Inge Bartning
About me
Ph D, Stockholm university, 1976, associate professor, 1983, professor in French linguistics, 1999, SU, professor emerita, 2010, associate researcher, 2011-.
Second language acquisition, spoken language, French syntax and semantics
Earlier research
Several research grants from HSFR, VR and the Faculty of Humanities at Stockholm University during 1982-2006 (six different projects in French syntax and semantics, and SLA)
Recent research
- High-level Proficiency in Second Language Use, a national research programme financed by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, 2006-2010, 2011-2013); member of the steering committee. See
· Cultural Migrants (with Fanny Forsberg Lundell, SU), project on very advanced L2 users in France (book published 2015 with Multilingual Matters,
- Utterance structure in L2 French and Spanish: What is in the left and right periphery? (project with Lars Fant, Rakel Österberg, SU)
- Continued work with the InterFra corpus at Språkbanken, KORP, Gothenburg university (see
- Variational features in high proficient users of L2 French (with Fanny Forsberg)
Scientific service
Editorial Boards of Eurosla Yearbook, JESLA, IRAL (International review of applied linguistics), LIA (Language, Interaction, Acquisition; Advisory Board), LINX (Paris 10), Revue de sémantique et pragmatique; Advisory Editorial Board)
Recurring referee for the following international journals: Applied linguistics, IRAL (see above), Eurosla Yearbook, JESLA, LIA (see above), Language Learning, SSLA (Studies in Second Language Acquisition), Study Abroad Research Journal