Forskningsprojekt Climate Change Governance. Global and Nordic
How may foundations, research institutes, think tanks and other civil society organizations contribute to climate change solutions?
In the Climate Change Governance – Nordic and Global projects (CCGOV/Nordic and Global) we study how civil society is part of global climate change mitigations. The organizations we study are, for instance, member organisations, think tanks, research institutes and foundations working transnationally or from a Nordic perspective.
In the study, we ask what they do to function as actors in climate work? How do they create meeting spaces, mediate and act as “diplomates” in climate change mitigations and negotiations. Do they have a role in the global governance of climate change mitigations? If yes, in what ways? How may they gain influence? What may be the issues?
Answers to questions such as these are consequential for the society. Partly due to the need for understanding what is going on in climate change mitigations, partly because such knowledge may contribute to strengthening climate change mitigations and negotiations.
The CCGOV – Nordic and Global – studies answer the questions posed through interviews with the management of the organizations and employees at their secretariats. The researchers in the projects also aim for participating as observers in the organizations' activities before and during the UN summits.
The study's project group has previously studied this part of civil society. The group also has solid knowledge of climate change policy processes and diplomacy.
Researchers in the project:
Adrienne Sörbom, P.I and Professor of Sociology, Stockholm University/Södertörn University
Christina Garsten, Professor of Social Anthropology, Uppsala University
Ulrik Jennische, PhD in Social Anthropology, Stockholm University
Mikael Karlsson, Associate Professor in Environmental Science, Uppsala University
Joanna Mellquist, PhD in Sociology, Stockholm University
For more information, please contact:
Garsten, Christina
Professor i socialantropologi
Mellquist, Joanna
Joanna Mellquist doktor i sociologi
Sörbom, Adrienne
Professor i sociologi