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Master Thesis in Economics

The aim of this course is to provide training in how to critically and systemically analyse economic issues; to demonstrate the ability to critically, independently and creatively identify and formulate issues; to plan, complete and evaluate advanced assignments within specified time frames using appropriate methods, and thereby contribute to the development of knowledge. This is done by conducting an individual study to be presented in writing.

  • Course structure

    The course essay should be written individually. The essay supervision may take place individually or in seminar form (so-called "workshops"). The structure of the supervision in seminar form is mostly determined by the supervisors themselves, but may, as an example, be organised in the following way: supervisors with competence in the same field, e.g. International Trade, Microeconomics or Applied Econometrics, may supervise together a group of students who plan to write about one of these fields. A number of seminar meetings are scheduled throughout the essay semester (4th semester) which all students and supervisors should attend. At the first meeting, the students are expected to present proposals for essay topics. The supervisors help each other steer the students towards relevant and conductible essay projects. The students are expected to actively participate in the seminars by offering opinions on each other’s essays. Each student, however, has one of the supervisors as their formal supervisor. How much supervision takes place outside of the seminars is up to the formal supervisor.

    Course material will be available through the learning platform Athena.

    Teaching format

    Instruction is given in the form of essay supervision. The student is entitled to ten hours of supervisionthroughout the course. The Supervisor is appointed by the Director of Studies. The Director of Studies mayallow a change of supervisor if special circumstances and practical conditions exist.


    The course is examined on the basis of a written essay and the defence of this essay at a public seminar,opposition on another essay at a public seminar, and through attendance to three additional essay seminars.

    In the case of individual supervision, the student is examined by an independent examiner at an examinationmeeting where the examiner and the supervisor have met beforehand to discuss the essay. At the examinationmeeting, the student is given about 20 minutes to present his or her essay. Next, the student reviewer will askquestions and offer opinions on the essay for about 20 minutes. The grade is then based on the examiner’sassessment of the essay, the discussion with the supervisor prior to the meeting, and on the outcome of thestudent’s presentation and defence of the essay during the meeting.

    The process of examination in the case when supervision is done in the form of workshops is in principle thesame in the case of individual supervision. The examiner is the other supervisor who attended the sameworkshop as the student. The grade is based on the same criteria as in the case of individual supervision, aswell as on the student’s performance during the workshops.




    Course director:

    Adam Jacobsson

  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.
  • Contact

    Course administrator and International coordinator
    Academic advisor and teacher
    Director of studies bachelor's and master's level