Raoul GalliPhD
About me
Raoul Galli is Doctor of Philosophy in Social Anthropology and affiliated to the Department of Social Anthropology. Galli's main research interests lie in the relations between culture, power and social inequality. The theoretical tradition that has engaged Galli most prominently is the research program that originates from Pierre Bourdieu and his collaborators. This engagement has resulted in works like The Field of Brands. Production of Recognition in the Stockholm Advertising World [Varumärkenas fält: produktion av erkännande i Stockholms reklamvärld] (2012), The Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts: On Art, Power and Symbolic Economy [Kungliga Akademien för de fria konsterna: om konst, makt och symbolisk ekonomi] (2010), The Branded Unions of the Middle Classes: White-collar Workers and the Struggle over Classifications [Medelklassernas varumärkta fack: tjänstemännen och kanpen om klassifikationen] (2016), The Power of Epistemological Principles (2020) and a series of short articles for the Department’s classic teaching booklet Key Concepts in Social Anthropology [Nyckelbegrepp i socialantropologin] (Symbolic capital; Habitus; Discourse; Social Field; Doxa; Practice). Since 2017, when Galli was Director of Studies for the undergraduate program at the Department of Social Anthropology, Galli has been the editor of the mentioned Key Concepts in Social Anthropology.
In recent years, Raoul Galli has also deepened his interest in issues of integration and domination, first through an ethnographic analysis of an integration project in Södertälje, a small town with great cutural diversity near Stockholm (‘Good Morning, Sweden!’ [‘Godmorgon Sverige!’] 2018), and later as research coordinator in the Swedish Government Offices’ Delegation for Migration Studies, where Galli edited a report on migrants’ encounter with the Swedish healthcare system, to which he also authored the introductory chapter on The unequal distribution of public health [Folkhälsans ojämlika fördelning] (2020). These collected experiences in the research area of migration, integration, segregation and national dominance, have led Galli to begin developing the two Bourdieu-inspired concepts of national field and Swedish capital (the latter a local specification of national cultural capital).
Raoul Galli has in 2021-2022 been course manager, teacher, and examinator in subjects such as: Politics, conflict and transnationalism (7.5 credits); Essay preparation (7.5 credits); Bachelor thesis (15 credits).