Conferences and seminars

On this page you will find information about all seminars planned for the year 2022.



Research seminars HT 2024

You can join the seminar in room 334, 435, 111 or via online via Zoom.

Wednesday 4 September. Time: 3-5 PM
Meghan Mattsson McGinnis, Stockholms universitet, Doing Things with Rings Slutseminarium. Reviewer Torun Zachrisson, Upplandsmuseet.

Tuesday 10 September. Time 1-3 PM
Introduction to the Seminars.
Arja Karivieri och Therese Emanuelson-Paulson: Rapport från XXth International. Congress of Classical Archaeology, AIAC-CIAC , Paris, 3-6 juni 2024

Wednesday 25 September. Time: 3-5 PM
Fleur Kemmers, Goethe-universitetet, Frankfurt a. M. Early Greek coinage from a colonial perspective.
Post seminar and book release, Money, Coinage and Colonialism: Entangled Exchanges (Eds Nanouschka Myrberg Burström and Fleur Kemmers)

Wednesday 2 October. Time: 3-5 PM
Cecilia von Heijne, Ekonomiska museet – Kungliga myntkabinettet och Florent Audy, Statens Historiska Museer: Att berätta med pengar. Användning av mynt och andra numismatiska föremål i Ekonomiska museet – Kungliga myntkabinettets utställningar.

Wednesday 9 October. Time: 3-5 PM
Anna Wessman, University Museum of Bergen, Viking women in boats - some examples from western Norway.

Tuesday 15 October. Time 1-5 PM
Seminar Ekströms Stiftelse 50-års jubileum.

Tuesday 29 October. Time 1-3 PM.
Adam Lindqvist Wadstein: Thesis Seminar.

Wednesday 6 November. Time: 3-5 PM
Frida Espolin Norstein (Stockholm university), Bodies of objects: The role of grave goods in the construction of Viking Age persons.

Wednesday 13 November. Time: 3-5 PM
Marja Ahola, Helsinki university/Oulu university, Materialising the Social Relationships of Hunter-Gatherers: Archaeological and Geochemical Analyses of 4th Millennium BC ‘Slate Ring Ornaments’ from Finland’.

Thursday 14 November. Time: 1-3 PM
Yannick de Raaf, Göteborgs universitet: Measuring early Mycenaean construction projects: labour and monumentality.

Wednesday 20 November. Time: 3-5 PM
Sven Kalmring (Statens Historiska museum) och Johan Runer (Statens maritima och transporthistoriska museer), Korshamn, Birka.

Wednesday 27 November. Time: 3-5 PM
Sara Gummesson och Aija Macane (Stockholm university), Retrieving Osseous Biographies: development and transmission of technologies in the Baltic Sea region c. 9500–3000 BCE.

Wednesday 5 December. Time: 3-5 PM
Patrik Klingborg, Uppsala universitet, The first investigations of the Ancient Pergamos Project.

Friday 6 December. Time: 1 PM -
Dissertation. Tori Falck. The Becoming of Boats: Craft Practices in Southern Norwegian Boat Building (1050-1700 CE). Opponent professor Jon Adams, Southampton University.

Thursday 12 December. Time: 1 PM -
Dissertation. Jenny Nyberg. Förgängligheten & Evigheten: Samhällselitens förhållande till döden i Sverige under tidigmodern tid (ca 1500-1800). Hörsal D9, kl. 13.00. Opponent Jes Wienberg.


Andrew Jones, Kerstin Lidén, Arja Karivieri, Jan Storå, Jens-Christian Moesgaard, Anders Götherström


Research seminars VT 2024

You can join the seminar in room 334, 111 or via online via Zoom.

Wednesday 24 January. Time: 3-5 PM
Stella Macheridis (Lund): ‘Sheep management in Viking Age Scandinavia: Löddeköpinge from a zooarchaeological multiproxy perspective’.

Wednesday 31 January. Time: 3-5 PM
Christoph Kilger (Uppsala/Visby): ‘Västergarn och den gotländska kusten - Studier av en tidig medeltida hamnmiljö’.

Thursday 1 Febuary. Time: 1-3 PM
Hannah Moots: Site formation processes and Ancient DNA: Port Cities and Mobility in the Roman and Medieval Mediterranean. Arda Sevkar: Analysis of Mycobacterium leprae in Leprosy-Affected Individuals from Anatolian Medieval-Late Ottoman Period by using Ancient DNA.

Thursday 8 February. Time: 3-5 PM
Anton Bonnier (Uppsala): ‘Pollen data and the agricultural economy of ancient Attica in the first millennium BCE’.

Monday 12 February. Time: 1-3 PM
Arda Sevkar: Kinship patterns among ancient genomes shed light on past social traditions of the last 10,000 years.

Wednesday 14 February. Time: 3-5 PM
Anton Bonnier, Uppsala Universitet: Pollen data and the agricultural economy of ancient Attica in the first millennium BCE.

Wednesday 21 February. Time: 3-5 PM
AriPekka Junno (Stockholm): ‘Pots, bones, and an erupting volcano – preliminary results and thoughts after a year of field work in Japan’.

Wednesday 28 February. Time: 3-5 PM
Taryn Bell (York): ‘An archaeology of attachment: the power of social and emotional bonds’.

Tuesday 5 March. Time: 1-3 PM
Lovisa Brännstedt, Lunds universitet: Den besjälade naturen. Förebud och järtecken i antikens Rom.

Tuesday 12 March. Time: 1-3 PM (will be moved to another date)
Adam Lindqvist Wadstein och Julia Habetzeder: TBA.

Wednesday 13 March. Time: 3-5 PM
Ellinor Hedberg, halvtidsseminarium: ‘Ground-penetrating radar’.

Wednesday 20 March. Time: 3-5 PM
Mike Langton (Malå/Bradford): “Barely scratching the surface”. 20 years of GPR escapades and what the future holds!

Wednesday 27 March. Time: 3-5 PM
New PhD students, seminar. Aurore Hars (AFL): ’Migration and diet on Öland during the Middle Iron Age’. Emelie Jonsson (OFL): ’Osteoarchaeological fetal an infant studies of health, taphonomy and burial practices’.

Wednesday 3 April. Time: 3-5 PM
Laura Ahlqvist (Århus): ‘The social role of Nordic Bronze Age visual art. Perspectives from ornamented personal objects’.

Tuesday 9 April. Time: 1-3 PM
Elina Pyy, Helsingfors: Portrayals of Pain and Models of Masculinity: Suffering Male Body in Western Art and Culture.

Wednesday 10 April. Time: 3-5 PM
Erik Solfelt, halvtidsseminarium: ‘Material Spirits of the Past and Present. Studies in Animism(s) and Material Culture Among the Hunter-gatherers and Hunter-herders of Northern Eurasia’.

Wednesday 17 April. Time: 3-5 PM
André Nordin, halvtidsseminarium: ‘Arms Torn Asunder: A Study of Acutic Objects from Early Iron Age Sweden’.

Monday 22 April. Time: 3-5 PM
Rolf Warming, half time seminar: ‘Soldiers at Sea, c. 1450-1650: Close-Quarters Combat Practices in the Fleets of Northern Europe’.

Tuesday 14 May. Time: 1-3 PM
Adam Lindqvist Wadstein: thesis seminar.

Wednesday 15 May. Time: 3-5 PM
Cecilia Ljung (Stockholm): ‘Perceptions of a near and distant past: the reuse of picture stones in Medieval Churches on Gotland’.

Tuesday 21 May. Time: 1-3 PM
Therese Emanuelsson Paulson: TBA.

Wednesday 22 May. Time: 3-5 PM
Eva Wahlberg Sandberg, final seminar: ’Galen’s views of childhood health. A case study of the Antonine Graeco-Roman physician’s  views of the child and the ways to keep it healthy and alive’. Opponent: TBA.

