Stina LindegrenUniversitetslektor
Om mig
Jag är socionom och fil. dr i socialt arbete. Mitt forskningsområde är prevention riktad mot personer som utövar eller riskerar att utöva sexuellt våld. Min avhandling handlar om hur sexualbrottsdömda män upplever stöd och behandling för problem relaterade till sexualbrott. Jag är legitimerad hälso- och sjukvårdskurator med grundläggande psykoterapiutbildning och har 13 års arbetslivserfarenhet från kriminalvård och beroendepsykiatri.
Lindegren, S. (2024). Stöd och behandling för sexualbrottsdömda män: hjälpsökande, behandlingsberedskap och förändring. Kriminalvården.
Lindegren, S. (2024). Support and Treatment for Men Convicted of Sexual Offending: Readiness, Change, and Previous Help-Seeking [Doctoral thesis, Uppsala University].
Lindegren, S. (2024). Experiences of Sex Offender Treatment: Searching for Desisting Narrative Identities. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. online publication ahead of print.
Lindegren, S. (2023). Looping Disruption: A Relational Mechanism Enhancing Treatment Readiness among Individuals convicted of Sexual Offending? Sexual Abuse, online publication ahead of print.
Jacobsson, M., & Lindegren, S (2023). Så ska du inte bemöta en våldsam man som anhörig. Dagens Nyheter.
Lindegren, S. (2022). A Pilot Study of the Swedish Sexual Offender Treatment Program. Research on Social Work Practice, 32(3), 328–344.
Lindegren, S. (2023). Disrupting the negative loop: relational processes enhancing treatment readiness among individuals convicted of sexual offending. Oral presentation at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium on the 13-15th of June in Stockholm.
Lindegren, S. (2023). Participants’ experiences of sex offender treatment: searching for desisting narrative identities. Oral presentation at the 17th conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders, IATSO, on the 30-1st of August/September in Trondheim.
Lindegren, S. (2023). Looping disruption: a relational mechanism enhancing treatment readiness among individuals convicted of sexual offending. Oral presentation at the 17th conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders, IATSO, on the 30-1st of August/September in Trondheim.
Lindegren, S., & Marshall, L. E. (2023). The Therapist Rating Scale-Revised (TRS-2): Pre and post-therapy underlying structure and correlates in two independent samples. Oral presentation at the 17th conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders, IATSO, on the 30-1st of August/September in Trondheim.
Lindegren, S. (2023). Participants’ experiences of sex offender treatment: searching for desisting narrative identities. Oral presentation at the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology Conference, NACS, on the 28-1st of September/October in Oslo.
Lindegren, S. (2023). Hjälpsökande beteende före brott och fällande dom: erfarenheter hos vuxna män som dömts för sexualbrott. Oral presentation at the National Conference with Focus on Coordinated Interventions in Social Work regarding Violence against Children and Adults in Close Relationships at Marie Cederschiölds University College on the 2nd of October.
Lindegren, S. (2022). Outcomes and participants experiences of sex offender treatment in Sweden: Mixed method findings. Oral presentation at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium on the 13-15th of June in Stockholm.
Lindegren, S., & Marshall, L. E. (2022). The Therapist Rating Scale-2 (TRS-2): Pre and Post-Therapy Underlying Structure and Correlates. Oral presentation at the Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse, ATSA, 41st Annual Treatment and Research Conference on the 26-29th of October in Los Angeles, California.
Lindegren, S. (2022). Deltagares erfarenheter av sexualbrottsbehandling: utveckling av nya narrativa identiteter och förberedelse för ett socialt liv i skam och stigma. Oral presentation at the National Conference with Focus on Coordinated Interventions in Social Work regarding Violence against Children and Adults in Close Relationships at Marie Cederschiölds University College on the 3rd of October.
Lindegren, S. (2021). Treatment Impact on Criminogenic Needs: A Pilot Study of the Swedish Prison and Probation Service’s Sexual Offender Treatment Program. Paper presented at the 16th conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders, IATSO, on the 25-27ht of August in Frankfurt am Main.
Lindegren, S. (2020). Treatment Impact on Criminogenic Needs: a Pilot Study of the Swedish Prison and Probation Service’s Sexual Offender Treatment Programme. Poster presented at the Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse, ATSA, 39th Annual Treatment and Research Conference on 21-23rd of October 2020 in Austin, Texas.
Lindegren, S. (2020). Behandlingsutfall avseende kriminogena behov: en pilotstudie av Kriminalvårdens nya behandlingsprogram för sexualbrottsdömda, SEIF. Oral presentation at the National Conference in Social Work and domestic violence against children and adults 2020, hosted by Centralförbundet för Socialt Arbete and Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College on 5th of October.