Stockholm university

Vera Yllner

About me

I'm a doctoral student in the Department of Social Work. My undergraduate degree is in Law.

I'm involved in the Stockholm Centre for the Rights of the Child, a research center at SULaw focusing on child law and children's rights.


I mainly teach public law and family law, with a focus on child law and compulsory care, at the Study Programme in Law and the Study Programme in Social Work at Stockholm University. 

Previously, I have also taught law at Stockholm University's teacher and preschool teacher programs a well as children's rights at the National School Leadership Training Programme.

Research projects


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Rättsliga ramar för socialtjänstens arbete med umgänge för barn i samhällsvård: praktiska svårigheter och eviga frågor i den svenska sociala barnavården

    2024. Vera Yllner. Nordisk socialrättslig tidskrift (39), 29-60


    The article investigates the legal framework of social services’ work with parental contact as well as contact with other significant persons for children, within the child protection system. The intention is to discuss how issues in the legal regulation may affect the social services’ practical application of the law. This discussion includes fundamental and eternal questions in child protection such as children’s participation, voluntariness and coercion, as well as perspectives on family and children’s close relationships. It is concluded that the social services’ have a responsibility for children’s relationships in a broad sense, including relations to family members as well as other close relationships. This responsibility also encompasses careful and difficult balancing between individuals’ right to private and family life and the child’s right to protection. The social services practical possibilities to assume this responsibility vary between different situations. In some cases, higher expectations are placed on the social services than what is reasonable based on the legal tools the authority has at its disposal. In other cases, the social services have extensive powers to decide coercively over individuals without sufficient legal safeguards.

    Read more about Rättsliga ramar för socialtjänstens arbete med umgänge för barn i samhällsvård
  • Det skolsociala arbetets juridiska ramar

    2024. Vera Yllner, Ellionor Triay Strömvall. Skolsocialt arbete, 37-56


    Skolans huvuduppdrag är elevernas lärande och utbildning men den ska också främja elevernas personliga utveckling samt deras kompetens som samhällsmedborgare. Skolkuratorn har en viktig roll såväl i elevernas kunskapsutveckling som i deras personliga utveckling. För att kunna bidra i båda delarna av uppdraget är det viktigt att känna till de mest centrala delarna i skollagen och vissa andra författningar. Syftet med detta kapitel är därför att ge en övergripande bild av hur skolan och elevhälsan är reglerad, samt att göra nedslag i några rättsliga frågor som är särskilt relevanta för skolkuratorns arbete.

    Read more about Det skolsociala arbetets juridiska ramar

Show all publications by Vera Yllner at Stockholm University