Stockholm university
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Fluid Mechanics and Soft Matter

This course introduces the theoretical tools necessary to understand the physics of "squishy objects" and fluids. "...a world unfolds, where fluid and soft matter stories are told."  

humble soapfilm and red blood cell
(left) Part of a photograph of humble soapfilm: Alexander Boden/flickr (right) Part of an artist's image of red blood cell flowing through a microfluidic device (inside front cover soft matter volume 10,2014)

This course introduces the theoretical tools necessary to understand the physics of "squishy objects" and fluids, for example, sponges, blood, or even simply flow of of water. Some of the topics covered are, elasticity of homogeneous solids, membranes, surface tension, Navier--Stokes equation and its elementary applications.   

(poem generated with help from ChatGPT)
From microns to meters, a world unfolds,
Where fluid and soft matter stories are told,
In capillaries small, blood rushes in grace,
Through veins and vessels, life's pathways they trace.
Soft solids in muscles that contract and flex,
A ballet of motion, a complex vortex.
So, remember the squishy, the flow, and the bend,
From micro to macro, these elements blend,
In our world, they're the essence of life's grandeur,
Fluid and soft matter, an eternal allure.