Stockholms universitet

Anna BergströmUniversitetslektor

Om mig

Jag är universitetslektor vid Stockholms universitet sedan 2008. Tidigare arbetade jag på Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm och dessförinnan vid University of Delaware och Indiana University i USA.

Jag disputerade inom tillämpad lingvistik på en avhandling med titeln The Expression of Temporal Reference among English-speaking Learners of French som lades fram vid The Pennsylvania State University 1995. Jag är även utbildad lärare i franska och spanska och har undervisat på high school i Northbrook, Illinois i USA. Sedan mitten av 1980-talet har jag arbetat som lärare i franska och sedan tidigt 1990-tal arbetar jag med lärarutbildning i moderna språk och engelska som andraspråk.


Vid Stockholms universitet undervisar jag i didaktik i moderna språk och engelska inom gymnasielärarprogrammet, KPU, VAL och ULV. I samband med studenters verksamhetsförlagda utbildning i skolan genomför jag trepartssamtal. Dessutom handleder jag självständiga arbeten på grundnivå och avancerad nivå.

Jag har viss erfarenhet av arbete inom forskarutbildningen då jag har varit biträdande examinator på en licentiatuppsats, samt medlem av betygskommittén för en doktorand utomlands. Jag är för närvarande tredje handledare för en doktorand som skriver sin avhandling om inlärning av tempus och aspekt i dåtidssystemet hos svensktalande inlärare av italienska.


Min egen forskning har handlat om tempus och aspekt i inlärarfranska. Jag intresserar mig också för språkdidaktisk forskning och forskning om lärarutbildning.

Tidiga publikationer:
- 1997. Anna Bergström. L'influence des distinctions aspectuelles sur l’acquisition des temps en français langue étrangère.
- 1996. Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig, Anna Bergström. Acquisition of Tense and Aspect in Second Language and Foreign Language Learning: Learner Narratives in ESL and FFL. Canadian Modern Language Review, v52 n2 p308-30.


I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Reimagining Learning in a Language Education Course Thrust Online

    2020. Una Cunningham, Anna Bergström. Teaching, technology, and teacher education during the covid-19 pandemic, 449-456


    A campus-based initial teacher education module in nine units was quickly redesigned within the existingsyllabus to run online following the Swedish Government’s recommendation on 17 March 2020 to moveuniversity teaching online. We used a flipped approach: asynchronous preparatory activity (set reading withstudy questions, pre-recorded lectures and other podcasts or videos) was followed up by non-mandatory onlinesynchronous workshops and mandatory written unit tasks to be completed individually or in a group,and handed in individually. The unit tasks were designed as active learning, and entailed the application ofknowledge and understanding gained in the preparatory activities, deepening the learning of each individualwith co-constructed insights. This flipped pedagogy was complemented by collaborative active learning activitiesfor the students who participated in the workshops. The workshop participants were encouraged tocomplete their hand-in work together during the workshop, collaboratively building understanding. Thus, asocial constructivist view of learning was modelled and implemented.

    Läs mer om Reimagining Learning in a Language Education Course Thrust Online
  • Learning aspect in Italian as additional language. The role of second languages

    2021. Francesco Vallerossa (et al.). International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching


    The study examines the role played by English and Romance languages (L2s) when learning grammatical aspect in Italian as additional language (Ln). Swedish university students of Italian (n = 34), divided according to knowledge of a Romance L2 and English aspectual knowledge, completed an interpretation task of aspectual contrast in Italian. Eight native speakers served as a control group. The findings showed that knowledge of a Romance language as L2 and high English aspectual knowledge exerted a differential influence on learning aspect in Italian. This outcome is discussed in the light of a consistent form-meaning relationship between the L2s and Italian. Yet, with a mismatch between grammatical and lexical aspect, the learners' judgments differed from the native speakers' judgments. Thus, our findings also support the idea of the existence of differential learning paths sustained by the L2s when learning complex aspectual configurations.

    Läs mer om Learning aspect in Italian as additional language. The role of second languages

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