Stockholm university

Iann LundegårdSenior lecturer, Associate professor

About me

Associate professor in science education with a special interest in education for sustainability.


My particular interest is in education in the intersection between nature and society. These are areas in science education addressing critical complex social problems associated with uncertainty, including risk assessment and personal positions. This is important for students when dealing with problems in their daily lives, but also to be able to take political decisions as citizens concerning lifestyles and sustainable development. In my research, I have closely looked at the role of values ​​and conflicts in students deliberations, and the role of education in their identity development ethically and politically. Another branch of interest is of a more theoretical nature. I am interested in pragmatic philosophy, to develop didactic research contributing to the frame of methodology. 
I have a former background as a teacher at elementary school as well as in high school. 


A selection from Stockholm University publication database

  • Putting the Cart Before the Horse

    2014. Iann Lundegård, Karim M. Hamza. Science Education 98 (1), 127-142


    This article addresses the problem of treating generalizations of human activity as entities and structures that ultimately explain the activities from which they were initially drawn. This is problematic because it involves a circular reasoning leading to unwarranted claims explaining the originally studied activities of science teaching and learning. Unlike other fields within social science research, this problem has not been appreciated and discussed in the science education literature and the field thus needs to be reminded of it. A heuristic specifically developed for the purposes of this article is applied to two examples taken from a much-cited research in the field. Through the examples it is argued that the practice of creating entities out of generalizations of science classroom activities leads to a number of unintended consequences. It is further argued that the stated purposes in the two example articleswould actually have been better served by investigating the entire processes through which the activities develop, as well as how the activities may change through teaching. The article concludes that through the search for explanations caused by underlying entities, science education research runs a risk of alienating its results from the activities from which it initially wanted to meliorate.

    Read more about Putting the Cart Before the Horse
  • Personal authenticity and political subjectivity in student deliberation in environmental and sustainability education

    2018. Iann Lundegård. Environmental Education Research 24 (4), 581-592


    This study problematizes what is meant when one talks about classroom activities concerning environmental and sustainability issues as being authentic or not. It reports excerpts from three classroom discussions which start from questions formulated by the students themselves concerning issues related to sustainable development. It examines how the different questions give rise to altered kinds of participation and shows that the students' involvement shifted between either a distanced factual level of communication, or a personal level of communication. The result indicated that the nature of authenticity in a discourse differs depending on which question initiates it. If the initiating questions allow the students to distance themselves from the subject matter, then one type of authenticity is created. If, on the other hand, the questions give the students an opportunity to establish value-relations, or to dare to take a personal standpoint, as political subjects, to the issues at hand then the personal authenticity becomes another.

    Read more about Personal authenticity and political subjectivity in student deliberation in environmental and sustainability education

Show all publications by Iann Lundegård at Stockholm University