Stockholms universitet

Patricia CiobanuUtbildningsassistent

Om mig

Jag är doktorand på Institutionen för data- och systemvetenskap (DSV). Mina forskningsintressen inkluderar att designa och utforska alternativ inom mer-än-mänsklig design. Motiverad av miljöhänsyn och intresse för hållbarhet och regenerativa diskurser, engagerar jag mig i begrepp om omsorg och tid och utforskar dessa genom design, interaktionskritik och materialitet. Jag har en teknologie masterexamen i interaktiv medieteknik från Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) och en kandidatexamen i tillämpad matematik och samhällsvetenskap från Pantheon-Sorbonne University.






Extrality Lab, Stockholms universitet (DSV), 2019 - 2023


Extrality Lab, Stockholms universitet (DSV), 2024


I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • Forms of Care in Human–Nature–Technology Environments

    2022. Patricia Ciobanu, Oskar Juhlin. Journal of Posthumanism 2 (3), 249-266


    With the ongoing environmental disruptions, designers are increasingly interested in exploring nature–technology entanglements that create sustainable and collaborative futures. Although largely unarticulated, these emerging design inquiries are motivated by care for nature, which indirectly depends on cultural and social human practices. Drawing on a broad set of works on care from feminist theory, science and technology studies, and human–computer interaction, this article introduces a care framework that focuses on revealing tensions in the interrelationship between humans and nonhumans. The framework is used to examine an initial study in which five participants engaged with a speculative design probe, specifically a combination of a device and a plant, envisioning a scenario in which plants generate electricity. We reveal how forms of care manifest differently in a human–plant–technology dynamic and identify tensions, such as plants being considered utilities, proxies, or humans.

    Läs mer om Forms of Care in Human–Nature–Technology Environments
  • Me, the Hill and My Browser - Investigating the Role of Time in Posthuman Interaction

    2022. Patricia Ciobanu, Oskar Juhlin. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 1-12


    Despite the growing concerns related to environmental disruptions, such as forest fires and floods, our interaction with nature has become increasingly distant. The belief is that this is due to human attunement to quick changes over short periods, while natural changes seem slow-paced over the long term. We argue that rather than the problem lying with the pace of time, humans should further attune to the various temporalities within nature. To unpack this topic, we follow a two-fold process: Research through Design and Autobiographical Design. The resulting prototype takes environmental sensor data and visualises the changes happening over a short time. We complement this IT-supported process with think-aloud walks, a practice that is embodied and devoid of technology, for a plural perspective on time. We offer insights into how noticing the various temporalities in nature was enabled, finally arguing for designs that support progressive adjustments that sustain human-nonhuman mutualism.

    Läs mer om Me, the Hill and My Browser - Investigating the Role of Time in Posthuman Interaction

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