Erik AngnerProfessor
Om mig
Erik Angner är professor i praktisk filosofi vid Stockholms universitet. Han är disputerad både i vetenskapsfilosofi och nationalekonomi och har författat två böcker — Hayek and Natural Law (2007) och A Course in Behavioral Economics (3:e upplagan 2021) — samt ett flertal artiklar i gränslandet mellan filosofi, ekonomi och politik.
I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas
A Course in Behavioral Economics
2021. Erik Angner.
Bok -
We're all behavioral economists now
2019. Erik Angner. Journal of economic methodology 26 (3), 195-207
ArtikelBehavioral economics has long defined itself in opposition to neoclassical economics, but recent developments suggest a synthesis may be on the horizon. In particular, several economists have argued that behavioral factors can be incorporated into standard theory, and that the days of behavioral economics are therefore numbered. This paper explores the proposed synthesis and argues that it is distinctly behavioral in nature – not neoclassical. Far from indicating that behavioral economics as a stand-alone research program is over, the proposed synthesis represents the consummate conversion of neoclassical economists into behavioral ones.
What Preferences Really Are
2018. Erik Angner. Philosophy of science (East Lansing)
Visa alla publikationer av Erik Angner vid Stockholms universitet