Martin Henkel
About me
I am an associate professor at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) at Stockholm University. I earned my PhD in 2008 in the area of service-oriented information systems. As a member of several international program committees, I engage in research areas such as enterprise modeling, enterprise capability design, service-oriented computing, and business value modeling. Teaching at the department includes cross-organizational ERP systems, software architecture, enterprise modeling, and service design. Through research projects and consulting, I have been involved in numerous projects, contributing to software analysis, design, and implementation in domains such as transport, healthcare, and IT systems for energy efficiency.
Research projects
A selection from Stockholm University publication database
Digitalization of Health and Social Care Collaboration: Identification of Problems and Solutions
2024. Martin Henkel (et al.). Proceedings of RCIS 2024 Workshops and Research Projects Track
ConferenceHealth- and social care are complex domains, requiring the collaboration of several professions and several care provider organizations within and between the domains. In this paper, we describe the collaboration between care providers in the Stockholm County and the municipality of Stockholm, highlighting how the information is exchanged, which IT system that supports the exchange, and legal prerequisites for the collaboration. We identify several problems in current practices, including the lack of system integration, and the underutilization of existing digital solutions. We also suggest several solutions aimed at improving the technical infrastructure for digital collaboration. These include the integration of IT systems, simplification of access to essential information, and the adoption of modern APIs to facilitate better communication among healthcare providers. We also present legal issues for the collaboration and how they can be addressed.
An analysis of capability meta‑models for expressing dynamic business transformation
2021. Georgios Koutsopoulos, Martin Henkel, Janis Stirna. Software and Systems Modeling 20, 147-174
ArticleEnvironmental dynamism is gaining ground as a driving force for enterprise transformation. To address the changes, the capabilities of digital enterprises need to adapt. Capability modeling can facilitate this process of transformation. However, a plethora of approaches for capability modeling exist. This study explores how concepts relevant to change have been implemented in the meta-models of these approaches, aiming to visualize relationships among change-related concepts, and identify ways to improve capability modeling toward a more efcient depiction of capability change. The concepts are visualized in concept maps, and a framework is developed to assist the classifcation of concepts relevant to change functions. Similarities and diferences among the existing models are discussed, leading to suggestions toward improvements of capability modeling for capability adaptation.
Principles for Design of Simulated Cases in Teaching Enterprise Modelling
2019. Martin Henkel, Ilia Bider. New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies, 173-183
ConferenceApprenticeship Simulation (AS) is a form of case-based learning where the students follow a virtual expert who selects and hands to them information sources with which they should work. A case as presented to the students can be quite complex, consisting of numerous types of diverse sources, including recorded interviews and links to real-world dynamic sources such as web pages. A teacher who designs an AS case needs to decide on the structure of the case presentation, including which sources should be used and how they and associated tasks should be presented to the students. In this paper, we present a set of principles for the design of AS case presentations. The principles are based on our experiences in applying AS in four courses in the area of enterprise modelling.
Using Enterprise Models for Change Analysis in Inter-organizational Business Processes
2019. Martin Henkel (et al.). Business Process Management: Blockchain and Central and Eastern Europe Forum, 315-318
ConferenceOrganizations increasingly participate in and rely on inter-organizational processes to carry out work. However, inter-organizational processes may be complex, especially when there is a need to introduce and decide upon changes that affect the process. In this paper we examine the problems that may arise when changing inter-organizational processes. As the foundation for our examination, we use a case study performed at a healthcare region in Sweden. In the case, a number of potential changes to an inter-organizational process have been identified. Based on the analysis of the case, we identify the basic constituents that enterprise models need to contain in order to be useful tools for representing changes to inter-organizational processes.