Tuesday 28 May. Time: 1-3 PM
Julian Wareing: thesis seminar.

Wednesday 29 May. Time: 3-5 PM
Tori Falck, final seminar: ’Shipwrecks in Viken from medieval to modern eras (1050-1700) – Unveiling technical properties and beyond’. Opponent: Fred Hocker.

Wednesday 5 juni. Time: 3-5 PM
Eirini Anagnostou, final seminar: ’Tracing the impact of climatic events through isotopes’.


Andrew Jones, Kerstin Lidén, Arja Karivieri, Jan Storå, Jens-Christian Moesgaard


You can join the seminar in room 334, 111 or via online via Zoom.

Wednesday 6 September. Time: 3-5 PM
Joakim Goldhahn (Perth, Australia) ‘Biographical perspective on rock art: local and global perspective’.

Wednesday 13 September. Time: 3-5 PM
Ayelet Gilboa (Haifa, Israel) ‘The rise of Ancient Israel, another view: luxury trade and the state’.

Wednesday 20 September. Time: 3-5 PM
Bettina Stolle slutseminarium, ‘Disentangling central place dynamics: the social zooarchaeology of Helgö’. Opponent: Stella Macheridis (Lund).

Wednesday 27 September. Time: 3-5 PM
Stella Chrysoulaki (Athens, Greece) ‘Burial customs in archaic Athens: The Phaleron Delta cemetery, Attica’.

Wednesday 4 October. Time: 3-5 PM
New PhD-students: Marcus Frid (OFL) ‘Birds of the Baltic Islands’. Siri Pettersson Bergman (AFL) ‘Arkeobotanik på Öland under Folkvandringstid och Vendeltid’. Aurora Hars (AFL) ‘Mobilitet och diet på Öland under Folkvandringstid och Vendeltid’.

Wednesday 11 October
Inget seminarium.

Wednesday 18 October. Time: 3-5 PM
Claus Feveile (Ribe, Denmark). ‘Ribe og dets udmøntning i 700- og 800-tallet’.

Wednesday 25 October. Time: 3-5 PM
David De Lorenzi Turner slutseminar, ‘Neolith Post Circles in South Scandinavia’ Opponent: Kristian Brink (Sydsvensk Arkeologi).

Wednesday 1 November. Time: 3-5 PM
Jesper Hansen (Svendborg, Danmark) ‘Havsmarken, en driftig vikingehavn på Ærø’.

Wednesday 8 November. Time: 3-5 PM
Sarah Pederzani (La Laguna, Spain) ’How did Homo sapiens spread across Eurasia? New data on human climatic resilience at the onset of the Upper Palaeolithic’.

Wednesday 15 November. Time: 3-5 PM
Johnny Geber (Edinburgh, UK) ‘ ‘Harvested Bodies’: Biocultural Linkages of Structural Violence and Identity and the Bioarchaeology of Anatomical Collections’.

Wednesday 22 November. Time: 3-5 PM
Dianne Unsain (Stockholm) ‘Medieval People, from Nature to Culture. Socio-economic Implications of the Exploitation of Animal Resources in France’.

Friday 24 November. Time: 1 PM
Disputation Anton Larsson De Geer-salen i Geovetenskapens hus ‘Landslide Archaeology: Past hazards and disasters in the Göta River Valley and beyond’. Opponent Christina Rosén.

Wednesday 29 November. Time: 3-5 PM
Linda Fibiger (Edinburgh, UK) ‘ ‘Transgression': Bioarchaeological approaches to gendered violence in prehistoric Europe’.

Wednesday 6 December. Time: 3-5 PM
Fredrik Hallgren (Västerås) ‘Utgrävning i Dagsmosse’.

Wednesday 13 December. Time: 3-5 PM
Astrid Noterman, Alison Klevnäs, Cecilia Ljung (Stockholm) ’Dealing with the dead: new osteological analysis of early churchyard burials on Gotland’.


Andrew Jones, Kerstin Lidén, Arja Karivieri, Jan Storå, Jens-Christian Moesgaard


You can join the seminar in room 334, 111 or via online via Zoom.

