Marie-Louise Stjerna
About me
Selected publications
Stjerna, M. L and Brady, G. (2023) Inter-embodied parental vigilance; the case of child food allergy, Frontiers in Sociology, special issue on Health and Illness Interactions, Vol. 8, 27 July 2023, Letherby, G and Collett, T (Eds), DOI: 10.3389/fsoc.2023.1213769
Stjerna, M-L (2018). Barnet och hotet från framtiden. Exemplet födoämnesallergi. I: Jeppsson Grassman, Eva & Olin Lauritzen, Sonja (red.) Mellan hälsa och ohälsa. Ett livsloppsperspektiv. Lund: Studentlitteratur
Stjerna, M-L., Worth, A., Harden, J., Olin Lauritzen S. (2017) Risk as a relational phenomenon: a cross-cultural analysis of parents’ understandings of child food allergy and risk management. Risk, Health and Society, 19, (7-8), 351-368
Knutes Nyqvist, H & Stjerna, M-L. (2017) Artistry and disability – Doing art for real? Affordances at a day activity centre with an artistic profile, Disability & Society, 32(7):966-85
Rowa-Dewar, N. & Stjerna, M-L. (2016). Health Risks in the Home: Children and Young People's Accounts. In: Punch, S.; Vanderbeck, R., Skelton, T. (eds.), Families, Intergenerationality, and Peer Group Relations: (pp. 1-18). Singapore: Springer
Stjerna, M-L. (2015) Food, risk and place: agency and negotiations of young people with food allergy. Sociology of Health and Illness, 37(2), 284-297.
Stjerna, M-L., Vetander, M., Wickman, M. & Lauritzen, S. O. (2014). The management of situated risk: A parental perspective on child food allergy. Health, 18(2), 130-145.
Stjerna, M-L. (2007) Föreställningar om mat och ätande. Risk, kropp, identitet och den ”ifrågasatta” maten i vår tid. Doktorsavhandling. Stockholm: Pedagogiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet.
Stjerna, M-L., Olin Lauritzen, S., Tillgren, P. (2004) ‘Social thinking’ and cultural images: teenagers’ notions of tobacco use. Social Science and Medicine, 59, 573-83.
Stjerna, M-L., Marttila, A. (1999) Hur får ett innehållsrikt material vid fokusgruppsintervjuer – Erfarenheter från en studie med ungdomar. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 76:332-9.