Stockholms universitet

Tea FredrikssonForskare

Om mig

Under 2024 påbörjade jag ett nytt projekt om hur fängelsemuseum kan förstås som historieberättande platser, med fokus på nordiska utställningar i nedlaggda fängelser.

2022 påbörjade jag och Anita Heber ett projekt om maskulinitet och utsatthet för brott, där vi studerar rättegångar ur tre perspektiv. Mer om den studien går att läsa här.  

Jag disputerade 2021, och min avhandling var en studie av skräcktematik i fängelsesjälvbiografier. Där analyserade jag hur fängelset som miljö framställs som kuslig och abjekt. Både i avhandlingen och i andra studier har jag jobbat med film- och litteraturvetenskapliga metodologiska grepp, i.e. med semiotisk och narratologisk analys. På det teoretiska planet jobbar jag mest med feministisk psykoanalys, maktperspektiv, intersektionalitet, samt queer- och genusteori. 2023 släpptes en omarbetad version av studien som bok hos Emerald.

Jag studerar även framställningen av (brotts)offer i popkultur, samt hur upphörande med brott kan förstås som en skrämmande process.



I urval från Stockholms universitets publikationsdatabas

  • The Horror-Storied Prison: A Narrative Study of Prison as an Abject and Uncanny Institution

    2021. Tea Fredriksson.

    Avhandling (Dok)

    In terms of time as well as in terms of depth, prison is a storied institution. Many-layered tales have been told about it since its inception. A prominent theme of these stories is how they configure belonging and otherness through horror-iconography. This study pursues how prison is made sense of in stories that present it as both fact and fiction. To study this, it explores how prison is narrativized in 10 commercially published prison autobiographies. The analysis explores how the narrativization of prison space speaks to social fears and anxieties about deviance and punishment, and how these narratives fit into social, subject-formative processes where prison is an abject as well as uncanny institution.

    The study employs haunting and the monstrous-feminine as critical devices. The implementation of the monstrous-feminine motif enables a reading of the prison’s particular form of punishment as one that threatens to devour, incorporate, and assimilate subjects into the other; rather than exclude and remove (undesirable) subjects from society. It also elucidates how, as an abject other, it cannot spawn clean and proper, rehabilitated bodies. Moreover, viewing prison as haunting unveils several processes that unfamiliarize the familiar in both conceptual and spatiotemporal ways. It shows how prison unsettles definitions and meanings of things like past, present, and future; punisher and punishee; and even life and death. Additionally, focusing on haunting as social, spatial, and temporal ambiguity enables an analysis of how prison functions as a repository of repressed violence. This is particularly evident when texts reveal how prison is haunted at the same time as it also haunts places and people both in and around it. Uncanny doubles exemplify this, where eerily similar bodies and places destabilize notions of safety and danger. 

    Through its analysis of prison novels, the present study unveils how prison is narrativized as a viscous timespace that devours, disorients, and dissolves. It threatens to incorporate both subjects and other spaces into its lingering abjectivity, and haunt them if they ever leave. The study analyses how prison inscribes social fears on flesh, as well as what ghosts this flesh-making conjures. The resulting view is one of a sticky, subject-dissolving prison that seeps into and disrupts the fabric of ordinary life, while also threatening to keep growing and devouring with indiscriminate insatiability.

    Läs mer om The Horror-Storied Prison
  • Fearful futures and haunting histories in women's desistance from crime: A longitudinal study of desistance as an uncanny process*

    2020. Tea Fredriksson, Robin Gålnander. Criminology (Beverly Hills) 58 (4), 599-618


    Although desistance is increasingly recognized as a series of complex processes by which individuals transform from offenders into nonoffenders, few desistance scholars have studied this process in depth. In recent years, however, some have begun to explore how desistance is a process rife with setbacks and struggles. Through an analysis of repeated in-depth interviews with ten desisting women, in this study, we have found such struggles to be unsettling and outright frightening. Examples of this were prevalent throughout the women's narratives. The results of our analysis show how frightening aspects of desistance processes stem from making an unfamiliar, normative lifestyle familiar, while unfamiliarizing oneself with a familiar, deviant lifestyle. As such, desistance processes can be conceptualized as uncanny, that is, as pertaining to the frightening and uncertain. Although uncanniness is not a theoretical framework one tends to find in desistance research, it has the potential to develop the understanding of the struggles, fears, and anxieties of desistance processes. Through our analysis, we engage with how uncanniness can nuance established concepts in desistance research. Implications for theory as well as for criminal justice practice are discussed.

