
This web page is a complement to Stockholm University's employee website for employees at the Department of Archaeology and classical Studies.

Please visit the university's website for staff regularly to keep track of information about the university that may be relevant to know.


Service and news for staff offered by the University Administration


Stockholm University has a handbook for international researchers which contains information about life in Sweden, as well as information about insurance and medical care, working life at Stockholm University, accomodation in Stockholm and research funding.

Hej - Handbook for international researchers


All you need to know about moving to Sweden and working at Stockholm University.



For all employees

Here you can find information about terms of employment, benefits, travel and travel expences, illness, holidays etc.

Please note that many of the formal documents regarding your employment are in Swedish. Contact Maria Wojnar-Johansson, Head of Administration, if you have questions or need support in employee matters.


Crisis plan for the Department of Archaeology and Classical studies

This plan concerns the immediate protection of one or more individuals in a crisis, and any subsequent professional involvement.

Crisis plan (269 Kb)

In the case of a crisis, contact the crisis group immediately in the following order of priority:

Head of department, Jan Apel, tel. 08-16 34 10
Deputy head of department, Arja Karivieri, 08-16 33 66
Evacuation manager, Sven Isaksson, 08-674 73 67, mobile 070-355 89 69
Safety officer, Ann-Louise Schallin, 08-16 33 67
Deputy safety officer, Anne Monikander, 08-16 11 54

When the evacuation alarm sounds you shall leave the building and go to the assembly point. The assembly point is located passed Botan on the lawn with the oak trees by the green houses on the left hand side of the road towards Roslagsbanan.

When you leave the building you should do it with the attitude of not coming back in again. This means in winter that you should put on your outerwear so that you do not freeze, and that you should bring your wallet, bus card, keys home, etc. Provided, of course, that you can do this without placing yourself in immediate danger.

Remember that the evacuation alarm may sound because of other dangers than fire. The lack of smoke is no excuse to stay behind! Teaching personnel has a responsibility towards their students and are obliged to inform students regarding evacuation routes and fire compartments. There is only one fire compartment in this building and that is the staircase. That is why the doors into the staircase have to be closed at all times.

If you have further questions regarding emergency evacuations please contact one of our Evacuation Officers:

Sven Isaksson

Hans Ahlgren



If you are absent due to illness for more than seven calendar days in a row, you are required to submit a doctor’s certificate to your department, centre, etc. Under certain circumstances a doctor’s certificate can be required for a shorter period of absence due to illness.

Our HR system Primula is used for reporting leave of absence due to illness.


Caring for a sick child (VAB)

You report absences for the purposes of caring for a sick child yourself, both directly to the Swedish Social Insurance Administration (Försäkringskassan) and to your immediatFrom the 8th day, a medical certificate must be provided.

You register the absence period in Primula (from - until dates). In order to register in Primula, the child’s date of birth must be registered in Primula.

If your absence has exceeded 7 days, you must submit a copy of the medical certificate to the department's head of administration.



If you have a question about procurement, call-off orders, or orders, you should first contact the department's financial officer for further assistance.

The purchase of computers, computer programs, licences and all IT equipment is made by the department's IT manager.

When invoicing, write the department's reference number 108. Please note that you should always contact the department's finance administator before ordering.

Travel and travel expenses

If you need to book a trip, you can either do so yourself via Egencia or contact the department's administration, which can book the trip for you.

Before booking the trip, it must be approved by the head of department/an equivalent person. Traveller profiles are created via an HR file that is transmitted from Stockholm University to Egencia every night. It is therefore important that you update your profile with the name stated in your passport. Also enter your work phone number and mobile number so that Egencia can reach you with important information in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

You register travel expenses yourself in the ‘My Page’ section of Primula Web.

If subsistence allowances are not payable, select ‘outlays/car compensation’ and state whether you are requesting compensation for hotels, tickets, etc.

The receipt must be attached to the expense/travel bill and the original receipt must be provided to the financial officer at the department.



For information about your salary payments:


As a new employee you need to send your tax certificate to the Human Resources Office. To order the certificate contact Skatteverket.

Order a tax certificate

In addition, as a new employee, you have to register your checking account with Danske Bank (enter customer number 79200).

Danske Bank

Pay slips

You can download these yourself from Primula (‘My Page’)

If you wish to have your pay slip sent to your home, you can mark this preference under ‘My Page/Personal Data’.

Hourly employees and employees on leave receive a pay slip sent to their home.

Wellness compensation

For details concering the wellness compensation:

wellness compensation

Employees at Stockholm university have access to, free of charge, training activities in Frescatihallen.

Sports and recreational facilities at SU


As an employee of the university, you can contact Feelgood for telephone counselling regarding work-related illnesses and for therapy/support conversations. The agreement does not include general health care, but as an individual you often cannot determine whether or not a condition is work-related. Therefore, you should always call and consult with the occupational health nurse. You can always book an appointment with a physician for an assessment.

Within the framework of the agreement and in their capacity as employer representatives, heads of department and other managers may turn to the occupational health care service to obtain, among other things, help in rehabilitation cases.

For more detailed information about what applies under the agreement: Important information for employees/managers about occupational health care

Avonova´s city clinic is located at Klarabergsviadukten 90 C, plan 7 (Metro: T-Centralen). Tel 08-120 125 00, Monday–Friday from 08:00–16:30.


In You and Your Workplace you will get an overview of the terms of employment at Stockholm University, including changes until July 2020.

You and Your Workplace

People working at Stockholm University can find information on terms of employment, benefits, and other subjects like equality, the workplace, and the environment on web page for personnel.



All holidays must be scheduled no later than 30/4.

You can register holidays yourself under ‘My Page’ in Primula Web.

Full holidays can only be posted if you have been employed for the entire year.

You can have a maximum of 30 saved holiday days.

If you fall ill during your holiday, you must call in sick to the department and withdraw your holiday in Primula.

Apply and withdraw holidays


For researchers

Here you can find advice, support, service as a researcher at Stockholm University.

Stockholm University requires full cost recovery for indirect costs, but not all sources of external research funding currently pay for the entire overhead cost. This means that the department must use its own research funds to cover the difference. For this reason, in instances in which the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies is intended to manage the funds being applied for, applications for research funding must be approved by the section concerned prior to submission. The assessment takes into account the section's financial situation, as well as how the proposed subject corresponds to the section’s research profile. In order to enable such an assessment, a fully completed application must be submitted to the relevant head of subject no later than 14 days before the deadline imposed by the research funding body. Applications received later than this will not be considered.

Contact the department's economist or head of administration as soon as possible once you have been granted funding.

Heads of subject

Archaeology: Mats Burström
Archaeological Science: Kerstin Lidén
Ancient Culture and Society: Arja Karivieri
Osteoarchaeology: Laszlo Bartosiewicz
Stockholm Numismatic Institute: Jens Christian Moesgaard
Centre for Palaeogenetics: Anders Götherström

The Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services offers support with writing applications for EU-funded research projects.

The Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services

Several of the Offices within the University Administration offer their services and support to researchers at Stockholm University.

Services for research

There is a requirement that peer-reviewed publications should be published in Open Access. On this page you will find some useful information regarding Open Access and Open data i Horizon 2020.

Open access and Open data



Head of department
Desputy head of department
Head of Administration
Financial Administrator
Personnel manager
IT and Technical staff
On this page