Political science with focus on international security and organization
Political Science with focus on International Security and Organization provides a broad introduction to the subject. The course stimulates individual analysis and a problematizing approach to political phenomena.
The course provides knowledge of central political problems and concepts, as well as ideas, institutions, and processes in the course modules Political Theory, International Organizations, Comparative Politics and International Security. This knowledge is framed scientifically and discussed from different theoretical perspectives. The course provides an overview of current scientific issues within the fields of the course modules and introduces tools for students to use for independent interpretation, inquiry, and evaluation of scientific results.
Course structure
The course comprises four course modules.
Course module Political Theory, 7.5 credits
The course offers an introduction to the study of political theory. The course is thematic, focusing on centralconcepts and problems from a contemporary as well as historical perspective. Influential and contrastingtheories about democracy, freedom, justice, power, gender, multiculturalism and globalization are explainedand discussed. The course emphasizes independent analysis and evaluation of theoretical texts and political-theoretical arguments.
Course module International Organizations, 7,5 credits
This course gives an introduction of the study of international organizations. The focus is on theorganizational form (formal, informal, hybrid), on the types of actors (states, supranational bureaucracies,non-governmental actors) and on current challenges faced by international organizations (effectiveness,legitimacy and democracy).
Course module Comparative Politics, 7.5 credits
The course module aims at providing an introduction to the field of comparative politics. Key theoreticalperspectives and basic concepts within the field are taken up. Different political systems - in relation to formalpolitical institutions and informal aspects of the political order - are presented, discussed and compared.Issues of identity as well as the position of nation-states in a global context are also dealt with. The coursemodule includes an introduction to comparative method and to sources of knowledge about politicalsystems.
Course module International Security, 7,5 credits
This course aims to provide students with different conceptual and theoretical tools in order to study and analyze contemporary security problems and security strategies in international politics. The topicsinclude approaches to security, concepts and notions of security, institutions of security and modern securityissues globally and regionally. The course also focuses on moral and practical arguments on the nature ofmodern armed conflicts and violence. In addition the course will focus on the impact of ideology on foreignand security policy and how the production of threats, fears and dangers plays a vital role in the developmentof new security strategies.
Teaching format
The course is based on lectures and seminars.
The types of examination vary depending on the course module.
The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course. -
Course literature
Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course. -
Course reports
International Organizations-VT21