Christina HedmanProfessor
About me
Christina Hedman obtained her PhD from the Centre for Research on Bilingualism, Stockholm University (2009), and she holds a position as full Professor of Swedish as a second language at the Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University, Sweden.
Her research encompasses multilingualism in an educational perspective, as well as in ideological and critical policy perspectives. In recent research, a focus has been on the teaching of Swedish as a second language in various educational settings, including a collaborative project on Critical Multilingual Language Awareness among migrant adolescents.
Ongoing and previous research projects:
2024-2027: Reinterrogating Language Education in Adulthood through the Lens of Critical Sociolinguistics and Disability Studies (Christina Hedman, PI; with L. Adams Lyngbäck, E. Paul and J. Rosén). The Swedish Research Council [VR 2023-03391].
2023-2026. Children with Migration Background in Schools for Students with Intellectual Disability (with N. Bunar PI; L. Adams Lyngbäck and E. Paul). The Swedish Research Council [VR 59 965 630].
2022–2023: Visual Resources in Language Teaching for Adults (with J. Rosén PI; L. Adams Lyngbäck and E. Paul). The Swedish Institute for Educational Research.
2022: Languages in Language Introduction (with U. Cunningham). Supported by the Faculty of Humanities, Stockholm University.
2020: Online Distance Mother Tongue Instruction in English (with S. Mannish), see publication in English in Education.
2020-2022: Participative Multilingual Identity Construction in the Language Cassroom. A Methodological Perspective. (with L. Fisher, University of Cambridge, UK; see publications in Journal of Language, Education and Identity; Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Identity). Cambridge-Stockholm Collaborative Research Grants Scheme and the Åke Wiberg Foundation.
2019: Literary Education within Drama-Based Teaching (with E. Jacquet, E. Nilson and K. Rejman, see publication in Multimodality and multilingualism. Towards an integrative approach. Multilingual Matters).
2016-2019: The School Subject Swedish as a Second Language in Three Upper Secondary Schools (with U. Magnusson, see e.g. publications in Linguistics and Education, Multilingua, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism and Language and Education).
Ethnographic fieldwork was also conducted in a primary school with a large proportion of recently arrived migrant students, focusing both introductory classes and mother tongue instruction . The Erik Wellander Foundation.
2013-2016: The Role of Mother Tongue Instruction for the Literacy Development of Somali-Swedish Primary School Children, in Somali and Swedish. (Christina Hedman, PI, with N. Ganuza). Findings from this project have been published in local and international journals such as Applied Linguistics; Language and Education. The Swedish Research Council [VR 721-2012-4275].
Selected publications
Christina Hedman, PhD, Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning
Hedman, C., & Cunningham, U. (2024). Accommodating beginner language learners in level-based Language Introduction. Language Awareness.
Hedman, C., Adams Lyngbäck, L., Paul, E., & Rosén, J. (2024). Epistemic reciprocity through a decolonial crip literacy in accommodated language education for adults. Applied Linguistics, x(x), 1–16.
Hedman, C., & Magnusson, U. (2024). Dialoguing on a graphic novel in the language learning classroom with upper secondary school students. Nordic Journal of Literacy Research, 10(1), 101–123.
Hedman, C., & Magnusson, U. (2023). Teaching Swedish as a second language in Finland and Sweden. Policy-in-practice in two primary schools. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education.
Hedman, C., Jacquet, E., Nilson, E., & Rejman, K. (2023). Expressing reading engagement within drama-based literary work. Perspectives from three students in a linguistically diverse classroom in Sweden. In S. Ainsworth, D. Griffiths, G. Macrory & K. Pahl (Eds.), Multimodality and multilingualism. Towards an integrative approach (pp. 106–119). Multilingual Matters.
Hedman, C., & Magnusson, U. (2023). Adjusting to linguistic diversity in a primary school through relational agency and expertise: A mother-tongue teacher team’s perspective. Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 42(1), 139–164.
