Stockholm university

Research project Environmental research in the Human Sciences area

The aim of this new initiative is to develop a strong collaborative network on environmental issues between the three faculties which make up the Human Sciences Area at Stockholm University: Humanities, Law and Social Sciences.

The university realises that the human factors driving on-going global environmental change cannot be fully understood without a Human Sciences perspective. Underlying the alarming changes which receive so much publicity are socio-cultural practices, the economic systems in which we produce and consume resources, and the politico-legal structures which permit and prevent action around the world. The human sciences have a unique contribution to make towards understanding the diversity and history of these contributory factors, as well as towards analysing how necessary change can come about.

Project description

To advance the Human Sciences’ ability to fulfil this role, we have developed a forum to bring voices, ideas and research together in a dialogue that crosses the disciplinary boundaries in and around our area.

This is achieved through the following activities:

  • Identify and develop joint research questions and projects
  • Strengthen collaboration, internationalization and collaboration with various stakeholders
  • To create structures and conditions that ensure the longterm viability of this effort
  • Strengthening of research network
  • Research school in the Environmental Humanities
  • Initiate workshops and seminar series based on the collaboration efforts of post doctors within the project
  • To spread knowledge of and interest in environmental projects within the field of Human sciences

In the long term, this action will facilitate more meaningful conversation between the Human and Natural Sciences, and furthermore it will strengthen Stockholm University’s connections at an international stage and with stakeholders outside the university environment.

Project members


Karin Bäckstrand


Department of Political Science
Porträttfoto på Karin Bäckstrand.

Kerstin Lidén


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Kerstin Lidén

Jonas Ebbesson

Professor i miljörätt

Department of Law
Jonas Ebbesson2

Anna Roosvall


Department of Media Studies
Anna Roosvall foto: Svante Emanuelli

Aysem Mert

Senior lecturer, Associate professor

Department of Political Science
Aysem at COP27 Glasgow

Ewa Machotka


Department of Asian and Middle Eastern studies

Lotten Gustafsson Reinius


Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies
Lotten Gustafsson Reinius. Foto: Peter Segemark, Nordiska museet.

Maria-Therese Gustafsson

Senior lecturer, Associate professor

Department of Political Science
Porträttbild av Maria-Therese Gustafsson.

Christina Fredengren


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Christina Fredengren Associate Professor

Claudia Egerer

Associate Professor (Docent)

Department of English

Karin Elisabet Dirke


Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Karin Dirke

Lisa Dellmuth


Department of Economic History and International Relations
Lisa Dellmuth

Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist

Professor of History, especially Historical Geography

Department of History
Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist 2024

Eugene Costello


Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Dr Eugene Costello


More about this project

Available jobs as a postdoctoral fellow
The University of Stockholm announces two vacancies for the position as a postdoctoral fellow. This call is part of Stockholm University’s strategic inter-disciplinary initiative in environmental research in human science, which comprises environmental humanities, law and social science. Closing date:  2022-11-30.

Read more and apply for the position here:

Available jobs - Stockholms University

Euguene Costello nominerad till Pro Futura Scientia XVII

Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds styrelse har fattat beslut om att nominera Eugene Costello, Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens kultur, till Pro Futura Scientia XVII.

Eugenes forskningsprojekt heter ‘Sunny Uplands’? The Origins and Impacts of Commercial Livestock Husbandry in Europe’s Mountains.

Läs mer:
Nyheter Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens kultur
Forskare utsedda till Pro Futura Scientia XVII
Eugene Costello tilldelas Pro Futura

World Academic Forum Stockholm Summit Seminar, May 19th 2022
Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University have formed the University Alliance Stockholm Trio. In this seminar Stockholm Trio will present how the three universities join forces and together mobilise for human and planetary health. With three examples as a starting-point, invited key stakeholders will participate in a panel discussion on how we can create strong partnerships for powerful actions for human and planetary health.

Read more:

Registration is mandatory, no later than 15th of May.

Nytt forskningscentrumet för Earth System Governance (ESG)
Stockholms Universitet är via Statsvetenskapliga institutionen det nya forskningscentrumet för Earth System Governance (ESG).

ESG är världens största  tvärvetenskapliga forskningsnätverk för samhällsvetenskap, ekonomi, humaniora men även naturvetenskap. Nedan finns en video från webinariet om det kommande globala miljötoppmötet Stockholm+50 i juni 2022:

Nytt forskningscentrumet för Earth System Governance (ESG)
Stockholms Universitet är via Statsvetenskapliga institutionen det nya forskningscentrumet för Earth System Governance (ESG).

ESG är världens största  tvärvetenskapliga forskningsnätverk för samhällsvetenskap, ekonomi, humaniora men även naturvetenskap. Nedan finns en video från webinariet om det kommande globala miljötoppmötet Stockholm+50 i juni 2022:

Nytt forskningscentrumet för Earth System Governance (ESG)

Earth System Governance
The Department of Political Science at Stockholm University will act as the new Research Centre on Earth System Governance (ESG) in Stockholm. ESG is the largest interdisciplinary network in the area of environmental research.

Earth System Governance

Environmental Research in the Human Sciences
The aim of this initiative is to develop a strong collaborative network on environmental issues between the three faculties which make up the Human Sciences Area at Stockholm University: Humanities, Law and Social Sciences.

Environmental Research in the Human Sciences


Hållbarhetsforum 2021
Följ årets digitala Hållbarhetsforum, på temat "Från kris till hållbar samhällsutveckling", torsdagen den 22 april kl 8.45-16-00. Flera forskare från Humanvetenskaplig miljöforsknings nätverk medverkar.

Hållbarhetsforum 2021


New article on environmental justice

New article on environmental justice

Why a 17% emissions drop does not mean we are addressing climate change
A commentary by Larissa Basso.

The article on The Conversation

Using narratives for strategic adaptation: lessons learned from COP21
In the midst of the current wave of climate protests under banners of Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion, it is worthwhile to look back at past mobilizations of the climate movement, and to see what lessons can be learnt from them. Drawing on our recent study of the climate movement’s mobilization around COP21, published open access in the journal Theory and Society, we argue that today’s organizers would benefit from reflecting upon the use of shared stories about prior mobilizations when strategizing.

An article by Joost de Moor and Mattias Wahlström.

To the article

Climate action shouldn’t mean choosing between personal and political responsibility
We often treat the decisions to find alternative ways of living more sustainably and to pursue political resistance against big polluters and inactive governments as separate. But our recent research found that the relationship between alternatives and resistance is really far more complex. One can often lead to the other. But we also found that this doesn’t always happen and that bringing the two together can be difficult.

An article on climate action by Joost de Moor, Brian Doherty and Philip Catney.

To the article

Kan klimatflyktingen betraktas som flykting enligt FN:s flyktingkonvention?
Genom att använda sig av begreppet klimaträttvisa undersöker statsvetaren och juristen Francesca Rosignoli möjligheterna att inkludera klimatflyktingen i FN:s flyktingkonvention.

Till videon

Wasteocene. Guerrilla Narrative and the embodied stratigraphies of toxic capitalism
Humans may live in the Anthropocene, but this does not affect all of them in the same way. How would the Anthropocene look if, instead of searching its traces in the geosphere, researchers would look for them in the organosphere, that is, in the ecologies of humans in their entanglements with the environment?

Wasteocene. Guerrilla Narrative and the embodied stratigraphies of toxic capitalism