Lovisa SumpterProfessor
About me
I'm a professor of mathematics education, but I started as an upper secondary school teacher in mathematics and social sciences.
One of my current research projects is called Fair Share and focuses on mathematics and education for sustainability education, and in particular the concept of sharing. We are working with preschool and primary school teachers and students. It is financed by the Swedish Institute for Educational Research.
I'm on the editorial board for Educational Studies in Mathematics and International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.
My research interests span mainly over three areas: mathematical reasoning, affect, and gender. A common theme in my research is looking at factors for members' participation in mathematics.
Research projects
A selection from Stockholm University publication database
Ethical Reasoning as Part of Mathematical Modelling: Young Children’s Work with Sharing and Division
2024. Lovisa Sumpter (et al.). Ethics and Mathematics Education, 443-462
ChapterIn this chapter, we challenge the view of mathematical modelling as a neutral practice and argue that ethical reasoning is an important part of the process. Using six cases, each describing different sharing scenarios, we analysed children’s mathematical reasoning and ethical reasoning. The cases were designed to cover a variety of aspects of mathematics and allow different types of ethics to be used. The results show that ethical reasoning plays a crucial part in task-solving, both when the children advocated for division or when they decided on sharing in unequal-sized parts.
Matematiska och etiska resonemang i förskolan – didaktisk modellering som intervention: [Mathematical and ethical reasoning in preschool – didactic modeling as an intervention]
2024. Maria Hedefalk, Lovisa Sumpter, Helena Eriksson. Forskning om undervisning och lärande 12 (2), 68-84
ArticleI artikeln undersöks didaktiska val i undervisning där matematik och hållbar utveckling möts. Undervisningens syfte var att uppmuntra förskolebarn att kollektivt resonera kring fördelningsproblem. Det var barnens resonemang om möjliga lösningar som låg i fokus, inte ett rätt svar. Förskollärarens roll var att skapa möjligheter för agens: att barnen kunde göra egna bidrag i kunskapandet, där barnen kunde ställa olika konflikterande perspektiv om hållbara lösningar mot varandra och diskutera lösningarna. Utifrån metoden didaktisk modellering förde forskare och förskolläre diskussioner om undervisningen utifrån olika expertis. Dokumentationen som skapades under dessa möten analyserades, för att pröva om en didaktisk modell som hanterar de didaktisk vad- och hur-frågorna kunde hjälpa förskollärarna att skapa agens i undervisningen. Resultatet visar hur reflektion kring de didaktiska frågorna kan skapa möjligheter för agens i undervisningen. Didaktiska lösningar handlade om organisation av tid och miljö, om svårigheter att para ihop barn för kollektivt arbete samt språkutvecklande arbete.
Changes in affect: patterns in Grade 4 and Grade 8 students’ expressed emotional directions
2023. Lovisa Sumpter, Samuel Sollerman. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
ArticleThis paper targets patterns of expressed emotional directions towards mathematics. By using TIMSS data and recoding two of the instruments, we compared responses from the same student cohort in Grade 4 (11 years old) and Grade 8 (15 years old) in Sweden. Two hypotheses were tested: negative emotions including negative motivations increase with age, and there will be gender differences. By using statistical analyses, including Cramer’s V, the two hypotheses were confirmed. The results also illuminated patterns within the responses, such that boys and girls in Grade 4 differ in expressed intrinsic motivation but not extrinsic motivation. There are also indications that girls might be more likely to form negative emotional directions between grades 4 and 8 than boys, and some implications of this is discussed.
Show all publications by Lovisa Sumpter at Stockholm University