Hedman, C., Lubińska, D. (2022). Aktuella trender i svenska som andraspråk i ljuset av norska som andraspråk. En studie av doktorsavhandlingar 2013–2021 [Current trends in Swedish as a second language in the light of Norwegian as a second language. A study of doctoral dissertations 2013–2021]. Nordand. Nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning, 17(2), 115–135.
Hedman, C., & Fisher, L. (2022). Multilingual Study Mentoring for Critical Multilingual Language Awareness among migrant adolescents: scenarios of possibility. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 43, 1–12.
Hedman, C., & Fisher, L. (2022). Critical multilingual language awareness among migrant students: cultivating curiosity and a linguistics of participation. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 21, 1–16.
Caliolo, S., & Hedman, C. (2022). Co-assessment among language teachers: a master–apprentice relationship. Apples – Journal of Applied Language Studies, 16(1),133–153.
Hedman, C., & Magnusson. U. (2022). Performative functions of multilingual policy in second language education in Sweden. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(2), 452–466.
Hedman, C., & Magnusson, U. (2021). Researching the complexities of the school subject Swedish as a Second Language: A Linguistic Ethnographic project in four schools. Languages, 6(4), 1–16.
Snoder, S., Hedman, C., Dewilde, J. (2021). Legitimerad flerspråkighet i utspädd dos – flerspråkiga grundskollärares perspektiv [Legitimized multilingualism in diluted doses – the perspective of multilingual primary school teachers]. Acta Didactica Norden, 15(2).
Hedman, C., & Mannish, S. (2021). Student agency in relation to space and educational discourse. The case of English online Mother Tongue Instruction. English in Education.
Hedman, C., & Magnusson, U. (2021). Introductory classes for newcomer primary school students in Sweden. Pedagogical principles and emotional understanding. Multicultural Education Review, 13(1), 85–105.
Hedman, C., & Magnusson, U. (2021). Constructing success and hope among migrant students and families. A mother tongue teacher’s didactic narratives. Language & Communication, 77, 93–105.
Hedman, C., & Rosén, J. (2020). Modersmålsämnets legitimitet i ett förändrat politiskt landskap: en analys av svensk riksdagsdebatt under 2010-talet [The legitimacy of the mother tongue subject in a changing political landscape: an analysis of Swedish parliamentary debate in the twenty-tens.] Utbildning & Demokrati – tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitik, 29(3), 31–50.
Hedman, C., & Magnusson. U. (2020). Teachers’ acts of legitimation in second language education in Swedish upper secondary schools. Language & Education, 34(6), 535–552.
Hedman, C., & Magnusson. U. (2020). Student ambivalence towards second language education in three Swedish upper secondary schools. Linguistics and Education, 55, 1–12.
Ganuza, N., & Hedman, C. (2019). The impact of mother tongue instruction on the development of biliteracy: Evidence from Somali–Swedish bilinguals. Applied Linguistics, 40(1), 108–131.
Palm, C., Ganuza, N., & Hedman, C. (2019). Language use and investment among children and adolescents of Somali heritage in Sweden. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 40(1), 64–75.
Salö, L., Ganuza, N., Hedman, C., & Karrebæk, M.S. (2018). Mother tongue education in Sweden and Denmark. Language policy, cross-field effects, and linguistic exchange rates. Language Policy, 17(3), 307–318.
Hedman, C., & Magnusson, U. (2018). Lika eller lika möjligheter? Diskurser om skolämnet svenska som andraspråk inom det akademiska fältet i Sverige [Similar or equal opportunities? Discourses on the school-subject Swedish as a second language within the academic field in Sweden]. Acta Didactica, 12(1), 1–20.
Ganuza, N., & Hedman, C. (2018). Modersmålsundervisning, läsförståelse och betyg – modersmålsundervisningens roll för elevers skolresultat [Mother tongue instruction, reading comprehension and grades – the role of mother tongue instruction for school achievements]. Nordand. Nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning 13(1), 4–22.
