Research group Consumer Culture Theory Research Group
What unites the researchers in this research group is that we share a vision of consumer culture as the interconnected system of commercially produced objects, images, and texts that various market actors use to construct and produce practices, identities and meanings.
Group description
A common theme in our research is that we consider marketing and consumption as socio-cultural and political phenomena which are assembled, embodied and practiced and construct and communicate meaning in society, both at an individual and a collective level. Theoretically it stems from the tradition of Consumer Culture Theory, which combines a number of interpretive approaches to enhance our understanding of a wide area of phenomena in different context. On an international level, researchers in the field are organized in the Consumer Culture Theory Consortium.
Consumer culture is viewed not as a determinant cause to particular manifestations but as the contextual environment where various market actors and consumption objects interact. It can be described as the social arrangement where the relation between lived culture and symbolic and material resources, used to create meaning, is mediated through markets.
The research group will take an active part in the intra-university, national and international research network and promote multidisciplinary exchanges and programs that contribute to both the theorizing around and empirical understanding of particular topics and commercial contexts.
Group members
Group managers
Jacob Östberg
Nelli Khorsun
PhD student
Andrea Lucarelli
Associate Professor
Susanna Molander
Associate Professor
Jonathan David Schöps
Biträdande lektor
Hossain Shahriar
Natalia Tolstikova
Malin Wennberg
PhD student
Carl Yngfalk
Assistant professor