Wednesday 25 January. Time: 3-5 PM
Rita Peyroteo-Stjerna (Uppsala)-’Mummification in the Mesolithic. New Approaches to Old Photo Documentation Reveal Previously Unknown Mortuary Practices in the Sado Valley, Portugal’.

Wednesday 1 February. Time: 3-5 PM
Joana Valdez-Tullett (Edinburgh, UK) ‘Circling Around: past societies and rock art practices’. 

Wednesday 8 February. Time: 3-5 PM
Aija Macāne (Riga/Helsinki) ‘Stone Age Companions. Humans and animals in hunter-gatherer burials in north-eastern Europe’.

Wednesday 22 February. Time: 3-5 PM
Gitte Ingvardson ‘500 år mellem riller og revner- rekonstruktion og nytolkning af et unikt middelalderligt møntfund fra Lunds domkirkes korstole’.

Wednesday 1 March. Time: 3-5 PM
Serena Sabatini (Gothenburg) Vulci and the ‘Understanding Urban Identities’ project.

Wednesday 8 March. Time: 10–12 AM
(Assistant Professor, Department of Cultures, Archaeology. Helsinki university). Det dagliga livet, handeln och kulten under yngre järnålder i Bartsgårda på Ålandsöarna. Organised by OFL but open to all. 

Wednesday 8 March. Time: 3-5 PM
Dang Hoai Nam (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy) ‘Predicting visitor's attachment and pro-environmental behaviors in nature-based tourism: cross-country research in Vietnam and Italy’.

Wednesday 15 March. Time: 3-5 PM
Minerva Piha (Nord Universitet, Norge) ‘Language policies in Saami archaeological research.’ 

Wednesday 22 March. Time: 3-5 PM
Caroline Owman (Uppsala) ‘Staying With the Trouble at "Livets museum" An exhibition project in need of a more-than-human update’.

Wednesday 29 March. Time: 3-5 PM
Stephanie Moser (Southampton, UK) ‘The remarkable legacy of museum objects: ancient Egyptian furniture and modernist design icons’.

Wednesday 5 April. Time: 3-5 PM
Karl-Johan Lindholm (Uppsala universitet), Swedigarch presentation

Wednesday 19 April. Time: 3-5 PM
Erika Gal, Late Medieval animal remains from the Esztergom archbishopric (N-Hungary).

Wednesday 26 April. Time: 3-5 PM
Tobias Lindström, final seminar ‘Människor, djur och varelser i miniatyr- flerartliga förbindelser i den gropkeramiska kulturen’

Wednesday 3 May. Time: 3-5 PM
Louisa Minkin (London, UK) ‘Concepts Have Teeth, And Teeth That Bite Through Time: digital imaging and Blackfoot material culture in UK museums.’ 

Wednesday 10 May. Time: 3-5 PM
Johan Linderholm (Umeå universitet), title to be confirmed.

Wednesday 17 May. Time: 3-5 PM
Bettina Stolle, final seminar, title to be confirmed.

Wednesday 24 May. Time: 3-5 PM
Fredrik Lundström half time seminar, ‘Lost Projectiles in Action. Weapon, Human and Environmental Connections in the Early Holocene through Geometric Morphometrics, Continuum Mechanical Simulations and Experimental Archaeology’.

Wednesday 31 May. Time: 3-5 PM
Ana Motta (Kiel, Germany) ‘Animal performance: on becoming human and animal in the Indigenous rock art from the northeast Kimberley, Australia, through a bi-constructivist approach’.

Wednesday 7 June. Time: 3-5 PM
Jonas Monié Nordin ‘Between nomadism and indentured servitude. An historical archaeological study of early modern Sámi economic and social strategies in Central Sweden’.



Andrew Jones, Kerstin Lidén, Arja Karivieri, Jan Storå, Jens-Christian Moesgaard


You can join the seminar in room 435, 334 or via online via Zoom.

