Stockholm university

Anders RickegårdLecturer

About me

BA, MSSc, Lecturer, Assistant Director of Studies (for the bachelor's and the master's levels) in the Department of Human Geography, Programme Director for the BSc in Urban and Regional Planning, Stockholm University.

Contact details
Tel: +46 8 16 48 34
Postal Address: Stockholm University, Department of Human Geography, Anders Rickegård, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting Address: Room X324, "Geovetenskapens hus" (the Geo-Science Building), Svante Arrhenius väg 8, Frescati, Stockholm, Sweden
Office hours: Please e-mail me in advance to make an appointment. It is also possible to visit the Dept without prior arrangement, but I might be occupied or out of office.

Current posts and functions at Stockholm University, in brief

Participant in Planners as agents for the transition towards sustainable cities and regions – implications for future needs in expertise and education (PLANTS). Financed 2021–2025 by the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Formas). The research project is run by the Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University, in cooperation with the Department of Spatial Planning, Blekinge Institute of Technology, and the Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University.

Course Co-ordinator (administrative) for the Bachelor's Thesis in Urban and Regional Planning, 15 credits, in the final year of the Bachelor's Programme in Urban and Regional Planning, 180 credits. Course Co-ordinator for Project in Urban and Regional Planning 15 credits, elective in the fifth semester of the Bachelor's Programme in Urban and Regional Planning, 180 credits.

Course Co-ordinator for the first cycle course Urban and Regional Planning – Foundations, 7.5 credits, in the first semester of the Bachelor's Programme in Urban and Regional Planning, 180 credits.

Programme Director for the Bachelor's Programme in Urban and Regional Planning, 180 credits, and Examiner for the First Cycle courses in Urban and Regional Planning; including Urban and Regional Planning I, II and III, from 2019/2020 also Urban and Regional Planning – Foundations, Cities and Urban Society – Local and Global Challenges, Urban and Regional Planning – Organization, Urban and Regional Planning – Processes, Social Scientific and Spatial Methods, and Urban and Regional Planning – Practices, and from 2020/2021 Theories in Urban and Regional Planning, Social Science Methods and Research Design in Urban and Regional Planning, Project in Urban and Regional Planning, and Bachelor's Thesis in Urban and Regional Planning.

Department Environmental Representative.

Supervisor at the course Urban and Regional Planning – Practices, 7.5 credits, in the second semester of the Bachelor's Programme in Urban and Regional Planning, 180 credits, hosted in the Department of Human Geography. The course includes a five-day field course in a Swedish region. From 2022 there is an alternative week-long field course in Berlin since the course is part of the Erasmus+ blended intensive programme (BIP) (Sustainable Transformation of Neighbourhoods in Europe (STONIE) 2024‒2025, and Sustainable Transformation of Urban Regions in Europe (STOURIE) 2022‒2023) together with courses at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and Politecnico di Milano. 2016‒2019 the courses was a module called Essay in Urban and Regional Planning, 7 credits, and 2014‒2015 Project Work and Planning Analysis, 7 credits, within the course Urban and Regional Planning II, 30 credits, at the same programme. Module coordinator from 2019, course coordinator from 2020, local BIP coordinator from 2022, and BIP consortium coordinator 2024‒2025.

Urban Excursion Leader at the course Urban and Regional Planning – Foundations, 7.5 credits (2013–2018 at the module Planning Prerequisites: Living Environments, 6 credits, within the course Urban and Regional Planning I, 30 credits), in the first semester of the Bachelor's Programme in Urban and Regional Planning, 180 credits, hosted in the Department of Human Geography. From 2016 also at the introduction excursion at the module Foundations of Geography, 3 credits, within Geography I, 30 credits (mainly for students at the first semester of the Bachelor's Programme in Geography, 180 credits, and various teacher training programmes), at the Department of Physical Geography (in cooperation with the Department of Human Geography). In 2016 correspondingly at Urban Geography and Planning, 7.5 credits (within Human Geography I, 30 credits; mainly for students at the Bachelor's Programme in Human Geography with Intelligence Analysis for Policy and Business, 180 credits), at the Department of Human Geography.

Course Co-ordinator for the first cycle courses Swedish Geography, 7.5 credits, and Essay on Swedish Geography, 7.5 credits, Department of Human Geography. The modules are first and foremost designed for exchange students.

Assistant Director of Studies for the bachelor's level (first cycle, under-graduate, 3 years) and the master's level (second cycle, graduate, 2 years), Department of Human Geography.

Field Course Co-ordinator at the second cycle course Field Project in Urban and Regional Planning, 7.5 credits (1998‒2007 European Spatial Planning, 7.5 credits, 2008‒2015 Urban and Regional Planning and Policy in Europe, 15 credits, 2016‒ Field Project in Urban and Regional Planning, 7.5 credits), and local BIP coordinator from 2023, Department of Human Geography. The course contains an 8–10 days field course in a European region. From 2023 there is an alternative field course since the course is part of the Erasmus+ blended intensive programme (BIP) Environmental Planning and Territorial Development together with courses at Leibniz Universität Hannover, Université François-Rabelais de Tours, and Universität für Bodenkultur Wien. The course is primarily part of the second semester of the Master’s Programme in Urban and Regional Planning.

