Stockholm university
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Operations Management

Managing operations is a central task in future careers of business students in public and private sectors, in services and manufacturing, in Sweden and around the world.

It is especially central in organisations where operations is seen as a core value creating function or source of competitive advantage. Qualified operations
managers have a distinct and important role not only in maintaining daily operations, but also as drivers of strategic change and development efforts. The course thus departs from the need for advanced knowledge on the strategic management of operations.
The course will focus on both content and process of formulating operations strategies. Content refers to issues such as capacity, supply network, process technology and development and organisation. Process refers to how a strategy is implemented, for example by linking market requirements to operating capabilities.

The course gives the students comprehensive understanding and knowledge on the strategic management of operations in different types of sectors such as health care, government authorities, retailing, banking and manufacturing. Student will be able to analyse operations systems as well as participate in, improve and lead change efforts.


  • Course structure

    Teaching format

    The course consists of a combination of lectures, seminars and group work and requires a significant portion of self-study on the part of students. Assessment for the course will be continuous and is carried throughout the different activities of the course.

    The course workload is 200 hours equivalent to 7,5 ECTS (40 hours per week equivalent to 1,5 ECTS).

    The language of instruction is English. Please note that all teaching and learning activities - such as lectures, seminars, assignments and assessment tasks – are carried out in English when the language of instruction is English.


    Assessment for the course will be continuous and is carried throughout the different course activities. Each assessment task is weighted in relation to its importance in the overall assessment of the course. The student’s results from the different assessment tasks are added up to a total course score that will then translate into the final grade for the course.



  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.
  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.

    See reading list in the current syllabus.

  • Course reports

  • Contact

    Course director: Mandar Dabhilkar

    Course coordinator: