Stockholm university

Julia Fries

About me

I am a PhD student in educational drama and my research ​​interest is how drama can be a resource in sustainability learning, with a particular focus on economics. I explore how drama can support us in going beyond current paradigm in how we think about sustainability and economy. I research drama as a method in exploring  'imaginaries' for how sustainable societies could be organized.

As a parallel to my research, I use my alterego Clown Maja as a PhD student colleague. By looking at research with the perspective of the clown, I see other things and find new, usually more radical, angles. By having my clown with me, I get support in my own research, but the clown is also an exploration of its own on how we can face the times we are living in and handle the process of grasping the magnitude of the environmental situation.

I also teach in social science courses in the teacher program. My teaching is mainly focused on drama as a resource for learning and empowerment. My background is drama pedagogue with experience from a free theater group, schools and cultural schools.


Fries, J., & Wall, T. (2023). Drama as a hopeful practice when navigating liminal times. Nordic Journal of Art and Research, 12(2).

Lundahl, K., & Fries, J. (2023). Att drömma stort: en metodbok i att leda visionsprocesser för hållbarhet.

Fries, J. (2022). The Clown as Transgressive Agent on Paths to Sustainable Futures. I C. Schmidt & M. Häggström (Red.), Relational and Critical Perspectives on Education for Sustainable Development: Belonging and Sensing in a Vanishing World (s. 155–167). Springer International Publishing.

Fries, J. (2020). Att behålla sitt skapande i en tid av ekologisk kris. Drama, 2. s. 16-19.

Fries, J., Österlind, E. (2020). Att lära utanför bokens kanter. I Ståhle, Y., Waermö, M., Lindberg, V. (red). Att utveckla forskningsbaserad undervisning. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.

Wall T., Fries J., Rowe N., Malone N., Österlind E. (2019). Drama and Theatre for Health and Well-Being. In: Leal Filho W., Wall T., Azeiteiro U., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P. (red.) Good Health and Well-Being. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Dordrecht: Springer, Cham.

Wall, T., Österlind, E., & Fries, J. (2019). Art-based teaching for sustainable development. i Leal Filho W. et al. (red.), Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education. Dordrecht: Springer, Cham.

Wall, T., Österlind, E., & Fries, J. (2019). Arts based approaches for sustainability. i Leal Filho W et al. (red.), Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education. Dordrecht: Springer, Cham.

Fries, J. (2011). Kropp, känsla och tanke i samspel: att arbeta i grupp med drama. I Enander, V., Holmberg, C. (red.) Hur går hon? Att stödja misshandlade kvinnors uppbrottsprocesser. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Research projects