Stockholms universitet

Petra Herzfeld OlssonProfessor, prodekan

Om mig

Petra Herzfeld Olsson är professor i arbetsrätt vid juridiska institutionen och prodekan för forskning vid juridiska fakulteten, Stockholms universitet. Mina forskningsområden är arbetsrätt, europarätt och mänskliga rättigheter. Jag är intresserad av både nationella och internationella aspekter av arbetsrätten.

I min avhandling undersökte jag omfattningen av skyddet för den fackliga dimensionen av föreningsfriheten i FN:s, Europarådets, EU:s och Sveriges regelverk. Intresset för skyddet av mänskliga rättigheter i arbetslivet och växelverkan mellan olika rättsliga nivåer har fortsatt att prägla min forskning. Forskningsfrågor relaterade till arbetskraftsmigration har också fått stort utrymme. I ett antal forskningsprojekt har jag på egen hand och tillsammans med andra forskare behandlat EU:s regelverk för arbetskraft från tredje land och dess effekter på nationell nivå.  Även de svenska reglerna om arbetskraftsinvandring och dess samspel med svensk arbetsrätt har behandlats utifrån olika perspektiv. Den frågan ingick bland annat i det treåriga forskningsprojektet A sustainable and inclusive Swedish labour law - the ways ahead (Vetenskapsrådet) som avslutades 2022. Medverkade gjorde även professor Niklas Bruun och docent Erik Sjödin, Stockholms universitet, jur dr Peter Andersson, Göteborgs universitet och professor Tonia Novitz, Bristol University. Våra resultat kan en hitta här: För närvarande forskar jag om Kerstin Hesselgren i ILO, barns arbete inom scenkonsten och hur strejkrätten kan vägas mot andra samhällsintressen. Under våren 2025 påbörjar jag ett nytt 3-årigt forskningsprojekt (FORTE) tillsammans med juris doktor Caroline Johansson och dr German Bender som handlar om arbetsmarknadparternas nya roll i lagstiftningsprocessen.

Jag har tidigare arbetat vid juridiska fakulteten, Uppsala universitet, Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet och Arbetslivsinstitutet.


Akademisk bakgrund

Jag disputerade 2003 på avhandlingen Facklig föreningsfrihet som mänsklig rättighet, vid juridiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet. Efter några år som tjänsteman i regeringskansliet började jag 2010 arbeta vid juridiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet först som post. doc. och sedan som universitetslektor.  Jag blev docent 2013. Sedan 2018 är jag tillbaka vid juridiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet, numera som professor i arbetsrätt.


Forskningsanknutna uppdrag

Scandinavian Studies in Law, styrelseledamot, 2023-2026

Institutet för arbetsmarknads- och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering (IFAU), ledamot, Vetenskapligt råd, 2023-2023

Tidskriften Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, Ledamot i redaktionsrådet, 2015–2021

FORTE, Ledamot i referensgrupp för arbetet med att ta fram ett nytt forskningsprogram, 2018

FORTE, Ledamot i bedömningskommittén Arbetsmarknad, 2015–2017

Vetenskapsrådet, Expert till Vetenskapsrådets arbetsgrupp som skrev rapporten RASISM PÅ ARBETSMARKNADEN: EN INVENTERING AV FORSKNINGSLÄGET, 2017


Fakultets- och institutionsrelaterade uppdrag

Prodekan för forskning, juridiska fakulteten, SU, 2024-

Fakultetsnämnden, Juridiska fakulteten, SU, ledamot, 2021-2024

Institutionsstyrelsen, Juridiska institutionen, SU, 2018–2021

Samverkansberedningen, ledamot, Humanvetenskapliga området, SU, 2019–2020

Institutet för social civilrätt, styrelseledamot, SU, 2013-



Committee of Freedom of Association (CFA) ILO, government member, 2021-

Arbetsrättsliga föreningen, styrelseledamot, 2018 - 2021

Diskrimineringsombudsmannens råd, ledamot, 2014–2017

Redaktionsmedlem, Nyhetsbrevet EU & arbetsrätt, 2010-

Sekreterare i Utredningen om språkkrav i äldrevården, (S2023:03)

Expert i Utredningen om genomförande av ILO:s konvention om avskaffande av våld och trakasserier i arbetslivet, (A2020:02), Regeringskansliet,

Expert i Flexjobbutredningen (A2017:01), Regeringskansliet

Expert i utredningen om bevakning av kollektivavtal (N2004:17), Regeringskansliet


Medverkan vid konferenser och seminarier

ILO Roundtable: Migrant workers' rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining, International Turin Centre ILO, panelist, 29 november 2023

Årsmöte svenskt arbetsrättsligt nätverk, presentation Labour Rights for working prisoners, Lund 5 november 2023

Årsmöte Arbetsrättsliga föreningen, presentation Minimilönedorektivet i Sverige, 13 september 2023

Labour law research network, LLRN6, Warsaw, presentation The Swedish model in a new era, 26 juni 2023




Kursföreståndare för specialkurserna: 

The Global Labour Market and International Labour Law, 15 hp

Arbetsrätt, 15 hp (från och med VT 2023)


Biträdande kursföreståndare för grundkursen: 

Civilrätt C, 10,5 hp


  • The Labour and Social Security Rights of Captive Workers
    • led by Virginia Mantouvalou, UCL
    • 2022-
  • Towards Adequate Minimum Wages in the European Union
    • together with Mette Sösted Hemme
    • led by Luca Ratti, Elisabeth Brameshuber, Vincenzo Pietrogiovanni, Universities of Luxembourg, Vienna and Lund
    • 2022-2023
  • Folkrätten och svensk rätt 2.0
    • led by Rebecca Thorburn Stern, Inger Österdahl och Anna-Sara Lind, Uppsala universitet
    • 2022-2023
  • Reserach Handbook of Migration and Employment
    • together with Zvezda Vankova
    • led by Guglielmo Meardi, Scoula Normale Superiore, Florens
    • 2021-
  • Handbook of Civil Service in Europe
    • together with Erik Sjödin
    • led by K.,- P Sommerman et al, University of Speyer
    • 2022-
  • Migrant Labour and the Reshaping of Employment Law
    • led by Bernard Ryan and Rebecca Zahn, University of Leicster and Glasgow
    • 2017-2023
  • The Furure of Labour Law
    • led by Barbara Palli, University of Lorraine
    • 2020-2022



I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • The Role of Effective Enforcement in International Law on Labour Migration

    2020. Petra Herzfeld Olsson. International organizations law review 20 (1), 206-232


    Labour migrants shall according to the ILO and UN conventions on labour migration be provided with equal treatment with local workers with regard to working conditions including pay. Factors like migration law (creating dependence on employers and fears of expulsion) and limited access to justice, challenge the enforcement of the equal treatment principle.  The social dumping argument has been raised by actors arguing for the closure of borders. However, labour migration is a feature of contemporary labour markets and the future world of work. Instead of rising walls measures to overcome obstacles against equal treatment must be considered. Effective monitoring and enforcement are crucial in this respect. The explicit enforcement provisions in the ILO and UN conventions are quite vague. In this paper it will be analysed to what extent the monitoring bodies of the relevant ILO and UN conventions demand for effective monitoring and enforcement of the equal treatment principle in their comments to the state parties and what kind of measures they suggest that the state parties shall take to make the equal treatment principle a reality. The analysis reveals that the monitoring bodies apply a context based interpretation of the provisions in the conventions, suggesting a wide range of measures to overcome the obstacles mentioned. The division between migration law and labour law turns out to be of less importance than the ambition to make equal treatment a reality.

    Läs mer om The Role of Effective Enforcement in International Law on Labour Migration
  • Assessing the Swedish labour law model through a social sustainability lens

    2022. Peter Andersson (et al.). Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift (2), 75-96


    In this article, we aim to explore the contours of how we might interrogate Swedish labour lawand practice from a socially oriented sustainability perspective, drawing on the distinctive findings of ourproject ‘An inclusive and sustainable Swedish labour law – the ways ahead’ and on other aspects of theSwedish labour law model that we consider are particularly relevant for a sustainability analysis. In sodoing, we have identified potentially five dimensions to the use of a ‘sustainability’ discourse as a basis forevaluation of regulatory measures suitable for the Swedish labour market. It emerges that the central dominant system of collective bargaining has the potential to promote durability and inter- and intra-generational justice, including just transitions in the labour market. However, its capacity to promote capabilities and equality depends on how inclusive and adaptable collective bargaining systems are, with attentionto who is being represented and in what sectors.

    Läs mer om Assessing the Swedish labour law model through a social sustainability lens
  • Work like any other but like no other: Labour rights for working prisoners in Sweden

    2024. Petra Herzfeld Olsson. European Labour Law Journal 15 (3), 504-523


    In Sweden there is no minimum wage legislation. Wages for 88% of workers are governed by collective agreement, and for the remainder, they are set by individual employment contracts. The lowest wage levels in collective agreements for adults were about SEK 19,000 in 2022, and the median wage was about SEK 34,200, which corresponds to SEK 119 and SEK 214 per hour, respectively. Wages not set by collective agreement or employment contract are supposed to be ‘reasonable’. A reasonable wage is a wage in line with the level laid down in the sectoral collective agreement. Incarcerated workers earn SEK 13 an hour in Sweden. They are not categorised as workers, however, and therefore are not covered by labour law or collective agreements. But the products of their work – goods and services – are either sold on the open market or used for the benefit of the Swedish Agency for Prisons and the Probation Service, as the services or goods do not have to be bought on the open market. Such low pay would be considered unreasonable for any other work. However, work has been a central aspect of serving time in Swedish prisons for a very long time. Over time, such work has been motivated and governed by different principles and aims, such as the work-first principle, meaning, i.e., that work is both a societal duty and a right, and the aim of disciplining the incarcerated workers for internal and external purposes (resocialisation). The rehabilitative aspect of work has been emphasised. Proposals to raise the pay level have been rejected as being too expensive and counteracting the rehabilitative function of serving time in prison. This article seeks to explain the perceived rationale behind this state of affairs and to bring a human rights perspective into the picture and reflect on its implications. 

    Läs mer om Work like any other but like no other: Labour rights for working prisoners in Sweden

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