This research project is about effects of Internet-based multimodal emotion recognition training (iMERTAT) on social skills in adolescents with or without autism.
The ERiCA project started with the development of an internet-delivered psychodynamic treatment (IPDT) for adolescent depression. At this point, the treatment has been tested in two randomized controlled trials. One more trial will be carried out within the project.
What type of stimulus material is best for treatment of dog phobia? Is virtual reality treatment comparable to traditional exposure therapy for dog phobia? That's a couple of questions this project wants to find the answers to.
Common New Year’s resolutions focus on changes in behavior with an expectation of positive outcomes regarding physical and mental health. The purpose of this project is to investigate Swedes' New Year's resolutions, how well we adhere to them, and whether the likelihood of a person keeping their resolution can be increased.
The objective of this study is to investigate the efficacy of the Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (iCBT-I) in adolescents with ASD and sleep problems.
This project aims to study work-related mental illness such as stress, depression, and anxiety among professionals with ADHD, and evaluate an internet-based stress-management program to treat and prevent these negative outcomes.
The aim of this project is to evaluate psychotherapy and counselling in outpatient psychiatric clinics, compare short- and long-lasting psychotherapies and finally to evaluate the effect of problematic consumption of alcohol on the outcome of psychotherapy.