaps årsskrift 2021, 16-28.

Jakob Evertsson,(2022), ”Skolinspektionen och implementeringen av folkskolan i Sverige 1861–1930”, Resultatdialog 2022, Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet, 27-31.

Jakob Evertsson, (2022), ”Skolinspektionens roll för folkskollärarnas tidiga professionalisering”, Vägval i skolans historia, no. 4, 1–7.

Jakob Evertsson, (2022), Morten Øveraas. Teokratiets folkelærarar: Folkehøgskular og kristeleg nasjonalisme i Noreg ca. 1814–1905, Nordic Journal of Educational History, vol. 9, no. 1, 1-5.

Jakob Evertsson, (2021), Adrian Gray, European school inspection and evaluation: history and principles, i History of Education, vol. 50, no. 6, 885-888.

Jakob Evertsson, (2020), ”Skolans nedgång i Sverige under 1500-talet”, Vägval i skolans historia, no. 2, 1-7.

Jakob Evertsson, (2019), ”Gustav Vasa och skolans avfolkning: undervisningens roll i förhandling om traditionell religion under tidig reformationstid i Sverige”, Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift, vol. 95, no. 1, 33-52.

Jakob Evertsson, (2017), ” Anticlericalism and early social democracy in Sweden in the 1880s”, Church History and Religious Culture, vol. 97, no. 2, 248-266.

Jakob Evertsson, (2016), “Alfred Dalin och de bibliska skolplanschernas förmedling av kulturhistoria”, Urban Claesson & Dick Åhman (eds.) Kulturell reproduktion i skola och nation: en vänbok till Lars Petterson (Möklinta: Gidlunds förlag), 25-34.

Jakob Evertsson, (2015), ” History, nation and school inspections: the introduction of citizenship education in elementary schools in late nineteenth-century Sweden”, History of Education, vol. 44, no. 3, 259-273.

Jakob Evertsson, (2014), “Classroom wall charts and Biblical history: a study of educational technology in elementary schools in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Sweden”, Paedagogica historica, vol. 50, no. 5, 668-684.

Jakob Evertsson, (2012), “Folskoleinspektionen och moderniseringen av folkskolan i Sverige 1860-1910”, Historisk tidskrift, vol. 132, no. 4, 624-651.

Jakob Evertsson, (2011), ” Bishops and professionalization in Sweden, c. 1780-1880”, Scandinavian Journal of History, vol. 36, no. 1, 23-43.