Stockholm university

Research project Reproduction of inequality through linked lives (RELINK)

The aim of this research programme is to study how social, economic, and health-related inequalities in the parental generation re-emerge in subsequent generations as well as the extent to which siblings and friends may explain or break this reproduction.

From the day a child is born, she is imbedded in a network of social relationships that shape how she thinks, acts, and feels. Some children get off to a good start by being born to parents with higher positions in society who can help them navigate through life, achieving higher positions for themselves. Others are born to less fortunate parents, whose lack of resources may set them on a less privileged journey. Yet, parents are not the only source of influence during childhood. There are socialization agents also within the child’s generation, such as siblings and friends.

Family tree
Illustration: Lumination/Mostphotos

Project description

Although siblings share genes and their home environment, they often adopt different roles within the family during upbringing which makes them dissimilar, while friends, who also spend a lot of time together, have different parents but are generally selected based on similarity. The simultaneous study of parallel developmental paths among siblings and friends and their role for the reproduction of inequality has, to our knowledge, never been embarked upon before.

The aim of this research programme is to examine how social, economic, and health inequalities in the parental generation re-emerges in the next-coming generations of children and grandchildren, and the extent to which siblings and friends may explain or counteract these processes. Drawing upon recent advances in the solicitation of statistical models for life-course data, this programme outlines a unique empirical framework based on a Swedish longitudinal cohort study of 14,562 individuals born in 1953 as well as their parents, siblings, friends, and children.

Project members

Project managers

Ylva Brännström Almquist


Department of Public Health Sciences
Ylva B Almquist

Bitte Modin


Department of Public Health Sciences
Bitte Modin


Susanne Alm


Department of Criminology
Susanne Alm

Olof Bäckman


Department of Criminology
Olof B

Alessandra Grotta


Department of Public Health Sciences
Alessandra Grotta

Klara Gurzo


Department of Public Health Sciences
Klara Gurzo

Robin Högnäs

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology

Josephine Jackisch

Guest Researcher

Department of Public Health Sciences
Josephine Jackisch

Jannike Kjellström

Research assistant

Department of Public Health Sciences

Can Liu


Department of Public Health Sciences
Can Liu

Charlotta Magnusson

Senior Lecturer

Swedish Institute for Social Research!/image/image.jpeg_gen/deriva

Alexander Miething


Department of Public Health Sciences
Alexander Miething

Kristiina Rajaleid


Department of Public Health Sciences
Kristiina Rajaleid. Foto: Henrik Dunér

Tanishta Rajesh

PhD Student

Department of Public Health Sciences

Fredrik Sivertsson

Bitr lektor

Department of Criminology

Sten-Åke Stenberg

Professor emeritus

Swedish Institute for Social Research
Sten-Åke S

Anna Thalén

Research Assistant

Department of Public Health Sciences

Denny Vågerö


Department of Public Health Sciences
Denny Vågerö

Viveca Östberg


Department of Public Health Sciences
Viveca Östberg
