Development Economics
Course within the Masterprogramme in Economics.
The course will focus on two main areas: economic growth and microeconomic analysis of seven active research fields within development economics – (i) institutions/corruption; (ii) neoclassical household model: technology adoption; (iii) agricultural markets; (iv) credit; (v) health; (vi) education, (vii) insurance.
Course structure
This is a 7.5 credit course.
Course material will be available through the learning platform Athena during the course.
Teaching format
Instruction is in the form of lectures. English is the language of instruction.
The course is examined in the following way: written exam.
Examiner and Course director: Jakob Svensson.
The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course. -
Course literature
Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.
Full list including supplementary material will be posted on Athena.
Acemoglu, D., 2008, Introduction to Modern Economic Growth Parts 1 – 4, chapter 1.
Ferreira, F., et al, 2015, A Global Count of the Extreme Poor in 2012: Data Issues, Methodology and Initial Results, Policy Research Working Paper 7432, The World Bank.
Deaton, A., 2010, Measuring Development: Different Data, Different Conclusions?, in Measure for measure: how well do we measure development, Proceedings of the 8th AFD-EUDN Conference, Paris, December 2010.
Jones, C. and D. Vollrath, 2013, Introduction to Economic Growth (Third Edition), W. W. Norton & Company, Ch. 1.+ 2- 4, 7.
Acemoglu, D., 2008, Introduction to Modern Economic Growth Parts 1 – 4, chapter 4.
Olken, B. and R. Pande, 2012, “Corruption in Developing Countries”, The Annual Review of Economics, 4: 479–509.
Bardhan, P. and C. Udry, 1993, “Household Economics”, in Development Microeconomics, chapter 2, Oxford University. (available online at SUB)
Udry, C., 2010, “The economics of agriculture in Africa: Notes toward a research program,” African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 5(1), pages 1-16.
de Janvry, A., E. Sadoulet, and T. Suri, 2017, “Field Experiments in Developing Country Agriculture.” Handbook of Economic Field Experiments vol. 2, Duflo, Esther and Abhijit Banerjee (eds.), North Holland.
Banerjee, A., P. Gertler, and M. Ghatak, 2002, “Empowerment and efficiency: Tenancy Reform in West Bengal”, Journal of Political Economy 110(2): 239-280.
Banerjee, A., E. Duflo, R.Glennerster, and C. Kinnan, 2013, The Miracle of Microfinance? Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7(1): 22-53.
Ghosh, P., D. Mookherjee, D. Ray, 2000, Credit Rationing in Developing Countries: An Overview of the Theory, in D. Mookherjee and D. Ray (eds), A Reader in DevelopmentEconomics (London: Blackwell, 2000), (working paper version).
de Mel, S., D. Mckenzie, and C. Woodruff, 2008, Returns to Capital in Microenterprises: Evidence from a Field Experiment, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123(4): 1329-1372.
Acemoglu, D. and S. Johnson, 2007, “Disease and Development: The Effect of Life Expectancy on Economic Growth”, Journal of Political Economy, 115(6), 925-985.
Banerjee, A., E. Duflo, R. Glennerster, and D. Kothari, 2010, “Improving immunisation coverage in rural India: clustered randomised controlled evaluation of immunisation campaigns with and without incentives”, BMJ 340 doi.
Dupas, Pascaline and Edward Miguel. 2017. “Impacts and Determinants of Health Levels in Low-Income Countries.” In Handbook of Field Experiments, Volume 2, Duflo, Esther and Abhijit Banerjee (eds.), North Holland.
Miguel, E. and M. Kremer, 2004, Worms: Identifying impacts on education and health in the presence of treatment externalities, Econometrica, 72(1): 159-217.
Bold, T., D. Filmer, G. Martin, E. Molina, B. Stacy, J. Svensson, and W. Wane, 2017, “Enrollment Without Learning: Teacher Effort, Knowledge, and Skill in Primary Schools in Africa”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31(4), Fall.
Glewwe, P., and K. Muralidharan, 2015, “Improving School Education Outcomes in Developing Countries: Evidence, Knowledge Gaps, and Policy Implications”, RISE-WP-15/001.
Muralidharan, K. and V. Sundararaman, 2011, “Teacher Performance Pay: Experimental Evidence from India.”, Journal of Political Economy, 119 (1): 39-77.
Dercon, S., 2002, “Income Risk, Coping Strategies and Safety Nets”, World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 17 (2): 141-66.
Course administrator and International coordinator- Visiting address
Södra huset A, A604
Academic advisor and teacher- Visiting address
Södra huset A, room A614
- Questions about:
Eligibility, admission and credit transfers.
- Phone hours
Mon-Thu 12.00-12.30
Director of studies bachelor's and master's level- Visiting address
Södra huset A, room A791