Research project Five-year follow-up – clients treated for alcohol/drug/psychosocial problems
Five-year follow-up of adult clients treated for alcohol and/or drug problems and young adults treated for psychosocial problems. The purpose of the follow-up is to examine whether and if so, how the descriptions of processes of change changes over time.
The project refers to a follow-up study of clients (n=76) who participated in three recent projects. In these projects’ interviews were conducted with clients treated for alcohol and drug problems. The focus of the interviews was what the clients highlight as important for initiating and maintaining a positive process of change. The interviews were conducted when the clients were at the end of or after the end of aftercare. Differences that emerged when data were grouped according to gender and social position has been discussed in relation to practical treatment work. For example, there were differences in how marginalized or socially integrated client groups use social networks during their change process. Furthermore, gender stereotypical roles were described as both obstructive and supportive for positive change. During the retention phase, a more "gender-crossing" approach was emphasized as important for positive change.
Project description
The purpose of the follow-up is to examine whether and if so, how the descriptions of processes of change changes over time. Descriptions of the change that occurred after the last interview contributes with knowledge and understanding of how positive change from alcohol and drug problems can be strengthened over time. The main research questions are:
- Do the interviewees’ view of the change process change over time and if so, in what sense?
- What are the differences and similarities between groups (for example men/women, young adults/adults) in terms of factors described as important over time?
- How do the interviewees identify themselves over time in relation to previous alcohol and drug problems?
Project members
Project managers
Ninive von Greiff
Senior lecturer, associate professor
Lisa Skogens
Senior lecturer