Stockholm university

Sofia Elena BraccoPhD Student

About me


I am a member of the European Training Network G-VERSITY (, where I work on the inclusion of trans and gender diverse people in the workplace and their representations in news media.


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • How trans and gender non-conforming people are represented in online news media.

    2022. Sofia Elena Bracco, Marie Gustafsson Sendén, Sabine Sczesny.


    Trans and gender non conforming (TGNC) people represent one of the most marginalized groups in society and their unemployment rates are three times higher than cisgender people’s average. Cisgender people tend to derive stereotypes and mental representations of TGNC individuals from the media since they lack direct contact with them. Media coverage can therefore work as parasocial contact and improve or worsen people’s attitudes towards minorities. This study analyzes the way TGNC people are represented in online news media across 3 countries that vary in their ranking on LGTBT rights: the UK (11/49 European states for achieved LGBTI rights, Sweden (9/49), and Italy (35/49).

    Read more about How trans and gender non-conforming people are represented in online news media.

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