Principal Editor for, Department of Human Geography.

Lecturer ("universitetsadjunkt"), Department of Human Geography.

Previous posts and functions at Stockholm University, in brief

2008‒2009, 2010‒2011, 2012‒2013 and 2014‒2016
Acting Faculty Director of Education, The Social Sciences Faculty Office (from 2012 part of the Office of Human Science (2012‒2015 the Office of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences)) within the University Administration. 2016‒2017 at the Humanities Faculty Office.

Programme Co-ordinator, Master’s Programme in Urban and Regional Planning, 120 credits, Department of Human Geography.

Director of Studies for the Study Programme in Urban and Regional Planning, 240 credits, and the Bachelor’s Programme in Urban and Regional Planning, 180 credits, Department of Human Geography.

International Co-ordinator in the Department of Human Geography including collaboration and co-ordination of student and faculty exchange within Erasmus, Nordplus, Linnaeus-Palme, and other exchange agreements, and HERODOT (Thematic Network for Geography in Higher Education; funded with support from the European Commission) contact at Stockholm.

Co-ordinator for the university wide co-operation with schools, in-service training and teacher training, including the contacts with the Stockholm Institute of Education, at Teacher Training and In-service Training (at The Humanities Faculty Office), soon after at University Relations, and later at Teacher Training and Co-operation with Schools (at the Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology).

Study Counsellor, Department of Human Geography. Academic counselling and information for prospective students and students at the Departments all courses and programmes, study guides, assessment of course applications, course evaluations etcetera.

Part-time Lecturer, Department of Ethnology. Teaching at the fourth semester of the Study Programme in Urban and Regional Planning, 210 credits. Module coordination, lecturers, seminars and examination on social planning, 7.5 credits, and supervision for team project work, 7.5 credits.

Research Assistant, Institute for Urban Studies, Department of Human Geography. In a research project financed by the Swedish Council for Building Research ("Statens råd för byggnadsforskning") on the discussion about the Million Programme (“Miljonprogrammet”), the Swedish public housing programme 1965–1974.

Current additional commissions at Stockholm University, in brief

Steering Group for the Bachelor's Programme in Urban and Regional Planning ("ledningsgruppen för Samhällsplanerarprogrammet"): member and convener. 
Dept of Human Geography Board ("institutionsstyrelsen"): additional member (always).
Dept of Human Geography Committee for Work Environment, Equal Opportunities and Environment (ALM): member and convener.

Previous additional commissions at Stockholm University, selected

Dept of Human Geography Board: member.
Dept of Human Geography IT Group 2008‒2012: member.
Dept of Human Geography Urban and Regional Planning Counsel ("samhällsplaneringsrådet"): member.
Committee for the structure, terminology and content development in education at member (2009‒2011).
Faculty of Social Sciences Reference Group for Information Issues: member (2011‒2014).
Board of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences Panel for Prioritisation of Education Resources: member (2014).
Project group for an online career portal for students and newly graduates, Student Services, 2013: member.
Stockholm University Education Quality Council: additional member (2012‒2013).
Stockholm University Election Assembly (for the appointment of faculty representatives in the University Board) 2012‒2014: substitute.
Stockholm University Consultative Body of Representatives ("Stockholms universitets hörandeförsamling", incl. support the University Board Recruitment Committee in the recruitment of a new Vice-Chancellors and Pro Vice-Chancellors) 2012‒2014, 2016‒2017, 2018‒2020 and 2021‒2023: member.
Stockholm University Committee for revised guidelines for internationalization, 2010: member. 
Stockholm University Steering Group for implementation of a new study documentation system (Ladok3) 2014‒2019: member.
Swedish Geographer Days ("Geografdagarna") 2016 organizing committee: member.

Current external activities, selected

The Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi, SSAG): editor of the web sites (2011‒) and (2018‒).

Previous external activities, selected

The Swedish Society for Town and Country Planning (Föreningen för Samhällsplanering, FFS): editor of the web site with PLAN (the Swedish Journal of Planning) and associated blog etcetera, additional member of the board (always) and member of the executive committee (2001‒2011), treasurer (2003), and secretary of the board (2004‒2008), member of the board and treasurer (2019–2024).

Recent publications

Magnusson, Dick, Fredin, Sabrina, Rickegård, Anders, Schmitt, Peter & Trygg, Kristina (2022). Planerare som agenter för en hållbar omställning [Planners as agents for sustainable transition]. PLAN 3–4/2022, 78–81.

Nordin, Urban, Ramberg, Klas & Rickegård, Anders (2019). Samhällsplaneringens praktik genom fältarbete [The practice of urban and regional planning through fieldwork]. In Gunnel Forsberg (Ed.), Samhällsplaneringens teori och praktik. Stockholm: Liber.

Schmitt, Peter & Rickegård, Anders (2015). En gigantisk utmaning – strukturell förändring och stadsomvandling i Ruhrområdet [A gigantic challenge – structural and urban change in the Ruhr]. PLAN 1/2015, 30–35.

Research projects