Den här sidan på svenska.

Open access funding (APC)

To publish an article open access, the publisher may apply an open access fee or article processing charge (APC). As a researcher at Stockholm University you do not necessarily have to pay the APC. With a number of journals and publishers the university will cover the costs through the library. In case you or your institution pay the APC you may be entitled to a discount.

Search journals or publishers where you can publish open access for free


Journal Search


The library pays for

The library does not pay for

  • Additional charges associated with the printed journal, such as color figures or offprints.
  • I some agreements certain article types are not included, see Terms and instructions per publisher.
  • Book publishing charges (BPC). Though our agreement with Brill gives 20% discount to researchers from SU.


  • Corresponding author must be affiliated with Stockholm University. (The person who handles the manuscript and correspondence during the publication process.) 
  • Stockholm University must be stated as the corresponding author’s affiliation in the article.
  • The research should have been predominantly conducted at SU.
  • Stockholm University e-mail address. Always use your Stockholm University e-mail address (ending with “”) at any stage of the publishing process, to ensure the identification of corresponding authors from Stockholm University and eligible articles.

CC licences are used in most instances of open access publishing of scholarly articles. In some agreements, the license type is pre selected, in others there are multiple choices. We recommend CC BY, but you are free to chose the license that suits you best. Read more about CC licenses at the National Library's website.

Publications in fully open access journals

A fully open access journal (also called “gold open access journal” or “pure open access journal”) is a journal where all articles are open access immediately on publication. APCs for publications by corresponding authors from Stockholm University in fully open access journals are covered by the university through the library.

Due to the library’s agreements with specific publishers, invoices for articles with a corresponding author from Stockholm University will be sent directly to the library.

For all other open access journals, you need to contact to arrange for the library to pay the APC. NB! We cannot reimburse credit card charges or invoices already paid. Always check with us before paying!

Publications in hybrid journals

A hybrid journal is a subscription-based journal where individual articles may be open access with an APC. All other articles are locked behind a paywall.

The library has agreements with several publishers that includes open access costs in hybrid journals. You will not receive APC invoices from these publishers. In case you or you institution pay the APC you may be entitled to a discount.

Contact us!

Do you want to know what applies to a particular journal or publisher? Have you received an APC invoice and want to check whether the library will cover the cost? Or do you need help selecting a Creative Commons license for your article?

Please contact the library at and we will help you!


Terms and instructions per publisher

The table provides an overview of Stockholm University open access agreements. Read more about each publisher and what you as an author from Stockholm University need to do in order to benefit from the agreement.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
American Chemical Society (ACS)
American Institute of Physics (AIP)
American Physical Society (APS)
American Physiological Society (APS)
American Society for Microbiology
BioMed Central
Brill Journals
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (CSHLP)
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Company of Biologists
De Gruyter
Emerald Journals
Institute of Physics (IOP)
IOS Press
JAMA Networks
John Benjamins Publishing
Microbiology Society
MJS Publishing
Nature Journals
Open Library of Humanities
Oxford University Press (OUP)
PLOS (Public Library of Science)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
Royal Society (RS)
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
Springer Nature
Taylor & Francis


Stockholm University Press

Stockholm University Press (SUP) is a research-driven open access publisher for peer-reviewed books and journals. In collaboration with authors and editors we publish books and journals in the humanities, the social sciences and the natural sciences. SUP was founded in 2013 in accordance with a vice chancellor decision and is operated by the Stockholm University Library. Digital editions of journals and books are published open access under a CC-BY license. The books can also be made available to order at the largest online bookstores, where published books and journals are released in consultation with an editorial board specialising in each subject area.

Stockholm University Press

A reliable publication channel

SUP is registered as a reliable publication channel in the Norwegian Registry of Certified Publishing Channels, sometimes referred to as the ’The Norwegian list’, as well as the Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator. SUP is also a member of several open access organisations that ensure the quality of publications, such as the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

Norwegian Registry of Certified Publishing Channels
Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator
Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) 
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Rigorous peer-review

SUP provides structured, transparent and rigorous peer-reviews with help from independent external reviewers. All audit procedures follow the publication’s ethical guidelines, which are provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). A publishing committee consisting of representatives from the Stockholm University faculties and staff from the university library reviews the quality of the publication processes SUP works with. Research groups, preferably those affiliated with Stockholm University, can apply to start an editorial board.

Guidelines from Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
Start an editorial board with Stockholm University Press

Writing and formatting tools

Text formatting is a part of the communication of research results. Many publishers apply specific guidelines that you need to comply with when you publish. To facilitate writing and formatting of scholarly texts of different kinds (e.g. articles, student papers or posters) Stockholm university offers three tools: Overleaf, Academic Writer and Produktionsverktyget.


Overleaf  is an online LaTeX/Rich Text editor for collaborative scientific writing and publishing. Stockholm University offers Overleaf Pro+ accounts free of charge to all students, faculty, and staff. The features of Overleaf include:

  • Online collaboration in Rich Text or LaTeX editing. Easily switch between either mode.
  • Real-time collaboration in your browser for sharing and editing projects with authorized users. You can remove collaborators at any time.
  • Real-time preview of projects to review your document while editing and writing - type on the left and see your finished document on the right.
  • Integrated, streamlined publishing allows you to publish immediately and directly to the journal of your choice with an integrated submission system to dozens of publishing partners.

Introduction to till Overleaf
Overleaf tutorial

Academic Writer

Stockholm University has access to Academic Writer. With instruction on and tools for how to think and write like a scholar, Academic Writer prepares students who are new to scholarly writing as well as those who are more advanced in their academic careers.

Academic Writer is the electronic version of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. This manual provides expertly created resources and authoritative guidance for scholarly writing and research methodology.

You can find information and tips about:

  • how you find and quote different types of sources
  • ways of writing and writing expressions
  • how to avoid plagiarism
  • strategies and research design
  • how to choose a journal
  • How to use Academic Writer

You need to create a personal account to use Academic Writer (user name: optional e-mail address, and a password). You access Academic Writer via the university library website. If you are working off campus, you are required to first log in with your university account. After that, you can create your personal Academic Writer account (via Welcome/Log in/Create an account).

Find Academic Writer via Stockholm University Library website/Databases a-z.

The production tool

The production tool (Produktionsverktyget) is a quick and easy way to produce material in line with Stockholm University’s visual identity. It is web-based and requires no introduction to access. Using Stockholm University branded templates, you can create posters, covers for reports and flyers for example. You log in with your university account.

The production tool
Stockholm University's visual identity

Printing services

Stockholm University has procured several printing services for self-publishing. For more information about providers, contact the Stockholm University unit for procurement:

One procured self-publishing service provider is Publit. Publit offers online publishing and print-on-demand. The service includes distribution via the major Swedish online book stores, and you can sell the book from a website with an online purchase widget.

Procured providers (only in Swedish)
Self-publishing with Publit

Order scanning for publication in DiVA

If you want your thesis, report, or other text from Stockholm University published in DiVA, you can order the scanning from us. In the case of compilation theses, we will only publish the summary. In the case of reports and written articles, you are often required to submit a copy for scanning.


Open access and article processing charges (APC):
Stockholm University Press:
Publish scholarly articles, book chapters, books:
Order scanning for publishing in DiVA: