Stockholms universitet

Andreas WidholmUniversitetslektor, docent

Om mig

Andreas Widholm är docent i journalistik vid Institutionen för mediestudier, Stockholms universitet. Hans forskning inriktar sig på global nyhetsproduktion, medier och kultur, digital politisk kommunikation, krig- och konfliktrapportering, källor och källkritik, samt alternativa medier.

Andreas leder förnärvarande forskningsprojektet "Den politiska kommunikationens hybridisering: Politiserade nyhetsformat och journalistikens gränser", finansierat av Riksbankens jubileumsfond (2022-2025). Han är medlem av de tvärvetenskapliga forskningsnätverken Digital humanvetenskap (DHV), samt Språk och makt vid Stockholms universitet. Utanför universitetet är han verksam som styrelseledamot inom Intitutet för mediestudier. 

Digital humanvetenskap (DHV) 

Språk och makt 



I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • The Politics of Culture in Journalism: News Media Consumption Across Political and Cultural Public Spheres

    2024. Andreas Widholm, Anna Roosvall. Journalism and Media 5 (4), 1925-1939


    Scholarly discussions around the significance of journalism for democracy and the public sphere have traditionally centered on news and political journalism. Consequently, there is a dearth of studies on the role of politics in other journalistic subfields. This paper addresses this research gap by examining the democratic contribution of cultural journalism in Sweden. Drawing on public sphere theory and agonistic democracy theory and utilizing data from a nationwide Swedish survey (N = 1804), social variations in consumption are analyzed, including the types of content that motivate people to consume cultural journalism. Results indicate that age, education, and political preferences are important correlates in relation to high consumption of cultural journalism. Furthermore, the findings indicate that societal debate is a more significant driver of cultural journalism consumption than traditional aesthetic coverage. This underscores the distinctive democratic role of cultural journalism within the media landscape and its particular contribution to the diversity of journalistic content.

    Läs mer om The Politics of Culture in Journalism
  • A Right-Wing Wave on TikTok?: Ideological Orientations, Platform Features, and User Engagement During the Early 2022 Election Campaign in Sweden

    2024. Andreas Widholm, Mattias Ekman, Anders Olof Larsson. Social Media + Society 10 (3), 1-11


    While TikTok has established itself as a new platform for political communication, its role during elections remains understudied by researchers. In this article, we present a content analysis of actor dynamics and ideological content characteristics on TikTok during the early phase of the 2022 election campaign in Sweden, combined with an analysis of how political orientation and utilization of TikTok’s platform features impact user engagement. Results reveal that party youth organizations had a prominent presence during the campaign, while traditional party actors were less established. TikTok tends to lean toward right-wing content, with right-wing praise being a significant predictor of user engagement. Semiotic resources such as stickers and emoticons but also added music, were widely used platform features, but these features had no or weak negative effects on user engagement. Added speech, particularly when praising right-wing politics, positively influenced user engagement, suggesting the importance of verbal communication on a platform characterized by multimodal experimentation.

    Läs mer om A Right-Wing Wave on TikTok?
  • Election influencers on TikTok: Strategic utilisation of the short video format during the 2022 election campaign in Sweden

    2024. Mattias Ekman, Andreas Widholm. Influencer Politics, 69-85


    In an increasingly fragmented digital media ecology, political actors constantly experiment with new formats, styles, and collaborations in order to reach specific segments of the citizenry. In this struggle, new and emerging platforms are explored as venues for political campaigning. This chapter explores how two political parties, the Left Party and the Sweden Democrats, utilised the short video format on TikTok during the 2022 election campaign. The chapter presents an analysis of the strategic relationship between influencers and political parties, exploring how TikTok’s short video format impinges on how political messages are designed and communicated. The results highlight the performative aspects of political communication and point to how influencer politics can build on very different logics of authenticity work, using influential users and their followers as a gateway for political campaigning.

    Läs mer om Election influencers on TikTok
  • Democracy and digital disintegration: Platforms, actors, citizens

    2024. Andreas Widholm, Mattias Ekman. Nordicom Review 45 (s1), 1-14


    The digital transformations of contemporary media systems have had severe consequences for democracy and public debates. This introductory article addresses key challenges of what we refer to as varieties of “digital disintegration” within democratic societies. The eight contributions in the special issue are thematised in three parts. The first part explores disintegration within the context of political communication during elections, including data-driven campaigning, populism, and politicised forms of news production. The second part delves into the role of alternative news curators, audience polarisation, and issues of self-censorship in digital information environments. The third part centres on deliberative norms connected to content moderation of user comments within legacy media and the consequences digitalisation has had on journalistic sourcing practices and source diversity over time. The contributions offer valuable empirical insights, as well as new lines of thinking concerning democracy and digital and disintegrative transformations in the Nordic region and beyond.

    Läs mer om Democracy and digital disintegration
  • Political communication as television news: Party-produced news of the Sweden Democrats during the 2022 election campaign

    2024. Mattias Ekman, Andreas Widholm. Nordicom Review 45 (s1), 66-91


    Political communication has taken new and complex forms within the contemporary hybrid media system. In this article, we examine how political campaigning that draws on television news forms utilises the increasingly blurred boundaries between news journalism and politics online. We assess the digital television news channel Riks, which during the 2022 national election was operated by the Sweden Democrats party and distributed via YouTube. Deploying a mixed-methods approach, we analysed all videos published by Riks four weeks prior to the election. Results show that Riks blends descriptive, interpretative, and outrage genres, and strategically frames the most important political issues of the election campaign in favour of the party’s policies. Hence, the study contributes to political communication scholarship by emphasising how news has become an integral part of strategic party communication, challenging established scholarly conceptualisations of alternative media and hyperpartisan news.

    Läs mer om Political communication as television news: Party-produced news of the Sweden Democrats during the 2022 election campaign
  • Ukraina och informationskrigets nya vägar: Sociala medier, krigsrapportering och desinformation

    2024. Gunnar Nygren, Andreas Widholm.


    Sociala medier spelar en central roll i nyhetsflödet från kriget i Ukraina. Både som källor och som plattformar för distribution och cirkulation av innehåll. I de sociala medieflödena finns viktiga vittnesskildringar från människor som befinner sig i krigets centrum, men också desinformation och konspirationsteorier. I Ukraina har den sociala medieplattformen Telegram blivit den viktigaste källan till information för många människor, trots att den har ryska rötter. Den här boken undersöker nyhetsflödet från kriget i Ukraina, men också människors medieanvändning och förtroende för den information de möter genom olika typer av medier. Den är resultatet av ett samarbete mellan svenska och ukrainska forskare som analyserat tusentals artiklar och uppdateringar på sociala medier, gjort intervjuer med medieanvändare i Ukraina, och analyserat svenska folkets nyhetskonsumtion. Allt detta lägger grunden för en analys av ett nytt och framväxande hybridmediesystem, där traditionella, alternativa, och sociala medier konkurrerar om människors uppmärksamhet, men också ger olika bilder av krigets orsaker och konsekvenser.

    Läs mer om Ukraina och informationskrigets nya vägar
  • Sourcing Dis/Information: How Swedish and Ukrainian Journalists Source, Verify, and Mediate Journalistic Truth During the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict

    2023. Nina Springer (et al.). Journalism Studies 24 (9), 1111-1130


    Journalists form the middle links of global information chains, playing a decisive role in detecting and dismantling or amplifying problematic information. Information sourcing, verification, and transparency are important tools for journalists when they transmit their sense-making of events, i.e., the journalistic truth, to the audiences. This mixed-methods study of the disinformation-prone conflict between Russia and Ukraine investigates how journalists at different positions on the information chain—i.e., on the ground (Ukraine) and at a distance (Sweden)—source, verify, and narrate their journalistic truth to audiences. We found that, even in high-pressure situations created by hot conflicts, sourcing and verification remain mostly individualized practices that are shaped by internalized unwritten, professional rules of an oral newsroom culture. Verification protocols or specialized tools are largely absent. Sources were sometimes hard to detect in the journalistic content; claims about their verification status even harder. There was a fear that being overtly transparent about sources would jeopardize journalists’ authority. Especially problematic are the precarious working and living conditions for journalists on the ground. These conditions make them vulnerable sources for journalists abroad.

    Läs mer om Sourcing Dis/Information: How Swedish and Ukrainian Journalists Source, Verify, and Mediate Journalistic Truth During the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict
  • Media criticism as a propaganda strategy in political communication

    2023. Mattias Ekman, Andreas Widholm. Nordic Journal of Media Studies 5 (1), 115-133


    Over the last decade, strategic attacks on news media institutions and journalists have become an increasingly common feature of populist political communication. The purpose of this article is to identify various strategies that politicians use to criticise the news media and illuminate how the use and circulation of these strategies vary between party types. The article builds on a content analysis of the Twitter feeds of all members of parliament with an active account during the 2018 Swedish election campaign. Results show that political media criticism in Sweden is strongly associated with political personalisation, and it is almost exclusively a right-wing phenomenon, though not restricted specifically to populist parties. Public service media rather than newspapers or commercial broadcasters constitute the prime target for political media criticism in Sweden, illustrating the need to take media systemic aspects in to account when analysing media criticism as a propaganda strategy in political communication.

    Läs mer om Media criticism as a propaganda strategy in political communication
  • Varifrån får svenskarna sina nyheter om kriget i Ukraina? Om användning och förtroende i den gränslösa digitala medieekologin

    2023. Gunnar Nygren, Andreas Widholm. Ovisshetens tid


    De stora svenska nyhetsmedierna står starka hos publiken när det gäller nyhetsflödet från kriget i Ukraina. Det visar 2022 års nationella SOM-undersökning. Nästan nio av tio tar del av nyheter om kriget i de stora dagstidningarna och etermedierna minst varje vecka. Förtroendet för krigsrapporteringen i dessa medier är också högt. För de som vill fördjupa sig i nyhetsflödet visar sig tydliga skillnader både utifrån ålder och sociala faktorer. Högutbildade män i storstäder går gärna till internationella medier medan lågutbildade och äldre män i mindre tätorter gärna går till svenska alternativa nyhetssajter. Yngre åldersgrupper hittar oftast nyheter och opinionsmaterial om kriget på sociala medieplattformar, men förtroendet för dessa samt för alternativa medier är lågt. Ändå är användningen av alternativa medier högre när det gäller krigsnyheter än för generell nyhetskonsumtion, något som kan hänga ihop med en brist på mångfald i de etablerade mediernas rapportering.

    Läs mer om Varifrån får svenskarna sina nyheter om kriget i Ukraina? Om användning och förtroende i den gränslösa digitala medieekologin
  • Hur vet medierna? Källkritik och desinformation i bevakningen av kriget i Ukraina 2022

    2022. Gunnar Nygren, Andreas Widholm. Källkritik och krig, 13-73


    Desinformation och propaganda är ett allt viktigare inslag som lyfts i bevakningen av kriget i Ukraina. Det visar en analys av nyhetsflödet i svenska medier under krigets första sex veckor. Samtidigt är det ovanligt att svenska redaktioner själva kan verifiera den egna krigsrapporteringen, istället litar de på internationella nyhetsbyråer och medier. Därför är förtroendet för nyhetsleverantörer en grundbult i bevakningen. Den här Studien kretsar kring fyra frågor: Hur beskrivs frågor runt desinformation och källkritik i nyhetsflödet? Vilka källor används i några utvalda fall – officiella källor, egna reportrar, andra medier etcetera. Finns det någon bedömning av källornas trovärdighet? I vilken grad används innehåll från sociala medier som källa och vilka typer av källor är det i så fall? I vilken grad är rapporteringen transparent när det gäller vilka källor som används och huruvida uppgifterna är verifierade/bekräftade eller inte?

    Läs mer om Hur vet medierna? Källkritik och desinformation i bevakningen av kriget i Ukraina 2022
  • Parasitic news: Adoption and adaption of journalistic conventions in hybrid political communication

    2022. Mattias Ekman, Andreas Widholm. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism


    This article explores how political parties and individual politicians in Sweden communicatestrategically in an online environment where the close relationship betweennews and journalistic institutions no longer can be taken for granted. We define theadoption and adaption of journalistic conventions in political communication as a particularcommunication style, conceptualized as “parasitic news”. The article presents ananalytical framework that explicates the role of parasitic news across five dimensions:ideological transparency/position, alternativeness, news genres, individual vs. collectivemedia practices, and social media affordances. An analysis of three news projects,representing right-wing populist, liberal/conservative, and left-wing/green ideologicalpositions, reveals that parasitic news is a flexible communication style that blurs theboundaries of politics and media in online spaces. Moreover, parasitic news challenges therelevance of established terms such as alternative, hyper-partisan, and fake news, pointingto the need of a renewed conceptual vocabulary in journalism, media and politicalcommunication research.

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  • Managing Public Service: The Harmonization of Datafication and Managerialism in the Development of a News-Sorting Algorithm

    2022. Torbjörn Rolandsson, Andreas Widholm, Jörgen Rahm-Skågeby. Digital Journalism

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  • Narrating “Their War” and “Our War”: The Patriotic Journalism Paradigm in the Context of Swedish and Ukrainian Conflict Coverage

    2022. Nina Springer (et al.). Central European Journal of Communication 15 (2(31)), 178-201


    “Patriotic journalism,” a deviation from objectivity, has become an important paradigm and well-documented phenomenon in the analysis of conflict coverage. However, studies rarely focus on the link between journalists’ perceptions and narratives. We investigated how journalists from two countries, one involved in a conflict (Ukraine) and the other observing it from a distance (Sweden) relate to the objectivity norm in sourcing and narrating seven conflictive news cases in Ukraine (2017 to 2018). We found pragmatic commitment to objectivity in both countries, which was not always reflected in the content produced. For Swedish journalists, our results hint toward a value-based ally loyalty, which seems less stable than a tribe-based bond. In Ukraine, official Ukrainian perspectives were undisputedly disseminated; however, we did not find that they were generally positively laden, as one would expect for patriotic journalists. Trust in public institutions might be a deciding factor over the extent of patriotism.

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  • Kulturjournalistikens världar: Om kulturbevakningens politiska, globala och digitala dimensioner

    2022. Kristina Riegert.


    Hur ser världen ut när den betraktas genom ett kulturellt filter? Hur bidrar kulturjournalistiken till förståelsen av brännande samtidshändelser och samhällsfrågor? Är kulturjournalisternas oro för kritikens överlevnad i det digitala medielandskapet befogad? 

    I denna bok undersöker tre medieforskare kulturjournalistikens utveckling sedan 1980-talet med särskilt fokus på omvärldsbilder och politiska dimensioner. Författarna kartlägger innehåll i tidningar, radio och tv och intervjuar kulturjournalister. De diskuterar de sociala mediernas betydelse och belyser svenskarnas intresse för kulturjournalistik. 

    Det visar sig att kulturjournalistiken har ett unikt anslag jämfört med traditionell nyhetsjournalistik och politisk opinionsbildning. Den rör sig gärna bortom nationalstatliga förståelseramar och är debattdrivande på ett särpräglat sätt. Laddade kulturdebatter om #metoo, terrorism och identitetspolitik breder ut sig och lockar till klick. Samtidigt har recensionsgenren fortfarande en given roll i utbudet, även om den befinner sig i klicklandskapets utkanter. 

    Boken ger en unik inblick i en sällan belyst del av det svenska medielandskapet, och tillför ny kunskap om kulturjournalistikens särskilda stildrag samt de roller den spelar i samhället och demokratin. 

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  • A softer kind of hard news? Data journalism and the digital renewal of public service news in Sweden

    2022. Andreas Widholm, Ester Appelgren. New Media and Society 24 (6), 1363-1381


    Over the past decade, data journalism has received considerable attention among scholars, pointing to novel forms of investigative reporting as well as new daily practices of news production. This study contributes to existing scholarship by conceptualizing data journalism through distinctions between hard and soft news in relation to service journalism. We analyze news produced by specialized data desks in Swedish public service organizations over a 5-year period (2015–2019) and propose a model for how service journalism attributes can be used as a bridge between the binary categories of hard and soft in data journalism. With this model, we point to how data journalism in public service organizations challenges established notions of soft and hard news and how hybrid production practices open up new research trajectories concerning the societal significance of news in the digital age. 

    Läs mer om A softer kind of hard news? Data journalism and the digital renewal of public service news in Sweden
  • Transnational News Consumption and Digital Content Mobility: Insights from Sweden

    2019. Andreas Widholm. Journalism Studies 20 (10), 1472-1490


    Over the latest decade, the availability of news media from various countries of the globe has increased dramatically as both media production and consumption have been steered towards digital and social platforms. This de-territorialized news ecology has been widely researched in terms of content and distribution, while its broader consequences for news audiences have been less studied. Focusing on the case of Sweden, this article analyses social variations in transnational news consumption including platform selections, motivations, and attitudes connected to this news use. Results show that transnational news consumption is more widespread among people with a background in other countries than Sweden, but all together, more than a quarter of the Swedish population and nearly half of the younger generation are weekly consumers of news from other countries. Hence, transnational news consumption is no longer restricted to a specific elite-segment of society, which has been a common argument in scholarly debates around the globalization of news. Another central finding is that transnational news consumption is rooted in a willingness to understand the outside world through alternative perspectives, rather than in a dissatisfaction with the quality or trustworthiness of the news produced by Swedish outlets.

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  • Abundance or crisis? Transformations in the media ecology of Swedish cultural journalism over four decades

    2019. Andreas Widholm, Kristina Riegert, Anna Roosvall. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism


    The aim of this study is to map and scrutinize developments within Swedish cultural journalism, with a particular focus on transformations in genres, text types and thematic repertoires. Drawing on a constructed week sample from press, television and radio during four decades (1985, 1995, 2005, 2015), we address three aspects of 'the crisis discourse' of cultural journalism: (1) the potential decline in cultural coverage due to economic cutbacks and downsized cultural desks; (2) cultural journalism's perceived 'quality crisis' connected to transformations of thematic repertoires; and (3) the alleged decline of cultural expertise related to changes in cultural journalism's generic structures. The study makes a unique contribution to cultural journalism scholarship by identifying media-specific differences and complementary relationships between media forms, building on media ecology and genre theory. In contrast to the crisis discourse, results show that cultural journalism has expanded significantly through popularization and thematic and generic diversification, but the transformations are different in press, radio and television due to differing role positions in the larger media ecosystem. In addition, some parts of the cultural journalism media ecology appear to be endangered.

    Läs mer om Abundance or crisis? Transformations in the media ecology of Swedish cultural journalism over four decades
  • The Difference Culture Makes Comparing Swedish news and cultural journalism on the 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris

    2019. Kristina Riegert, Andreas Widholm. Nordicom Review 40 (2), 3-18


    Although terrorist attacks in Europe have increasingly been carried out on cultural targets such as media institutions, concert halls and leisure venues, most research on media and terrorism draws conclusions based on traditional hard news stories rather than on journalism specialising in cultural issues. This study explores the distinctiveness of Swedish cultural journalism by comparing it to news journalism, using the 2015 terror attacks in Paris as a case study. Our content analysis reveals that whereas news journalism is mainly descriptive, focusing on the short-term consequences of terrorism, security frames and political elites and eyewitnesses as sources, cultural journalism is more interpretive, giving a voice first and foremost to cultural elites. The cultural filter put on this event means a focus on the longer term implications of terrorism and instead of engaging in the hunt for the perpetrators, there is greater emphasis on the societal dilemmas that terrorism accentuates, especially the democratic values that are at stake. However, our results also show that the ongoing journalistification of cultural journalism, as defined by a stronger prevalence of descriptive style, blurs the lines between news and cultural journalism.

    Läs mer om The Difference Culture Makes Comparing Swedish news and cultural journalism on the 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris
  • Politicians as Media Producers: Current trajectories in the relation between journalists and politicians in the age of social media

    2015. Mattias Ekman, Andreas Widholm. Journalism Practice 9 (1), 78-91


    The emergence of social media raises new questions concerning the relationship between journalists and politicians and between news media and politics. The increasingly complex media milieu, in which the boundaries between media producers and audiences become partly dissolved, calls for new theoretical approaches in the study of journalism. This article reassesses central theoretical arguments about the relationship between journalism, sources, politics and democracy. Drawing on a pilot study of the printed press, it explores the increased social media use among politicians in Sweden and its implications for political journalism. The article suggests that power relations between journalism and politics can be fruitfully explored from the perspective of mediatized interdependency, a perspective that acknowledges that journalists and politicians have become both actors and sources through mutual interaction in online spaces. Furthermore, it argues that social media use has expanded journalisms interest in the private life of politicians, thereby contributing to a de-politicization of politics.

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  • Cultural Journalism

    2018. Kristina Riegert, Anna Roosvall, Andreas Widholm. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication


    Cultural journalism is a subfield of journalism that encompasses what is known as arts journalism. While arts journalism is characterized by reviews, critique, news, and essays about the arts and popular culture, cultural journalism has a broader take on culture, including lifestyle issues, societal debate, and reflective ethical discussion by cultural personas or expressed in a literary style. Both arts and cultural journalists see their work as “journalism with a difference,” evoking different perspectives and worldviews from those dominating mainstream news reporting. At the same time, cultural journalism shares with journalism issues like boundary work, genre blurring, digitalization, globalization, professionalization, and “the crisis of journalism.” There are three main ways cultural journalism has been studied: one research strand defines cultural journalism as material produced by the cultural desks or material that is explicitly labelled cultural journalism; another defines it as journalism about culture, regardless of how it is labelled or produced; and a third strand includes only arts journalism, examining journalistic content on the fine arts and popular culture. Studies from all of these approaches are included in this article due to the effort to include a wide variety of countries at different time periods and an effort to track joint defining features and developments in cultural journalism. The emphasis is on the Nordic context, where the term “cultural journalism” is well established and where research is relatively comprehensive. The research is divided into three themes: the cultural public sphere and the contribution to democracy; cultural journalism’s professionalism and the challenges of digitalization; and transnational and global aspects of cultural journalism, including tendencies such as cultural homogenization and hybridization.

    International research on cultural journalism as a subfield has been complicated by its varying designations (arts journalism, feuilleton, journalism about culture, entertainment), and its numerous aesthetic forms, disciplines, or types of culture, all of which are changing over time. Despite these issues, research points in the same direction: the amount of cultural journalism is increasing, and the boundaries against other types of journalism are becoming more porous. There is also a decline in editorial autonomy. In common with journalism, there is an increase in generalists working with culture and greater central managerial control in new multiplatform media organizations. The research points to an increase in a more transnationally oriented cultural journalism, mainly through a larger share of cultural news and popular culture—while its core, review and critique, has changed in character, or arguably lost ground. The increasing “newsification” of cultural journalism should prompt future research on whether the “watchdog” role vis-à-vis the cultural industries is growing. New forms of art and culture are beginning to get coverage, but also, in some cases, the intermixing of “lifestyle” with cultural journalism. The commercialization and celebrity aspects of this are clear, but new digital platforms have also enabled new voices and different formats of cultural journalism and a wider dissemination and intensity in cultural debates, all of which emphasize its democratic potential. New research on this subject appears to focus on the longitudinal changes in cultural journalism, the implications of digitalization and globalization, and cultural journalism in broadcasting.

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  • Changing Norms Concerning Verification

    2018. Gunnar Nygren, Andreas Widholm. Trust in Media and Journalism, 39-59


    Over the past decade, journalism has undergone dramatic changes as a result of digitalization and multi-platform news production. Online, news is no longer a static product, but a flow of liquid news packages under constant alteration. This chapter discusses how the digital news environment has influenced attitudes towards verification among journalists in Poland, Russia and Sweden. The analysis builds on a survey to 1500 journalists in these countries. Results show a strong support for verification in general, but the new liquid news environment has also created softer attitudes towards verification. Between 30–40 per cent of the journalists believe that the audience has lower demands on news published online. As many hold the view that verification of facts can be done during rather than before publication. The analysis also reveals important differences between organizational cultures and between countries. Broadcast journalists keep their old values of verification to a larger extent, and newspaper journalists seem to accept a higher amount of inaccuracy in online news. Journalists in Poland and Russia have softer attitudes towards verification than journalists in Sweden, reflecting a journalistic culture oriented towards opinions, in contrast to the Anglo-Saxon fact-oriented tradition that characterizes Swedish journalism.

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  • Dramatiska och utmattande: Nio månader av Corona-nyheter i sociala medier

    2021. Andreas Widholm, Fredrik Mårtenson. Journalistik i Coronans tid


    Syftet med det här kapitlet är att ge en översiktlig bild av den corona-journalistik  som  engagerat  användare  i sociala medier. Vilka typer av nyheter om Covid­19 har skapat mest interaktioner? Hur har interaktionsmönstren  förändrats  över  tid?  Och  vilka  skillnader  finns  mellan  olika  nyhetsmediers  bild  av  pandemin? Kapitlet bygger på en analys av Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, och SVT.

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  • Allt mer tolkande journalistik: subjektivitet, åsikter och känslor i nyhetsmedierna

    2019. Anna Roosvall, Andreas Widholm. Nyheter - allt mer en tolkningsfråga


    I det här kapitlet undersöker vi hur förekomsten av tolkande journalistik varierar mellan medier, ämnesområden och över tid, samt hur den tolkande journalistiken förhåller sig till känslor. Vi tar avstamp i ett antal tidigare studier om subjektiv, tolkande och känslomässig journalistik och analyserar därefter utvecklingen med särskild tonvikt på journalistikens bidrag till demokratin.

    Läs mer om Allt mer tolkande journalistik
  • Mediekritik driver Twitteraktivitet: Om journalistik som resurs för politisk kommunikation i sociala medier

    2018. Andreas Widholm, Fredrik Mårtenson. Fejk, filter och faktaresistens, 104-135


    I det nya sociala medielandskapet kan politiker i större utsträckning än tidigare kommunicera direkt med väljarna utan att ta omvägen via de traditionella medierna. De sociala medierna har också skapat nya möjligheter att kritisera och utmana nyhetsmediernas verklighetsbeskrivningar – särskilt via Twitter – vilket förändrat maktdynamiken mellan politiker och journalister. I det här kapitlet analyserar vi hur svenska riksdagsledamöter använder journalistik som resurs för politisk kommunikation på Twitter. Resultaten visar att det fortfarande finns ett tydligt beroendeförhållande mellan politiken och journalistiken, även då debatten flyttar ut i sociala medier. Samtidigt finns det tydliga spår av mediekritik i kommunikationen. Kritik mot nyhetsmedier uttrycks i störst utsträckning av moderata riksdagsledamöter, och för några av dem utgör mediekritiken en kraftfull resurs för att skapa engagemang bland följare och sympatisörer. Främst riktas kritiken mot journalistiken i Public Service.

    Läs mer om Mediekritik driver Twitteraktivitet
  • The Transnationalism of Cultural Journalism in Sweden: Outlooks and Introspection in the Global Era

    2018. Anna Roosvall, Andreas Widholm. International Journal of Communication 12, 1431-1451


    Cultural journalism is a unique and underresearched subfield of journalism. This article presents the first systematic study of Swedish cultural journalism, quantitatively mapping content from four decades, zooming in on the years 1985, 1995, 2005, and 2015. We study conceptions of the world outside Sweden during times marked by geopolitical turning points, globalization, and rapid structural transformations in the journalistic market. Employing content analysis of a representative sample from the press and public service radio, we explore geographical and scalar aspects, with a focus on political and global dimensions. Although we found evidence for Eurocentrism and domestication-staples of Western journalism overall-results show that Swedish cultural journalism was a steady conveyor of transnational narratives during all studied periods, which together with a primarily nonconflictual approach, sets cultural journalism apart from foreign news and decreases the risk of misframing in a globalized world.

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  • Celebrating with the celebrities: television in public space during two royal weddings

    2015. Andreas Widholm, Karin Becker. Celebrity Studies 6 (1), 6-22


    The recent emergence of an increasingly participatory media culture has opened up new ways for audiences to collectively negotiate the cultural meanings surrounding celebrities. Public screens are one such phenomenon, where people gather to witness the live broadcast of celebrity events. Taking our point of departure in two recent royal weddings in the UK and Sweden, we explore the performative displays that public viewing affords, as participants interact with the event on screen, with other participants, and with media representatives in the venue. This article provides a fresh analytical perspective on how audiences engage with royal celebrities in such mass-participatory consumption contexts, illuminating a little-studied area of celebrity culture.

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  • Being there from afar: the media event relocated to the public viewing area

    2014. Karin Becker, Andreas Widholm. Interactions 5 (2), 153-168


    This article examines the media event as re-located to public viewing areas (PVAs) erected in cities across the globe, where people gather to watch the events together live on screen. The study is based on ethnographic research carried out in PVAs located in selected cities during the 2010 FIFA World Cup and the 2012 Summer Olympics. We examine the relationships between these events, as reconstituted in these different locations through media networks, and the public’s participation via the event on screen.  The PVA emerges as a new location of experience and participation, with its own histories as a place of attraction for the local public and for visitors from afar, in what Massey (1994) would describe as an ‘intersection of local and global social relations’. The host city arena is no longer the self-evident ”centre” for this event, which has been pluralized through the complex web of media structures and the activities of participants who come to experience the event in these other, dispersed locations.

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  • Twitter and the celebritisation of politics

    2014. Mattias Ekman, Andreas Widholm. Celebrity Studies 5 (4), 518-520


    A distinctive feature of our time is the constant circulation of mediated images of celebrities, a process that has taken new directions after the rise of social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. This article draws on the contention that contemporary politics is increasingly celebritised, both in terms of how politicians are folded into specific celebrity frames in the news media and in the way politicians ‘perform’ their own professional and private identities through frequent use of social media. Recently, Twitter has become an established platform for a more personal form of political communication, where politicians can influence and network with news media professionals as well as showcase images of their successful and glamorous lives.

    Drawing on examples from the prolific tweeter and Swedish minister for foreign affairs Carl Bildt we argue that the celebritisation of politics that takes place on Twitter can be conceptualised in terms of three modes of ‘performed connectivity’: public, media and celebrity connectivity respectively. As an analytical concept, performed connectivity accentuates that political communication on Twitter is increasingly performative, meaning that it exhibits the professional as well as private sides of politicians’ daily lives. The term also underlines that this performativity is intimately linked to ideas of connectivity, which create associations of status and ‘known-ness’ in the digital public space.

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  • Europe in Transition: Transnational Television News and European Identity

    2011. Andreas Widholm.

    Avhandling (Dok)

    Over the last two decades, Europe has experienced profound political transformations, resulting in new challenges for the relationship between national and transnational identities. In parallel with these changes, national media systems across the world have been put under pressure from globalization, reflected in the vast increase in the number of transnational news channels operating on the global market. This dissertation explores the news content of two transnational broadcasters, BBC World News and Euronews, and analyzes discursive interconnections between political transformations and collective identity in news reporting. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The initial part is devoted to news forms, and analyzes program scheduling, generic structures and thematic and geographical prioritizations, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The analyses show that BBC World and Euronews epitomize different news outlooks. Whereas Euronews mainly focuses on news pertaining to Europe and the EU, BBC World’s content is more geographically varied. In addition, the two differ greatly concerning generic structures, which is most evident in the considerable lack of live elements in Euronews. The subsequent part consists of two case studies of political transformations in Europe: The 2004 enlargement of the EU and the ‘Orange Revolution’ in Ukraine. By using critical discourse analysis (CDA), the dissertation reveals that the channels drew upon references to history in the reporting, echoing old but well-established discursive binaries between East and West. While the EU enlargement coverage was centered on the dissolution of political differences, the reporting on the Orange Revolution involved renewed tensions between East and West in Europe. The dissertation concludes that westernization, temporalization, and references to the EU’s spatial boundaries are central discursive resources for the articulation of European identity in transnational news.

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  • Online Methodology: Analysing News Flows of Online Journalism

    2008. Robert Kautsky, Andreas Widholm. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (WPCC) 5 (2)


    In the present global media climate, speed and immediacy are increasingly prioritised characteristics of news production. As online news has developed, the idea of a single news item has been replaced by fast-changing content and new repertoires of constructing ‘Breaking News’. Whereas most research of online news has used synchronic rather than diachronic methods, this article introduces a new approach, which we choose to call Regular Interval Content Capture (RICC). The data produced by RICC enables dynamic online media texts to be studied as they are produced, edited, and changed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. In our study, the US ‘Crucial Tuesday’ primary elections serve as the empirical example. From a discourse analytical perspective, we analyse a total of 64 hours of online news flows collected from the US and International editions of The RICC approach allows us to find major representational differences between the two editions. Three different modes of writing, characterising different stages of CNN’s reporting, were identified.

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  • Myten om datajournalistik

    2020. Ester Appelgren, Andreas Widholm. Mellan det hyperlokala och globala: Journalistikens förändringar och utmaningar i en digital tid, 39-51

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  • Democracy and digital disintegration: Platforms, actors, citizens

    2024. Andreas Widholm, Mattias Ekman. Nordicom Review 45 (S1), 1-14


    The digital transformations of contemporary media systems have had severe consequences for democracy and public debates. This introductory article addresses key challenges of what we refer to as varieties of “digital disintegration” within democratic societies. The eight contributions in the special issue are thematised in three parts. The first part explores disintegration within the context of political communication during elections, including data-driven campaigning, populism, and politicised forms of news production. The second part delves into the role of alternative news curators, audience polarisation, and issues of self-censorship in digital information environments. The third part centres on deliberative norms connected to content moderation of user comments within legacy media and the consequences digitalisation has had on journalistic sourcing practices and source diversity over time. The contributions offer valuable empirical insights, as well as new lines of thinking concerning democracy and digital and disintegrative transformations in the Nordic region and beyond.

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