Stockholm university

Research project Responding to and Reducing Gambling Problems Studies (REGAPS)

This programme offers an overall coverage of topics of immediate interest in Swedish gambling research today, based on five different work packages.

During the last decades, gambling excessively for money has been increasingly recognized as a problem (often referred to as "problem gambling", “gambling disorder” or "pathological gambling") in most parts of the world, especially in countries where the opportunities to gamble have expanded on the internet. At the same time, the ability to control domestic gambling through legislation, tax rules and other measures has decreased. With growing availability, there has also been an increasing need to understand the ensuing individual and social impacts of gambling.

Project description

This programme offers an overall coverage of topics of immediate interest in Swedish gambling research today, based on five different work packages.

REGAPS Work packages

WP 1. Experiences, formation of and obstacles for help-seeking in the case of gambling problems

REGAPS Work package 1

WP 2. Measurement: screening, problem characterization and treatment follow-up

REGAPS Work package 2

WP 3. Problem gambling and psychiatric comorbidity – a matter of gender and socio-demographic status

REGAPS Work package 3

WP 4. Swedish gambling policy development and impact

REGAPS Work package 4

WP 5. International comparisons and cooperation

REGAPS Work package 5

Project members

Project managers

Jenny Cisneros Örnberg

Head of Department/Lecturer

Department of Public Health Sciences
Jenny Cisneros Örnberg


Susanna Alexius


Department of Social Anthropology
susanna alexius

Anne H Berman

Associate professor

Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet

Per Binde


Department of Public Health Sciences

Katya Gonzalez Diaz


Department of Public Health Sciences
Katya Gonzalez Diaz

David Anders Forsström


Department of Psychology
David Forsström

Ludwig Kraus


Department of Public Health Sciences
Ludwig Kraus

Olof Molander


Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet

Robin G W Room


Department of Public Health Sciences
Robin G W Room

Eva Samuelsson

Senior lecturer, associate professor

Department of Social Work
Eva Samuelsson

Johan Svensson

Guest Researcher

Department of Public Health Sciences
Johan Svensson

Kristina Sundqvist


Department of Psychology
Bild från Jessica

Jukka Törrönen


Department of Public Health Sciences
Jukka Törrönen

Rachel A Volberg

Research professor

School of Public Health & Health Sciences, University f Massachusetts Amherst

Håkan Wall


Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet

Peter Wennberg


Department of Public Health Sciences
Peter Wennberg
