Stockholm university

Research group The Fischer Lab

Fischer's research lab studies various aspects of emotional, social, perceptual, and cognitive processing. The lab also examines how intraindividual variations over stimuli and time, and interindividual differences in age, gender, genetics, personality, and lack of sleep affect these processes.

Head with visible brain Illustration. Picture from iStock.

In Fischer's research lab, we study various aspects of emotional, social, perceptual, and cognitive processing, as well as how age, sex, genetics, personality, and lack of sleep affect these processes. Our studies often combine experimental psychological behavioral methodologies with brain imaging techniques such as MRI (fMRI, sMRI, rsfMRI) and PET.

Group description

Many of the studies are conducted in collaboration with both national and international researchers and research groups.

The Fischer Lab has been funded by the following research funding bodies over the years:

Swedish Research Council (VR)

The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (RJ)

Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation (MAW)

Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation (MMW)

Group members

Group managers

Håkan Fischer

Professor in Human biological psychology

Department of Psychology
Håkan Fischer Foto: Psykologiska institutionen/HD


Andreas Gerhardsson

Guest Researcher

Department of Psychology
Andreas Gerhardsson Foto: Psykologiska institutionen/HD

Alexandra Israelsson

PhD Student

Department of Psychology

Marie Low

Research Assistant

Department of Psychology
Marie Low Foto: Henrik Dunér

Amirhossein Manzouri

Research Engineer

Department of Psychology
Amirhossein Manzouri Foto: Psykologiska institutionen/HD

Josephine Schneider

PhD Student

Department of Psychology

Lucia ter Harkel

Research Assistant

Department of Psychology

Christina Tornberg

PhD Student

Department of Psychology
Christina Tornberg

Shanshan Xiao

PhD Student

Department of Psychology
Shanshan Xiao

Research projects
