Stockholm university

Georgia DestouniProfessor of Hydrology

About me

Georgia (Gia) Destouni
Professor, Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University

Guest Professor, Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED), KTH Royal Institute of Technology

My research regards the conditions, variations and change trends of the flows, storages, availability and quality of water, and their linkages and interactions within the integrated freshwater system on land. Further, it regards the interactions of the freshwater system with the atmosphere, ocean, climate, ecosystems and other environmental and societal aspects and factors. Geographically, my research is both global and regional around the world, including for example Baltic, Arctic, Central and East Asian, Balkan, Mediterranean, and African regions.

I lead the interdisciplinary SATORI Research Lab for coupled natural-human systems, launched in 2024 and hosted by the Stockholm Trio University Alliance (Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University) as part of the initiative Stockholm Trio for Sustainable Action. Further, I am currently the Editor-in-Chief of Water Resources Research, the flagship water science journal of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) since 2021, member of the Baltic Earth Science Steering Group since 2022, and member of the Council of Trustees of WWF Sweden since 2019. I was earlier Head of the Department of Physical Geography at Stockholm University 2016-2022, Secretary General of The Swedish Research Council Formas 2013-2016, Vice President of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) 2015-2019, member of the scientific advisory committee of Science Europe 2016-2018, and member of Scientific Council for Sustainable Development commissioned by the Swedish Government 2015-2016.

I am elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences since 2003, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences also since 2003, international member of the National Academy of Engineering in the US since 2024, corresponding member of the Academy of Athens in Greece since 2024, Fellow of AGU since 2015, and Fellow of the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study in South Africa since 2023 (in residence 2024). I am further deeply honored by recognitions of my research contributions expressed in being awarded the 2024 Baltic Sea Award, the 2013 Henry Darcy Medal of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), the 2013 Research and Development Award of Oskarshamn Nova Centre for University Studies, the 2020 Sigge Thernwall Grand Prize for Research on Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment, and H.M. The King's medal in Sweden for my water and climate research in 2022 - and by warming words from colleagues about this. 

CV September 2024 (264 Kb)   Full publication list - Sep 2024 (863 Kb)



As professor of Engineering Hydrology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology during 1999-2005, I developed and taught courses in this and related subjects within the Civil Engineering programme and the international Master's Programme in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure at KTH. As a new professor at Stockholm University in 2005, in a new subject area Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Water Resources for this university, I have with colleagues in our expanding research and educational group built up and taught in a related Master's Programme at the Department of Physical Geography. The subject name signified our aim and efforts to link different water-science fields and components in this programme, in close connection with our research that also targets these linkages. The programme thus included and coupled hydrology with primary focus on surface waters (streams, rivers, lakes), hydrogeology with focus on groundwater, the soil water-groundwater-surface water interactions, and the water resource and management aspects addressed in the water resources field. This Master's Programme in Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Water Resources developed into one of the most popular and largest advanced-level programmes given at the Department of Physical Geography at Stockholm University. After more than a decade of giving this programme in the same form, it was paused for some time for updating and further development.

My further educational development efforts have focused on strategic projects with university and EU support. These have, for example, included a project for developing Online-based sustainability-focused education on environmental system dynamics, and a European project for Training new generations on geomorphology, geohazards and geoheritage through Virtual Reality Technologies.

In PhD level education and supervision of early career scientists, I have so far been main adviser of 24 PhD-students and 18 post-doctoral fellows. Of these, 22 PhD students (16 at SU, 6 at KTH) and 16 postdocs have by now completed their dissertations, degrees and projects with me. I also am or have been co-adviser of several more PhD students and postdocs. Many of the early career scientists I have advised and mentored have gained top positions as full, associate or tenure-track professors at universities, or as research leaders, senior or junior researchers or analysts at research institutes and other knowledge-based organizations and private companies in Sweden and other parts of the world.



Through my research I want to understand how Earth’s water system works and what drives it variations and change trends around the world and at different scales, up to global.

My research regards the processes, variability and changes that determine and characterize the fluxes, storages, availability and quality of water, and how they interact with society, climate, and ecosystems across various Earth System interfaces. It also regards how improved scientific understanding can guide society’s management of critical water resources and water-related risks, e.g., due to extremes like droughts and floods, water pollution, and disease spreading. I use theoretical, data-driven, and model-based approaches to study, decipher and quantify these water aspects and interconnections.

See further our research projects at our SATORI Research Lab for coupled natural-human systems.


Research projects


See my publications in Google Scholar

Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources
