Stockholms universitet

Noam RingerUniversitetslektor

Om mig

Jag heter Noam Ringer och jag är psykolog och doktor i pedagogik. Under min hela yrkeskarriär har jag arbetat med barn och ungdomar med neuropsykiatriska svårigheter, ett område som jag verkligen brinner för. Mina arbetslivserfarenheter, som psykolog inom Habilitering och Hälsa, som skolpsykolog i varierade skolor samt som psykolog inom Barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin, har gett mig en fantastisk möjlighet att arbeta med familjer och barn med diagnoser inom autismspektra och ADHD.

Målet med mitt arbete som psykolog har alltid varit att förbättra barnets och familjens livskvalité och att hjälpa barnet att nå sin maximala förmåga. Samma mål har jag även som forskare och universitetslärare.

I min doktorsavhandling har jag studerat hur barn och ungdomar med ADHD uppfattar och hanterar sina ADHD-symptom. Jag har även studerat hur hanteringsstrategier hos föräldrarna.

Generellt kan man säga att jag är intresserad av processer av ’self-management’, ’coping’, eller hur människor gör för att hantera livet när livet ställer till det. Därför är jag mycket glad för att kunna leda forskningsprojektet: ’Att leva med Pediatric Acute onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS)’ där vi undersöker hur barn med PANS, sina föräldrar och syskon upplever sjukdomen, och vad de gör för att kunna hantera den. 

Dessutom är jag intresserad av hur aspekter inom den sociala miljön som barnet lever i relaterar till barnets välmående. Under ledningen av prof. Mara Westling Allodi deltar jag i forskningsprojektet ’Samspel i samklang med elevers behov’, där vi undersöker betydelsen av det sociala klimatet för barnets välmående.


Just nu undervisar jag inom lärarprogrammet, förskolelärarprogrammet, och Specialpedagogprogrammet - alla är på Specialpedagogiska institutionen på  Stockholms universitet.



I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Living with ADHD

    2019. Noam Ringer. International journal of disability, development and education


    ADHD is a disability characterised by hyperactivity, impulsivity and difficulties maintaining attention. Despite extensive research on ADHD, the effects of existing treatments are moderate and inconsistent. Knowledge regarding children’s and adolescents’ everyday experiences of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and their understanding of these experiences is valuable for the further development of interventions. The aim of the following study was to systematically search for and review qualitative research on children’s and adolescents’ everyday experiences and understanding of their ADHD, and to suggest an integrative synthesis of the results. In total, 16 published and unpublished qualitative studies on the subject were identified. The analysis identified four categories: (1) experiences related to one’s body and psychological abilities: lack of control, having difficulties, and the biological determination of these experiences; (2) ambivalent experiences related to one’s own psychological needs: a need to adjust oneself and a need to be accepted as ‘who I am’; (3) ambivalent experience related to social others: demands and expectations are a problem, experiencing lack of belonging and stigma, but also receiving help from close social others; and (4) experiences related to the formation of personal identity. Erikson’s psychosocial theory of personal identity is suggested for an understanding of the results.

    Läs mer om Living with ADHD
  • Managing children with challenging behaviours. Parents’ meaning-making processes in relation to their children’s ADHD diagnosis

    2019. Noam Ringer (et al.). International journal of disability, development and education


    This study investigates parents’ lived experiences of having a child diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The aim was to explore parents’ meaning-making processes in relation to their children’s ADHD with a focus on understanding the impact that receiving a diagnosis had on the parents’ perceptions of, and ways of managing, their children’s challenging behaviours. Drawing on data collected through semi-structured interviews with 12 parents, we carried out a content analysis of the parents’ accounts, producing a range of categories describing different aspects of the parents’ meaning-making processes in relation to their child receiving an ADHD diagnosis. Five conceptual categories were identified, describing components of a process of adaptation through which the parents – using the diagnosis as a tool – were able to transform feelings of distress over their difficulties in managing their child’s challenging behaviours into feelings of being able to cope with these challenges of integrating the ADHD diagnosis into everyday family life. This research suggests that understanding the long-term processes involved in parents’ meaning-making of an ADHD diagnosis is important and can open up a pathway to developing initiatives to support parents in dealing with their child’s challenging behaviours in everyday life.

    Läs mer om Managing children with challenging behaviours. Parents’ meaning-making processes in relation to their children’s ADHD diagnosis
  • Young people’s perceptions of and coping with their ADHD symptoms

    2019. Noam Ringer. Cogent Social Sciences


    Purpose. This study aimed to explore how young people with ADHD perceive and cope with their ADHD symptoms in the context of their everyday life. The research also explores relationships between types of perceptions and types of coping. Method. A qualitative, inductive approach using individual semi-structured interviews to elicit and analyse young people’s perceptions of and coping with their ADHD symptoms. Results. Analysis of interviews with 14 young people has shown a variety of perceptions regarding the mechanism behind the ADHD symptoms. Three types of perceived reasons for the ADHD symptoms were found: because there is something wrong with me, because there is a mismatch between me and the environment, because this is my personality. Variation was also found regarding the perceived threat of the symptoms. The results identified three ways of coping with symptoms: following the symptoms, changing the environment, controlling oneself. A possible relationship between type of perception and type of coping was identified. Conclusion. Young people with ADHD perceive and cope with their symptoms in various ways. Perceptions of and coping with ADHD may relate to each other. This study highlights the importance of identifying young people’s perceptions of their ADHD in order to understand their attempts to cope with it.

    Läs mer om Young people’s perceptions of and coping with their ADHD symptoms

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