Tuesday 6 September. Time: 13–15
Introduction to the Seminars and conference reports.

Wednesday 7 September. Time: 15–17
Kate Franklin (Birkbeck College, London) ‘Living the Global Everyday: Excavating the Medieval Silk Road in Armenia’. 

Monday-Tuesday 12-13 September. Time: 15-17
Bridging the Hellespont, CU-SU workshop.

Monday 12 September. Time: 18–19.30
Tim Whitmarsh, A. G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture, St John’s College Cambridge: Bridging the Hellespont: Migrations ancient and modern.

Wednesday 14 September. Time: 15–17
Moa Råhlander slutseminarium ‘Attributes of beads’. Opponent: Fil Dr Ny Björn Gustafsson, National Board of Antiquities/Riksantikvarieämbetet.

Wednesday 21 September. Time: 15–17
Mathias Bjørnvad-Ahlquist (Aarhus/UCLAN) ‘The social role of hoarding in Mesolithic and Neolithic southern Scandinavia’.

Wednesday 28 September. Time: 15-17
Meghan Matsson McGinnis Halvtidseminarium ‘Doing Thing With Rings: What's been done so far’.

Monday 3 October. Time: 17–20
Nationalmuseum Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna, Antiken i Sverige – Sverige i Antiken, föredrag: Martin Olin, Arja Karivieri, Cilla Robach och Kristian Göransson, och en nyskapad historisk fantasi, Drömmarnas akademi, med sång, musik, film och recitation; arrangörer: Nationalmuseum och Stockholms universitet

Wednesday 5 October. Time 15–17
Svante Fischer (Uppsala) ‘The Late Roman and Early Byzantine Solidi of Scandinavia (LREBS) - Project Presentation’.   

Wednesday 12 October. Time: 15–17
Leila Popoli-Yazdi and Omran Garazhian (Linneaus) Paper titles Leila: ‘A garbologist in Sweden’ Omran: ‘Short terms and long terms in the process of archaeological field activities Bam, SE Iran’ (Note this will be a longer time slot from 15.00-18.00)

Wednesday 18 october. Time: 13–15
Laura Nissin, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies: Sensing the Roman homes.

Onsdag 19 October. Time: 15–17
Anne Nyvist Thorsson (Göteborg) "Iteration och exkludering i stilvalens praktik - nya perspektiv på 1100- och 1200-talens gravmonument”. 

Wednesday 25 October. Time: 13–15
Julian Wareing presentation av avhandlingsprojekt (Antikens Kultur). 

Wednesday 26 October. Time: 15–17
Alison Klevnäs, Astrid Noterman and Cecilia Ljung Project proposal review ‘Collecting the dead: conversion period burials in Gotland and Uppland and the new possibilities offered by bioarchaeology’ Principal Reader: Kerstin Lidén.

Wednesday 2 November. Time 15–17
Magnus Enquist ‘Aesthetics in animals and humans’.

Wednesday 9 November. Time: 15–17
Tori Falck Halvtidseminarium ‘Tradition, innovation, and pragmatism. A social perspective on changes in maritime technology in Viken (AD1050-1700)’. 

Tuesday 15 November. Time: 13–15
Therese Emanuelsson-Paulson och Evan Vance, Loeb postdoc, ASCSA: Architectural and epigraphic genre in an unpublished octagonal column from Kleonai.

Wednesday 16 November. Time: 15–17
Malou Blank (Göteborg) ‘Mobility, Subsistence and Mortuary practices. An interdisciplinary study of Neolithic and Early Bronze Age megalithic populations of southwestern Sweden’.

Tuesday 22 November. Time: 13–15
Adam Lindqvist Wadstein: Avhandlingsseminarium.

Wednessday 23 November. Time: 15–17
Ingrid Berg (Uppsala) ‘Interdisciplinarity and collaboration in Swedish archaeology: challenges and opportunities in cross-cutting research’.

Wednesday 30 November. Time: 15–17
Marieke Ivarsson-Aalders Halvtidseminarium ‘Growing up on Gotland – A bioarchaeological approach to Viking Age childhood’.

Wednesday 7 December. Time: 15–17
Marta Díaz-Guardamino (Durham) ‘New research on the Montelirio burial costume, Spain’. 

Monday 12 December. Time: 17-19
Öppen föreläsning, kl. 17-19, Aula Magna, 
organiserad tillsammans med Egyptens ambassad och Världskulturmuseerna: Dr Zahi Hawass: Scanning the Pharaohs: CT Imaging and DNA studies of the New Kingdom Royal Mummies.

Wednesday 14 December. Time: 15–17
Caroline Owman (Uppsala) ‘Staying With the Trouble at "Livets museum" An exhibition project in need of a more-than-human update’. 

Wednesday 20 December. Time: 13–15
Niklas Eriksson och Ann-Louise Schallin: Asine 2022 (TBA).


Andrew Jones, Kerstin Lidén, Arja Karivieri, Jan Storå.


You can join the seminar in room 435 or via online via Zoom. 

Friday 28 January. Time: 13–15
Georgia Galani: PhD disputation Imprints of Roman Imperium. Bronze Coinages in the Republican Eastern Provinces.

Wednesday 2 February- Time: 15–17
Rachel Crellin (University of Leicester): A history of stone and metal at Upton Lovell G2a, Wiltshire. 

Wednesday 9 February, Time: 15–17
Mikael Adolphson (Cambridge University/Uppsala University): Treasures of Early Medieval Japan: Coins, Ceramics, and Sulphur.

Wednesday 16 February. Time: 15–17
Bjarne Grønnow (National Museum Denmark): Exploring UNESCO Cultural World Heritage in Greenland: a discussion of ideas, set-up and preliminary results of the on-going Activating Arctic Heritage Project. 

Friday 18 February. Time: 13–15
Helena Günther, PhD disputation: The rhythm of rock art animals. Picturing reindeer, elk and bear around the seasonal cycle in Stone Age Alta, Norway and other North Fennoscandian localities. 

Wednesday 23 February. Time: 15–17
Anton Larsson: halvtidseminarium Landslide Archaeology: Hazard and disaster in Western Sweden.

Wednesday 2 March. Time: 15-17
March first seminar for new doktorands – archaeology and archaeological science.

Wednesday 9 March. Time: 15–17
David De Lorenzi Turner: halvtidseminarium Neolithic Wooden Post Structures: Postholes, depositions and the playing out of time.

Wednesday 16 march. Time: 15–17
Peter Jordan (Lund University) After the Ice: Cultural Trajectories in Maritime Northeast Asia. 

Wednesday 23 march. Time 15–17
Paul Reilly (University of Southampton): Haunted Pixels, Quantum Wells, or Temporal Debris in a Digital Plough Zone? Digital Images+D in archaeology.

Wednesday 6 April. Time: 15–17
Ingrid Berg (Uppsala University) Interdisciplinarity and collaboration in Swedish archaeology: challenges and opportunities in cross-cutting research

Wednesday 27 April. Time: 15–17
Emma Maltin: halvtidseminarium.

Wednesday 4 May. Time: 15–17
Julie Lund (Oslo University): Connecting to Pasts in Viking Age Scandinavia. Relational perspectives on Reuses, References and Reinventions.

Wednesday 11 May. Time: 15–17
Per Nilsson (Östergötlands museum): Spår från bronsåldern och spår från bronsålderns arkeologer. Nya utgrävningar vid Himmelstalunds hällristningar.

Wednesday 18 May. Time: 15–17
Manuel Dominguez Rodrigo (Rice University): Latest discoveries at Olduvai Gorge: new archaeological record shows that early humans had a unique way of life

Wednesday 1 June. Time: 15–17
Viacheslav Kuleshov (Stockholm University) A numismatic chronology for Birka: towards the revaluation of coin finds


Mats Burström, László Bartosiewicz, Kerstin Lidén, Jens Christian Moesgaard, Lena Sjögren

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