Stockholm university

Agnes KarlssonAssociate professor

About me

Associate professor and docent (equivalent to habilitation) in Marine Ecotoxicology. I received my PhD in Marine Ecology from Stockholm University in 2010. I conducted post-doctoral research at the University of Waikato and University of Otago, New Zealand, and at the Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry, Stockholm University 2011-2016 (including maternity leave).  I am the main supervisor to PhD students Matias Ledesma and John Taylor.

Since 2022 I am the contract holder for the National Monitoring program for phytobenthos which started in 1993.


I am the couse leader for ecology/Baltic Sea field courses at the Askö island, obligatory in the 2nd year of the Marine Biology as well as the Biology and Earth Science programmes. I am also involved in the Ecotoxicology course (Bacehlorlevel) and the MSc level course Baltic Sea Ecosystem: Applications, Modelling and Management (given by the SU Baltic Sea Centre to which I'm affiliated).

I regularily supervise Bachelor (kandidat) and MSc (Master) projects, just email me if you want to discuss a potential project! Broadly I supervise projects linked to food web ecology, large scale changes in the Baltic and ecotoxicology.


My research aims to advance our understanding of how individuals, populations, communities and ecosystems react and adapt to natural and anthropogenic stress (e.g. eutrophication, over-fishing, contaminants, invasive species and climate change). I am particularly interested in these topics:

  1. Food web ecology and trophic interactions during environmental change
  2. Long-term ecological research and co-analyses of monitoring data and archived samples
  3. The role of N-fixing cyanobacterial blooms for fish growth conditions
  4. Applications of stable isotopes in ecology, ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring

My publication list can be found on my Research Gate and Google Scholar profiles (see links) 

Current projects:

Formas (2020-2023): Can cyanobacterial blooms make Baltic Sea fish less toxic? 

Naturvårdsverket (Swedish EPA): Time trends in isotope composition of Baltic cod


Research projects