Stockholm university

Jonathan David Schöps

About me

I am an assistant professor in the marketing section of Stockholm Business School (SBS), Stockholm University. I studied Sports Management and Management & Economics at the Bachelor level, and Strategic Management at the Master level at the University of Innsbruck. I also hold a PhD from the University of Innsbruck where I wrote my dissertation “Digital Markets as Performative Assemblages”.

My research is located in the field of consumer culture theory and centers on market system dynamics in digital environments. I am particularly interested in the dynamics that manifest in and derive from the interplay between digital media and (non)human market actors. For example, how the interplay between content creators and algorithms creates symbiotic relationships and frames a shared market language across multiple platforms; or how the interplay between consumers and affordances standardizes and homogenizes consumers’ expressions on social media.

To analyze such phenomena in digital environments, I draw on so-called digital methods. Digital methods are software-based tools that enable researchers to grasp the nature of digital entities, i.e., algorithms or hashtags. Digital methods encompass, for example, social/semantic network analysis or automated text/visual analysis, among others.

I have published my research in journals such as Marketing Theory, European Journal of Marketing, and Consumption Markets & Culture as well as in conference proceedings such as Advances in Consumer Research.


Current courses:

  • Digital Marketing and E-commerce (FE4329; PR4522)
  • Consumption, Culture and Commerce (PR2543)


Peer-reviewed journal articles:


Peer-reviewed conference proceedings: