Crina Madalina TudorDoktorand
Megyesi, B., Tudor, C., Láng, B., Lehofer, A., Kopal, N., de Leeuw, K. & Waldispühl, M. (2024). Keys with nomenclatures in the early modern Europe. Cryptologia, 48(2), 97-139
Megyesi, B., Tudor, C., Kopal, N., Láng, B., Lehofer, A. & Waldispühl, M. (2022). What Was Encoded in Historical Cipher Keys in the Early Modern Era?. In: Carola Dahlke and Beáta Megyesi (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Historical Cryptology. HistoCrypt 2022.
Megyesi, B., Tudor, C., Láng, B. & Lehofer, A. (2021). Key Design in the Early Modern Era in Europe. In: Carola Dahlke (Ed.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Historical Cryptology (HistoCrypt 2021).
Tudor, C., Megyesi, B. & Láng, B. (2020). Automatic Key Structure Extraction. In: Beáta Megyesi (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Historical Cryptology.