Stockholm university

Research subject Cosmology, Particle Astrophysics and Strings

The University conducts a wide range of research in theoretical and experimental astroparticle physics and cosmology. Supernovae and gravitational lenses are used for distance measurements aimed at a better understanding of dark matter and dark energy.

Our research is focused on dark matter (both theory and experiment), dark energy (both theory and experiment), cosmology, string theory and general relativity.

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Research projects

Courses and programmes

At the Department of Physics at Stockholm University, we offer high-quality education with a strong connection to frontier research. We promise exciting studies in tight student groups and with active researchers as your teachers.

Courses and programmes

Doctoral studies

At Fysikum there are four postgraduate subjects: physics, theoretical physics, chemical physics and medical radiation physics.

Read more about our postgraduate educations



Departments and centres

Research in the subject is mainly carried out at Fysikum in the divison of Cosmology, Astroparticle Physics and String Theory.

Department of Physics