About the Gender Academy
The Gender Academy strengthens gender research at Stockholm University by supporting the cross-disciplinary exchange of knowledge and experience.
Seminars and Conferences

The Gender Academy organises open seminars and events featuring the role of gender perspectives in current research in Sweden and internationally in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. By organising conferences and cross-disciplinary meetings The Gender Academy enables an exchange of knowledge and new ideas between researchers at the university. The Gender Academy hosts a celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8 at Stockholm University, an event which is usually well-attended.
Panel discussions and open lectures are also organised within the framework of the Gender Academy research school.
The Gender Academy Mobile Seminar (GMS)
The Gender Academy Mobile Seminar provides a platform for discussions of topical issues within gender research and organises an open annual event to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8.
Gender, Gender Equality and Natural Sciences
The seminar series “Gender, Gender Equality and Natural Sciences” highlights gender aspects of research within the natural sciences and regularly invites Swedish as well as international experts in the field. Further, the seminar series contributes to the work for gender equality at the university by disseminating results from research about gender equality and equal opportunities in the academy.
Gender seminars at affiliated disciplines
Feministiskt Socialpolitiskt Seminarium (FemSem) at the Department of Social Work. Contact and enquiries: Klara Hussénius.
The Gender Seminar at the Department of Economic History and International Relations. Contact and enquiries Maria Wendt.
Genushistoriska seminariet at the Department of History. Contact and enquiries: Anders Ahlbäck and Helena Tolvhed.
Seminariet för feministisk teori och metod på BUV at the Department of Child and Youth Studies. Contact and enquiries: Linnea Bodén.
Seminariet för kritiska ungdomsstudier at the Department of Child and Youth Studies. Contact and enquiries: Linnéa Bruno.
Högre genusvetenskapliga seminariet at the Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies. Contact and enquiries: Malena Gustavson.
Queerseminariet at the Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies. Contact and enquiries: Fanny Ambjörnsson and Elin Bengtsson.
Seminariet i feministisk kontinentalfilosofi i Stockholm at the Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies. Contact and enquiries: Lisa Käll, Stockholm university, and Ulrika Björk, Södertörn University.
The Gender Academy’s conferences feature the multidisciplinary width and vitality of gender research at Stockholm university. The conferences showcase gender research as a cohesive field of knowledge.
Upcoming conferences
"Men and Masculinities in Transition", June 11-13, 2025
Earlier conferences
"Gender in research, teaching and outreach", October 2023
“Gender research today and tomorrow”, October 2021
The Gender Academy Research School

The Gender Academy research school regularly organises PhD-courses spanning a wide range of gender theory and research fields. The research school functions as a place for meetings and conversations between researchers and PhD-students working in the field of gender.
The research school is open to all PhD-students at Stockholm University interested in gender perspectives and issues. PhD-students from other universities are equally welcome.
PhD-courses are developed by researchers from the affiliated disciplines in the Gender Academy and from initiatives by a PhD-network connected to the research school. In connection with the courses open events such as roundtables and lectures are organised.
Current Courses
The Gender Academy PhD-network

The PhD-network is open to all PhD-students at Stockholm University working with gender issues or perspectives. The network organises PhD-student days, social gatherings and open events in connection with PhD-courses.
The Gender Academy Postdoc-Network

The Gender Academy postdoc-network organizes workshops and other activities specifically aimed at post-docs and phd-candidates that will soon gain their doctorate. To join the network and receive information about upcoming activities contact genusakademin@gender.su.se.
GenuslistanSU is an e-mail list for researchers and PhD-students at Stockholm university with a gender focus. The purpose of the list is to share information about events related to gender research. Such events include dissertation defenses, PhD-courses, book launches, seminars or research talks/lectures that take place at locations such as at libraries or bookshops, or are organised by other universities in the Stockholm region.
You join the list as an individual researcher/PhD-student. You need a SUKAT account and an interest in gender research to join the list. The Gender Academy administers the list but it is not moderated. This means that members are responsible for any information they send out. Information can be circulated in English or Swedish.
Affiliated disciplines and organisation
The Gender Academy is an association of disciplines that cooperate across departments and faculties. Almost 20 disciplines are affiliated to the Gender Academy.
Affiliated disciplines
The Gender Academy is open to all disciplines and departments at Stockholm University. Disciplines that wish to be affiliated can contact the chairperson Cecilia Åse, cecilia.ase@gender.su.se.
- Child and Youth Studies, contact: Lucas Gottzén (lucas.gottzen@buv.su.se)
- Department of Education, contact: Paula Mählck (paula.mahlck@edu.su.se)
- Economic History, contact: Stina Malmén (stina.malmen@ekohist.su.se)
- Ethnology, contact: Fataneh Farahani (fataneh.farahani@etnologi.su.se) and Maria Bäckman (maria.backman@etnologi.su.se)
- Stockholm Business School, SBS, contact: Jacob Östberg (jacob.ostberg@sbs.su.se)
- Gender Studies, contact: Lena Gemzöe (lena.gemzoe@gender.su.se) och Cecilia Åse (cecilia.ase@gender.su.se)
- History, contact: Helena Tolvhed (helena.tolvhed@historia.su.se)
- History of Ideas, contact: Annika Berg (annika.berg@idehist.su.se)
- Teaching and Learning in Humanities, contact: Auli Orlander (auli.arvola.orlander@su.se)
- International Relations, contact: Maria Wendt (maria.wendt@ekohist.su.se)
- Law, contact: Maria Nääv (maria.naav@juridicum.su.se)
- Art History, contact: Catharina Nolin (catharina.nolin@arthistory.su.se)
- Criminology, contact: Robin Gålnander (robin.galnander@criminology.su.se)
- Human Geography, contact: Natasha Webster (natasha.webster@humangeo.su.se)
- Literature, contact: Frida Beckman (frida.beckman@littvet.su.se)
- History of Religions, contact: Emmanouela Grypeou (emmanouela.grypeou@rel.su.se)
- Social Work, contact: Anneli Stranz (anneli.stranz@socarb.su.se)
- Political Science, contact: Lenita Freidenvall (lenita.freidenvall@statsvet.su.se)
- Theatre and Performance Studies, contact: Christina Svens (christina.svens@teater.su.se)
The Gender Academy is a network at Stockholm University for cooperation and collaboration in the area of gender research. Gender Studies, at the Department for Ethnology, History of Religion and Gender Studies (ERG) has the overall responsibility for the network, including budget and administration.
The Gender Academy is open to all disciplines/departments at Stockholm University’s four faculties. The requirement for affiliation is a willingness to actively engage in cooperation with other disciplines. When affiliated, the discipline appoints a researcher interested in gender research as its representative.
Meetings with all affiliated disciplines are held once per semester. At these meetings overarching strategic and organisational issues are discussed and decided upon. The activites of the Gender Academy are planned and carried out with the help of working groups, reference groups, networks and individual researchers in the various fields of activity.
The Gender Academy is an outcome of the emergence and consolidation of the transdisciplinary research field gender research. The Gender Academy’s organisation reflects an ambition to ensure and develop the transdisciplinary quality of gender research and recognizes the relevance of gender perspectives for a wide variety of academic fields.
Gender Academy is part of the CIVIS Gender Studies Network, a network for gender studies at CIVIS member universities. More information about CIVIS, an alliance of 11 European universities including Stockholm University, can be found at the CIVIS web site.
The network aims to facilitate cooperation between gender studies departments/gender researchers on issues of common interest.
Last updated: December 5, 2024
Source: The Gender Academy