Mattias Svahn
I teach research methods. It is important for students and researchers to know the tools of research and how the choice of tools shape the knowledge research brings forth.
I research mediapsychology with a focus on desinformation.
During 2018-2021 I was senior coordinator och head of research for the Horizon 2020 project Co-inform with seven partners in nine countries. We produced anti-desinformation tools for Twitter.
I am head of research at eGovlab at Stockholm University. It is Stockholm University's Center for Excellence for e-Governance Studies. The center focuses on conducting European and international research collaboration for research and development in the field of IT in the public sector.
My own research area is media psychology with a focus on disinformation.
During 2018-2021, I was senior coordinator and research manager for the Horizon 2020 project Co-inform with seven parties in nine countries. We developed anti-disinformation tools for Twitter.
2021-2023, I am SU's representative in Primaas and Cismob, two EU: Interreg projects that research policy development for sustainable mobility.
Chosen publications:
- Svahn, M., & Perfumi, S. C. (2021, September). A Conceptual Model for Approaching the Design of Anti-disinformation Tools. In International Conference on Electronic Participation (pp. 66-76). Springer, Cham.
- Komendantova, N., Ekenberg, L., Svahn, M., Larsson, A., Shah, S. I. H., Glinos, M., ... & Danielson, M. (2021). A value-driven approach to addressing misinformation in social media. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(1), 1-12.
- Wahlund, R., Svahn, M., & Åbonde, A. (2021). Consumers’ evaluations of journalistic and private news in different digital media–an experimental study. Crisis and Resilience: Nordic Media Research on the Frontline. Nordmedia Network, Reykjavik 2021.
- Kyza, E., Varda, C., Konstantinou, L., Karapanos, E., Perfumi, S. C., Svahn, M., & Georgiou, Y. (2021). Social media use, trust and technology acceptance: investigating the effectiveness of a co-created browser plugin in mitigating the spread of misinformation on social media. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research.
- Hedberg, P. H., & Svahn, M. (2016). Total gamification and the limits of our imagination. In M. Dymek, & P. Zackariasson (Eds.), The business of gamification: A critical analysis. (1st ed., pp. 208) Taylor & Francis.
- Svahn, M., Wahlund, R., Denward, M., Rademaker, C., & Nilsson, P. (2016). A model for evaluating converging media for advertising purposes. In A. Lugmayr (Ed.), Convergence-Divergence, Cross-Disciplinary Viewpoints on Media Convergence (1st ed., ). Germany: Springer Verlag.
- Svahn, M., & Wahlund, R. (2015). Structural equation modelling for studying intended game processes. Game research methods (1st ed., pp. 251-267) ETC Press. Retrieved from
- Svahn, M. (2014) Persuasive Pervasive Games The Case of Impacting Energy Consumption (Doctoral Dissertation) Retrieved from DiVa.
- Svahn, M., & Waern, A. (2014). Communicating the obvious: How a persuasive pervasive game on electricity consumption influenced the attitudes of players and their families. In D. Ruggiero (Ed.), Cases on the societal effects of persuasive games (1st ed.,). London UK: IGI-Global Publishing .
- Wahlund, R., Rademaker, C. Nilsson, P., & . Svahn, M. (2013). Mediernas roll i marknadskommunikationen. In G. Nygren, & I. . Wadbring (Eds.), På väg mot medievärlden 2020 : Journalistik, teknik, marknad (2nd ed., ) Studentlitteratur.
- Nilsson, P., Rademaker, C., Svahn, M., & Wahlund, R. (2013). Om medieutveckling - tillbaka till framtiden. In P. Andersson, B. Axelsson & C. Rosenqvist (Eds.), Det mogna tjänstesamhällets förnyelse (1st ed., pp. 345-383). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
- SVAHN, M. and LANGE, F., 2009. Marketing the Category of Pervasive Games. In: M. MONTOLA, J. STENROS and A. WAERN, eds, Pervasive Games; Theory and Design. Germany: Morgan Kaufman, .
- SVAHN, M. 2010 Consumer Perceptions of Additions to Geographic and Social Space Proceedings of the 3rd Semantic Ambient Media Experience (SAME)
- SVAHN, M. 2009.Processing Play Perceptions of Persuasion. DiGRA 2009 Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory.
- Bång, M., Svahn, M. and Gustafsson, A., 2009. Persuasive design of a mobile energy conservation game with direct feedback and social cues, DiGRA 2009 Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory.
- Gustafsson, A. Bång, M., & Svahn M., 2009 Power Explorer – a casual game style for encouraging long term behaviour change among teenagers International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE 2009).
- Svahn, M., 2006 Brainwashing is fun! 2:nd Tampere Seminar on Playing Roles
- Svahn, M., 2005. Future-proofing advergaming: a systematisation for the media buyer. Proceedings of the Second Australasian Conference on interactive Entertainment.