Hedman, C., & Magnusson, U. (2017). Samtal om lärobokstext på två språk. Textsamtalets stöttande funktion för spansk-svensktalande ungdomar med och utan uppfattade läshinder. [Textbook talk in two languages. The scaffolding function of text talk for Spanish-Swedish speaking adolescents with and without perceived reading difficulties]. Nordand. Nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning, 1(12), 23–44.
Ganuza, N., & Hedman, C. (2017). Ideology vs practice: Is there space for pedagogical ‘translanguaging’ in mother tongue instruction. In B. Paulsrud, J. Rosén, B. Straszer, & Å. Wedin (Eds.), New Perspectives on Translanguaging and Education (pp. 208–226). Multilingual Matters.
Jalali-Moghadam, N., & Hedman, C. (2016). Special education teachers’ narratives on literacy support for bilingual students with dyslexia in Swedish compulsory schools. Nordic Journal of Literacy Research, 2, 1–18.
Ganuza, N., & Hedman, C. (2015). Struggles for legitimacy in mother tongue instruction in Sweden. Language and Education, 29(2), 125–139.
Hedman, C. (2012). Profiling developmental dyslexia in bilingual Spanish-Swedish adolescents. Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 14(6), 509–519.
Hedman, C. (2010). Över- och underidentifiering av dyslexi hos tvåspråkiga [Over- and under-identification of dyslexia in bilinguals]. Nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning, 5(1), 37–69.
Hedman, C. (2024). Samverkande aktiviteter för epistemisk rättvisa [Collaborative actions for epistemic justice]. In A. Olin Almqvist, J. Almqvist, U. Bergmark, K. Hamza, J. Nehez, M. Strömberg & S. Westman (Eds.), Undervisning i förskolan. Förskollärare och forskare i dialog om didaktiska dilemman [Teaching in the preschool. Preschool teachers and researchers in dialogue around educational dilemmas] (pp. 63–65). Studentlitteratur.
Caliolo, S., & Hedman, C. (2024). Sambedömning i modersmålsämnet. [Co-assessment in mother tongue education]. Swedish National Agency for Education.
Hedman, C., & Nilsson, J. (2022). Möjligheter till lärande – andraspråksdidaktik i ett kritiskt perspektiv [Opportunities for learning – second language education in a critical perspective]. In K. Aldén & M. Olofsson (Eds.), Möjligheter till lärande – andraspråksdidaktik i ett kritiskt perspektiv (Symposievolym, Nationellt Centrum för svenska som andraspråk) (pp. 17–34). Liber.
Ganuza, N., & Hedman, C. (2020). Kritiskt språkmedveten undervisning. [Critical language awareness in [mother tongue] instruction.] In B. Straszer & Å. Wedin (Eds.), Modersmål, minoriteter och mångfald – i förskola och skola (pp. 171–194). Studentlitteratur.
Hedman, C., & Ganuza, N. (2019). Introductory commentary: Lived experiences of qur’anic schooling in Scandinavia [Special Issue on Faith literacy practices among Muslim children, youth and families in Scandinavia]. Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies, 13(4), 7–13.
Hedman, C. (2018). Epilog. Transspråkande som pedagogisk praktik. [Epilogue. Translanguaging as pedagogical practice]. In B. A. Paulsrud, J. Rosén, B. Straszer & Å. Wedin (Eds.), Transspråkande i svenska utbildningssammanhang [Translanguaging in Swedish educational contexts] (pp. 265–271). Studentlitteratur.
Ganuza, N., & Hedman, C. (2018). Modersmålsundervisning – möjligheter och utmaningar [Mother tongue education – possibilities and challenges]. In T. Otterup & G. Kästen-Ebeling, (Eds.), En god fortsättning (pp. 163–180). Studentlitteratur.
Hedman, C. (2017). Läsförståelse med flera språk som resurs [Reading comprehension with multilingualism as a resource]. Läslyftet: Tidig läsundervisning riktad mot lärare i F-3. Skolverket.
Hedman, C. (2012). Läs- och skrivutveckling hos flerspråkiga [Reading and writing development in multilinguals]. In E.-K. Salameh (Ed.), Flerspråkighet i skolan. Språklig utveckling och undervisning [Multilingualism in school. Language development and education] (pp. 78–97). Natur och Kultur.
Hedman, C. (2012). Flerspråkig – med dyslexi? [Multilingual – with dyslexia]? In E.-K. Salameh (Ed.), Flerspråkighet i skolan. Språklig utveckling och undervisning [Multilingualism in school. Language development and education] (pp. 98–128). Natur och Kultur.
Hedman, C. (2009). Ordblindhed på to sprog [Reading difficulties in two languages]. Sprog og Integration [Language and Integration], 4, 25–27. A special issue on ‘mother tongues’.
Hedman, C. (2008). Dyslexi och tvåspråkighet – ett forskningsområde i utveckling [Dyslexia and bilingualism – a research area in progress]. Dyslexi – aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter, 13(1), 4–6.
Bardel, C., Hedman, C., Rejman, K., & Zetterholm, E. (Eds.) (2022). Exploring language education. Global and local perspectives. Stockholm University Press.
Wedin, Å., & Hedman, C. (Eds.) (2013). Flerspråkighet, litteracitet och multimodalitet [Multilingualism, literacy and multimodality]. Studentlitteratur.
Chrystal, J., Lim Falk, M., Hedman, C., Josephson, O. & Öhrn, M. (Eds.). (2013). Tionde nationella konferensen i svenska med didaktisk inriktning: Genre. [10th National Conference on Swedish Didactics. Genre]. Stockholm Förlag: Nationella nätverket för svenska med didaktisk inriktning. [Stockholm: The National Network on Swedish Didactics].
OTHER SCIENTIFIC WORK (incl. popular science)
Hedman, C. (2024). Hur kan vi samtala mer om flerspråkighet i skolan? Lärdomar från ett pilotprojekt om flerspråkig medvetenhet i en förberedelseklass på högstadiet (How can we talk more about multilingualism in school? Learned lessons from a pilot project about multilingual awareness ina preparatory class in secondary school]. Centrum för språk- och litteraturdidaktiks blogg, Karlstads universitet. Hur kan vi samtala mer om flerspråkighet i skolan? Lärdomar från ett pilotprojekt om flerspråkig medvetenhet i en förberedelseklass på högstadiet – Centrum för språk- och litteraturdidaktik (CSL) (
Hedman, C. (2022). Att arbeta med kritisk flerspråkig medvetenhet i förberedelseklass på högstadiet: sva-lärarens och studiehandledarens roll [To work with critical multilingual awareness in preparatory class at secondary school: The role of the teacher in Swedish as a second language and the multilingual study mentors]. Lisetten 31(3), 10–11.
Hedman, C., & Magnusson, U. (2022). Skolämnet svenska som andraspråk i internationellt perspektiv – exempel ur forskning [The school-subject Swedish as a second language from an international perspective – examples from research]. Skolverket. Skolämnet svenska som andraspråk i internationellt perspektiv.pdf (
Hedman, C., & Magnusson, U. (2020). Svenska som andraspråk i gymnasieskolan – praktik och ideologi i tre gymnasieskolor [Swedish as a Second Language in the upper secondary school - practices and ideology in three upper secondary schools]. Lisetten, 30(1), 20–21.
Duek, S., Hedman, C., Paulsrud, B.-A., Reath Warren, A., Ringblom, N., & Schalley, A. (2018). Satsa på flerspråkighet och undervisning i modersmålet [Invest in multilingualism and Mother Tongue instruction]. Lärarnas Tidning, 21 februari 2018.