Erasmus+ Staff Mobilty for Teaching provides opportunities for teaching staff at Stockholm University to teach at a partner university in Europe with Erasmus+ funding. 

Applications are accepted on a rolling bases but need to be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to the mobility start date. Application period: 1 August - 15 June (no applications will be handled during summer). 

Terms and conditions

  • You are employed at Stockholm University and your department.
  • There must be a valid Erasmus+ agreement (including teacher mobility) in place between sending and receiving institution. 
  • The Head of Department has to approve the mobility and has to confirm the proposed mobility agreement as any costs not covered by the grant shall be paid by the department.
  • Duration of the teaching period: 2-60 days (*5-60 days for mobilities to the University of Glasgow and the University of Lausanne within Civis). 
  • A teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (or any shorter period of stay). If the mobility lasts longer than one week, the minimum number of teaching hours for an incomplete week should be proportional to the duration of that week (1.6 h/day). 
  • Although teachers are encouraged to engage in other activities whilst they are visiting, time for e.g. higher seminars, research and skills development may not be included in the teaching hours.
  • For a teaching activity, combined with a staff training, a minimum of 4 teaching hours/week is required.
  • You can engage in activities such as lectures, seminars and/or workshops (leading), mentoring activities with students and examinations.
  • Teaching assignments can include teaching on bachelor, advanced and doctoral level where the teacher is physically present at the host institution.
  • The "Mobility Agreement" has to be approved by both the sending and the receiving institution before the mobility period.
  • The mobillity activity cannot be financed by other EU-funds (double financing). 
  • Extra funding is availbale for participants with special needs.

Eligible countries

  • EU member states (including outermost regions and OCT's)
  • Third countries associated to the programme: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia, Türkiye, North Macedonia. 

Note: UK and Switzerland are not participating in Erasmus+. However, Erasmus+ funding for staff mobility to our Civis-partneruniversities University of Glasgow (UK) and University of Lausanne (CH) can be applied for, provided there is funding available and the conditions are met.  

Until further notice, it is not possible to sign agreements with organisations on the List-of-Public-Trust-Funds-Performing-a-Public-Funktion.pdf (


The home department receives an allowance for the participant's costs for travel and subsistence. The grant is based on a flat rate, decided by the Swedish National Agency (Universitets- och högskolerådet). The funding from the Erasmus+ programme is only intended as a contribution and may not cover all expenses for the mobility. It is therefore important that you agree with your Head of department on the costs of mobility and subsistence allowance. Any costs not covered by the grant shall be paid by the department.

After the mobility, the grant amount is paid directly to the department (not to the participant) once the final documentation is submitted. 

The Erasmus grant consists of two parts:

GRANT 1: For hotel and daily allowance:

Receving country

Grant per day (€),
day 1-14

Grant per day (€),
day 15-60

Group A: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway

(+mobility to University of Glasgow/UK and University of Lausanne/CH via Civis). 



Group B: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain



Group C: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,  North Macedonia, Poland,  Romania, Serbia Slovakia, Slovenia, Türkiye




GRANT 2: The travel allowance epends on the distance between starting destination and teaching destination, Use EU-commissions distance calculator, write your city of departure and the teaching destination. Use the chart down below to see what your travel grant will be.

Green Travel Grant
Participants who choose a low-emission travel to the host university and back home can apply for a Green Travel Grant. The majority of the journey must be made by low-emission means of transport. Low-emission means of transport include: Train, bus, carpooling (two people or more). 

Staff who choose for a green travel will receive up to four days of additional individual support to cover travel days for a return trip which takes longer than one day (2 days before and 2 days after the mobility). 

See Policy for meetings and travel at Stockholm University. 

Distance Band Travel Grant Green Travel Grant
Between 10-99 km 20 EUR per participant  
Between 100-499 km 180 EUR per participant 210 EUR per participant
Between 500-1999 km 275 EUR per participant 320 EUR per participant
Between 2000-2999 km 360 EUR per participant 410 EUR per participant
Between 3000-3999 km 530 EUR per participant 610 EUR per participant
Between 4000-7999 km 820 EUR per participant  
8000 km or more 1500 EUR per participant  


Additional information

The Erasmus grant is paid to the department after the mobility. Make sure you have funds granted before you book your travel/hotel.

Extra funding is available for participants with special needs. Contact Erasmusteamet for more information on how to apply.


Application instructions

Before the mobility

1. Check that there is a valid Erasmus+ agreement that includes teacher mobility between your home department and the receiving institution. 
2. Make sure the Head of Department approves your mobility as any cost not covered by the Erasmus+ grant shall be paid by the department. 

3. Fill out the document " Mobility Agreement - Staff Mobility for Teaching (82 Kb) " and get it signed by all parties. Digital signatures are accepted. 

4. Fill in the online-application form and upload your signed Mobility Agreement): Link to the online-application form 

5. After submitting the application, you will receive an email, which you need to send to to complete your application. 

If the application is approved the following steps apply: 

1. The document "Erasmus+ Grant Agreement for Teaching Mobility" has to be signed - before the start of the mobility. The document will be sent to you together with the approval.

2. Make sure you have a valid European Health Insurance Card from Försäkringskassan and bring it with you during your exchange.

3. Ask the the responsible person at your department to issue a travel insurance certificate (Kammarkollegiets tjänsteförsäkring) and bring it with you during your exchange.


During the mobility

Before you return home, make sure to have the document "Certificate of Attendance” signed. A template is sent to you together with the approval.

After the mobility

1. Fill out an online survey - Erasmus Participant Report. A link will be sent to your e-mail after the mobility.

2. Do your expense report as usual at your home department.

3. Upload your Certificate of Attendance in the Erasmus+ Portal.  

4. Ask the economy officer at your department to send an internal invoice to the Student Services (670), according to following instructions. The internal invoice needs to be sent no later than two months after the mobility. 


Erasmus funds are limited and are granted on a first come first serve basis. 


Questions shall be directed the Erasmus+ team at the International Office.