    Läs mer om Fearful futures and haunting histories in women's desistance from crime
  • First Impressions Last?: Lay-Judges’ Assessments of Credible Victimhood

    2024. Anita Heber, Tea Fredriksson. British Journal of Criminology


    This article explores how Swedish lay-judges assess victims’ credibility in district court. Previous studies have explored how biases and emotional expressions impact credibility assessments. Adding to this, the present study analyses how lay-judges assess courtroom credibility from an intersectional perspective. Based on 24 in-depth interviews with lay-judges, the study explores three intertwined layers of credibility: appearances, narratives and emotions. The analysis concludes that these layers actualize balancing acts for both victims and the lay-judges assessing them. These layers of credibility can compound for victims, making them particularly credible in the eyes of the lay-judges, especially if and when they perform victimhood in line with expectations set by their intersectional characteristics.

    Läs mer om First Impressions Last?
  • Courtroom performances of masculinities and victimhood

    2023. Tea Fredriksson. Courtroom ethnography, 209-223


    Drawing on observations in Swedish district courts, this chapter explores how masculinities and victimhood are performed in ways that contradict or underscore the assigned roles of plaintiff and defendant. Three themes showing how men both seek and avoid victimhood in court are analysed: heroic rescuers; capable victims; and fearful men. Heroic rescuers were plaintiffs who presented themselves as protecting women and children from violence. Capable victims often held professional positions of power, such as police officers and security guards, which they tried to leverage in the courtroom to balance victimhood and masculinity—with varying success. Fearful men were observed among both plaintiffs and defendants, and they performed victimhood in line with the traditional expectations of victimhood, through emotions such as fear, distress, and weakness. These themes show that the script associated with the victim-role is not exclusive to plaintiffs. Instead, it is fluid: sought after, avoided, or opposed as part of multiple masculinity performances in the courtroom.

    Läs mer om Courtroom performances of masculinities and victimhood
  • Avenger in distress: a semiotic study of Lisbeth Salander, rape-revenge and ideology

    2021. Tea Fredriksson. Nordic Journal of Criminology (1), 58-71


    Culturally constructed ideals and stereotypes are part of collective sense-making processes. One such stereotype is Nils Christie's ideal victim. The present study discusses how the ideal victim shares key features with another cultural stereotype: the damsel in distress. Moreover, the study addresses attempts at subverting such stereotypes, which can be found in the women avengers of rape-revenge narratives. Studies of rape-revenge narratives have elucidated how such stories (re)imagine rape victimhood and survival in Western and Nordic culture, in ways that question the ideal victim qua damsel and her underlying patriarchal ideologies from a feminist perspective. However, such critique has led to the creation of other stereotypes and ideologically complex and even problematic portrayals of rape and victimization. Through a semiotic analysis of portrayals of a popular rape-revenge protagonist, Lisbeth Salander, the present study discusses how different ideologies surface, converse, and collide in fictional narratives of rape, survival, victimhood, revenge, and retribution. The study finds that while embodying resistance to the damsel, Lisbeth Salander also embodies aspects of the patriarchal ideologies that keep the damsel in place, thus creating an ideologically complex image. This creates a space for questioning the cultural understanding of rape, victimhood, and resistance.

    Läs mer om Avenger in distress
  • Tall Tales and Truth Claims: The Forms and Functions of True Crime Stories in Crime Discourse

    2022. Tea Fredriksson. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab 109 (1), 125-131

    Läs mer om Tall Tales and Truth Claims

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