Stockholm university

Maria RosénSenior lecturer

About me

Maria Rosén works as a senior lecturer in education and holds a PhD from Uppsala University where she defended her thesis Juridifiering som demokratiseringsprocess? Fallet likabehandling i svensk skola (Juridification as a process of democratization? The Swedish case of equal treatment) in 2023.

My research interests concern educational philosophical and didactical (art of teaching) issues concerning the ethical and political dimensions of democracy and education, broadly. I have a particular interest in the ambivalences, the paradoxes and conflicts that democracy aspects and values often contain - and how these are played out in the concrete classroom, in relation to different contexts and (legal) policy conditions. It can, for example, be about hurtful speech and the formal and informal agreements on what could and should be expressed in the public space of education. My thesis takes an interest in the Swedish political initiative to democratize education through juridification, by the introduction of legal protection of discrimination and degrading treatment. Altogether, the thesis contributes knowledge on juridification as a process of democratization of education.

My research, which is mainly inspired by post-structuralist perspectives and continental philosophy, is primarily done within the fields of philosophy of education, democratic education and education policy.

I belong to the research groups Philosophical and Critical Studies in Education and Leadership, Improvement and Organization of Schools (SOUL) at Stockholm University and is a member of the Nordic Society of Philosophy of Education, as well as the International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE). Currently, I´m on the Editorial Board of the research journal Utbildning & Demokrati - tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitik, and a board member of the Swedish Educational Research Association (SWERA). 

Prior to my appointment at Stockholm University, I´ve had positions as a lecturer at Södertörn´s college, Stockholm Institute of Education and Uppsala University. Furthermore, I´ve for example worked as an expert at the Swedish National Agency for Education and as an education coordinator at the Equality Ombudsman.


Publications Uppsala University

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