Ludvig NormanUniversitetslektor, Docent
Om mig
Ludvig Norman är docent i statsvetenskap vid Stockholms universitet och Senior Fellow vid UC Berkeley Institute of European Studies. Han har tidigare jobbat på Utrikespolitiska Institutet (UI).
Hans forskningsintressen inkluderar europeisk politik, demokratins svar på populism och extremism, Europeiska unionens institutioner och EU:s demokrati. Norman har också ett stort intresse för samhällsvetenskaplig metod, och i synnerhet kvalitativa och ’mixed methods’.
Han är för närvarande programkoordinator för masterprogrammet in statsvetenskap (svenska och internationella) samt sammankallande för kurser om kvalitativa forskningsmetoder på grund och avancerad nivå. Norman undervisar också doktorandseminarium om fallstudier och processspårning.
För mer information om forskning och publikationer se den engelska sidan.
2024 Weimar's Long Shadow co-edited with Richard Ned Lebow (Cambridge University Press) scheduled publication June 2024.
2023 Dilemmas of European Democracy: New Perspectives on Democratic Politics in the European Union, co-edited with Niklas Bremberg (Edinburgh University Press).
2022 Robustness and Fragility of Political Orders: Leader Assessments, responses, and Consequences, co-edited with Richard Ned Lebow (Cambridge University Press)
2016 The Mechanisms of Institutional Conflict in the European Union (Routledge).
2024 'Democratic Self-Defense and Public Sphere Institutions (with Ludvig Beckman) Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory.
2023 ‘Public Broadcasting and Democracy’s Defense: Responses to Far-Right parties in Germany and Sweden’ (w. Josef Hien) Democratization 30(6): 1160-1181.
2022 Is the Governance of Europe's Transnational Party System Contributing to EU Democracy? Journal of Common Market Studies (with Wouter Wolfs) 60(2): 463-479
2021 Rethinking Causal Explanation in Interpretive International Studies, European Journal of International Relations, 27(3): 936-959.
2021 To democratize or to protect? How the response to anti-system parties reshapes the EU’s transnational party system, Journal of Common Market Studies, 59(3): 721-737.
2018 Three Models of Democratic Self-Defence: Militant Democracy and its Alternatives Political Studies, 66(2): 442-458 (w. Anthoula Malkopoulou).
2018 Theorizing the Social Foundations of Exceptional Security Politics: Rights, Emotions and Community, Cooperation and Conflict, 53(1): 84-100.
2017 Defending the European Polity: Visions of Politics in Response to the Radical Right, European Journal of Social Theory, 20(4): 531-549.
2017 Path dependency and convergence of three worlds of welfare policy during the Great Recession: UK, Germany and Sweden, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 33(1): 1-17 (w. Kiess, J. Temple, L. and Uba, K.).
2016 Conceptualizing European security cooperation: Competing international political orders and domestic factors, European Journal of International Relations, 22(4): 749-772 (w. Anna Michalski).
2015 When Norms and Rules Collide: The Social Production of Institutional Conflict in the European Union’ Journal of European Public Policy, 22(5): 630-649.
2011 Political Utilization of Scholarly Ideas: The “Clash of Civilizations” vs. “Soft Power” in US Foreign Policy, Review of International Studies, 37 (1), pp. 417-436. (w. Johan Eriksson).
Chapters in books
2024 ‘Swedish Social Democracy and Weimar: Engineering the Democratic Population with the Myrdals’ in Lebow, R. N. and Norman, L. (eds.) Weimar’s Long Shadow (Cambridge University Press).
2024 'Weimar and Modernity' (w. Richard Ned Lebow) in Lebow, R. N. and Norman, L. (eds.) Weimar’s Long Shadow (Cambridge University Press).
2022 'Democracy's Fragility and the European Political Order; Functionalism, Militant Democracy and Crisis' in Lebow, R. N. and Norman, L. (eds.) Robustness and Fragility of Political Orders: Leader Assessments, responses, and Consequences (Cambridge University Press).
2019 ‘European Governance of Development and Security’ chapter in Bevir, Mark and Phillips, Ryan (eds.) Decentering European Governance, Routledge.
2019 (reprint) ‘Three Models of Democratic Self-Defence: Militant Democracy and its Alternatives’ (w. Anthoula Malkopoulou) in Kirchner, A. and Malkopoulou, A. (eds.) Militant Democracy and Its Critics: Populism, Parties, Extremism. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (Originally published in Political Studies, 66(2): 442-458.
2015 ‘Austerity measures across Europe’ in Foster, L., Brunton, A. Deeming, C. and Haux, D. (eds.) In Defence of Welfare II, Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 55-58. (w. Katrin Uba and Luke A. Temple).
Non-peer reviewed
2022 The Fragility of Political Orders, Fifteeneightyfour blog, Cambridge University Press.
2021 6+1 Questions about ‘Rethinking Causal Explanation in Interpretive International Studies, Duck of Minerva, August 26, 2021
2019 ‘EU, populismen och Europavalet’ (EU, Populism and the European Elections) Världspolitikens dagsfrågor, Utrikespolitiska Institutet (Swedish Institute of International Affairs).
2015 Interpretive Process Tracing and Causal Explanations, Newsletter of the APSA Organized Section for Qualitative and Multi-Methods Research, 13(2): 4-9).
2014 ‘Integrated Report on Policy Responses to Crisis’ LIVEWHAT-project, (grant agreement n° 613237).