CBILE - A Case-Based Immersive Learning Environment
2018. Ilia Bider, Martin Henkel. 2018 IEEE 22nd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops, 200-203
ConferenceCBILE is an immersive environment that supports Apprenticeship Simulation (AS) - a method for teaching/learning modeling skills in university education. AS is aimed at the students acquiring not only explicitly defined syntax and semantics of modeling languages, but also skills of analyzing various types of sources for obtaining information to build a model. AS is a kind of case-based learning that presents a case to the students using multimedia sources, such as recorded interviews and web-based sources. CBILE integrates all sources, simulated as well as real, to be used in the case in one place and connects them to the project tasks. The environment uses WordPress as an underlying platform for both integration and simulation of web sources.
An Approach for Examining the Value of Open Data Solutions
2017. Martin Henkel, Erik Perjons, Ulrika Drougge. Recent Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, 470-480
ConferenceThere is currently a high interest in the potential of open data - data that is publicly available. However, the use of open data is a complex system where the providers of the data, such as public organizations, are not always formally connected to the organization that aggregates the data and the end users. Since it is a complex system, it is difficult to describe the values of using open data. In this paper, we report on the use of a framework that enables a structured analysis of the functions and values that open data can provide. The framework is based on a set of technical functions in open data and a set of perceived values. The framework has been used in a project that aimed at describing the values of providing open data to immigrants in a Swedish municipality.
Business and IT Architecture for the Public Sector
2017. Martin Henkel, Erik Perjons, Eriks Sneiders. Information Technology Governance in Public Organizations, 157-175
ChapterDigitization is seen as a central force in order to transform the public sector to become transparent, participative, collaborative as well as efficient. In order to realize the digitalization, a public organization need to have an IT architecture that can support such a transformation. Therefore, decision makers in a public organization need to make informed decisions when governing, designing and implementing an IT architecture. This require that they have an understanding of the alternatives available to them in terms of possible IT systems and their roles in the organization’s overall IT architecture. However, there is a lack of concrete descriptions providing such an understanding. In this chapter we present a number of types of IT system that public organizations could or need to have as part of their IT architectures; the problems these types of IT system address; what alternative IT systems and technology solutions are available for each type of IT system; and guidelines on what alternative solutions to select given the situation or condition at hand in a public organization. The chapter also includes a description of the relationships between the various types of IT systems and clarifies their roles by means of a business and IT architecture. The business and IT architecture, the different alternatives and guidelines are based on experiences from a number of research projects within the public sector. Real-life examples from the projects illustrate the alternatives proposed.
Cyber Resilience – Fundamentals for a Definition
2015. Fredrik Björck (et al.). New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies, 311-316
ConferenceThis short paper examines the concept of cyber resilience from an organizational perspective. Cyber resilience is defined as “the ability to continuously deliver the intended outcome despite adverse cyber events”, and this definition is systematically described and justified. The fundamental building blocks of cyber resilience are identified and analyzed through the contrasting of cyber resilience against cybersecurity with regards to five central characteristics.
Interaction at a Distance
ConferenceDifferent forms of interaction are an integral part of modern courses. Traditional courses held on-campus might focus on teacher-student interaction, or student-student interaction, or both. However when these traditional on-campus courses are to be held as distance courses there is a risk that these well-designed interactions will be difficult or impossible to uphold. For example, student-student interaction in traditional project assignments might not work well if the students are scattered across the world. Thus, even a well-designed traditional on-site course cannot without modification be turned into a distance course. Traditional on-site courses simply have to be redesigned to become true distance courses. This paper describes a structured approach which facilitates the redesign of a traditional course into a distance course. The approach is based on that the desired forms of course flexibility are identified, and thereafter that the course activities are redesigned to facilitate interaction in a distance course. The approach is making use of known patterns of pedagogic interaction and existing guidelines for distance education design. The approach is illustrated with an example course in the field of information systems design.
Value and Goal Driven Design of E-Services
2007. Martin Henkel (et al.).
Conference -
Towards Guidelines for the Evolution of E-service Environments
2007. Martin Henkel, Erik Perjons, Jelena Zdravkovic. International Journal of Public Information Systems 2007:3, p183-200
Show all publications by Martin Henkel at Stockholm University