Ingemar Lindahl
About me
Ingemar Lindahl is docent of theory of medical science (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm), Dr Med Sc (social medicine, KI, HS), PhD (theoretical philosophy, Stockholm University).
Areas of research
Lindahl's research has primarily focused on problems of causal explanations, especially attributions in terms of a principal cause. More recently, the research has also included the question of the relation between conscious mental events and neural processes.
Selected publications
Lindahl, B.I.B., Århem, P. Motor control and the causal relevance of conscious will: Libet’s mind–brain theory. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 2019; 39(1): 46-59.
Lindahl, B.I.B., Århem, P. Consciousness and neural force fields. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2016; 23(7-8): 228-253.
Århem, P., Lindahl, B.I.B., Manger, P.R., Butler, A.B. On the origin of consciousness — some amniote scenarios. In: Liljenstöm, H., Århem, P., eds. Consciousness Transitions: Phylogenetic, Ontogenetic, and Physiological Aspects. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2008: 77-96.
Butler, A.B., Manger, P.R., Lindahl, B.I.B., Århem, P. Evolution of the neural basis of consciousness: a bird–mammal comparison. BioEssays, 2005; 27(9): 923-936.
Consciousness, behavioural patterns and the direction of biological evolution: implications for the mind–brain problem. In: Pylkkänen, P., Vadén, T., eds. Dimensions of Conscious Experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2001: 73-99.
Consciousness and biological evolution. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 1997; 187(4): 613-629.
Lindahl, B.I.B., Århem, P. Mind as a force field: comments on a new interactionistic hypothesis. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 1994; 171(1): 111-122.
Lindahl, B.I.B., Johansson L.A. Multiple cause-of-death data as a tool for detecting artificial trends in the underlying cause statistics: a methodological study. Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine, 1994; 22(2): 145-158.