Stockholm university

Shengnan HanProfessor

About me

  • Professor in Computer and Systems Sciences (Specializing in information systems)
  • Program Director of Bachelor program Marketing & IT 
  • Member of program council-Master program Healthinformatics
  • Faculty member of Digital Futures
  • D.Sc. (major information systems), Åbo Akademi University, Finland, 2005

Working Experience

  • Professor, Stockholm University, 2024-
  • Associate professor, Stockholm University, 2011-2024
  • Assistant professor, Åbo Akademi University, Finland, 2005-2010
  • Doctoral student, Turku Centre for Computer Science (TUCS) & Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research (IAMSR) at Åbo Akademi University, Finland 2001-2005

Current Academic Service

  • Electronic Markets, The International Journal on Networked Business (Associate editor)
  • Telematics and Informatics (Editorial Board Member)
  • International Journal of Information Management Data Insight (Editorial Board Member)
  • Progam co-chairs for ECIS2023
  • Board memeber AIS Region 2


I am responsible for the courses:

  • Digital business within IT-7.5 credits: the aim of the course is to provide you as a student with the opportunity to develop your knowledge of digital business and to apply this knowledge into business problem-solving from the perspective of IT.
  • Supplementary Course on Computer and Systems Sciences (SUPCOM)-15 credits
  • SUPCOM for Master program-Health Informatics (SUPCOM-HI) -15 credits. 
  • Supplementary Course on Computer and Systems Sciences for Ph.D students -7.5 credits.
  • I supervise and examinate theses at bachelor and master levels.


My research interests in technology adoption and impacts encompass a holistic approach, spanning from individual behaviours to organizational performance and societal transformations. By employing a variety of research methodologies and mentoring future researchers, I am dedicated to advancing scholarship, theories, and our collective understanding of this pivotal phenomenon. My research is also characterised by cross-disciplinary collaboration with researchers from healthcare, industry management, data science, law, and human geography.

Advisor to Ph.D. students

  • Evrim Güner (Digital innovation-RPA robot process automation) (main advisor, starts September 2019)
  • Mohamed Shafraz (Digital Government and environmental sustainability)(main advisor, disputed 2023)
  • Jens Ohlsson (Business Process Management/Digitalization) (main advisor, disputed 2016)
  • Parisa Aasi (IT Governance) (co-advisor, Licentiate degree 2015)

Selected Publications (2020-2023)

Zhang, Q., Webster, N., Han, S. and Ayele, W. Y. (2023). Contextualizing the rural in digital studies: A computational literature review of rural-digital relations, Technology in Society,

Han, S., Nikou, S., & Yilma Ayele, W. (2023). Digital proctoring in higher education: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Educational Management. EarlyCite:

Sapraz, M. and Han, S. (2023), “Users’ Evaluation of a Digital Government Collaborative Platform (DGCP) in Sri Lanka”, Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy. EarlyCite:

Zolbin, M., Han, S., & Nikou, S. (2022). Effective factors Influencing on Shared Health Decision Making, Information Research, 27, Article 2247

Han, S., Kelly, E., Nikou, S., & Svee, E. O. (2021). Aligning artificial intelligence with human values: reflections from a phenomenological perspective. AI & SOCIETY, 1-13.

Sapraz, M., & Han, S. (2021). Implicating human values for designing a Digital Government Collaborative Platform for environmental issues: a Value Sensitive Design approach. Sustainability, 13(11), 6240.

Nardello, M., Han, S., Møller, C., & Gøtze, J. (2020). Incorporating process and data heterogeneity in enterprise architecture: Extended AMA4EA in an international manufacturing company. Computers in Industry, 115, 103178.

Hu, L., Min, Q., Han, S., & Liu, Z. (2020). Understanding followers’ stickiness to digital influencers: The effect of psychological responses. International Journal of Information Management, 54, 102169.

Liu, X., Min, Q., & Han, S. (2020). “Understanding users’ continuous content contribution behaviours: an integrated perspective of uses and gratification theory and social influence theory”, Behaviour & Information Technology, doi: 10.1080/0144929X.2019.1603326

Han, S. & Nikou, S. (2021). Artificial Intelligence Value Alignment Principles: The State of Art Review from Information Systems Research, 34th Bled e-conference, Digital support from crisis to progressive change, June 28- 31, 2021.

Han, S., Nikou, S. and Svee, E. (2020). Reflections on artificial intelligence alignment with human values: a phenomenological perspective, In The 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), An Online AIS Conference, June 15-17, 2020. Association for Information Systems.

Güner, E. O., Han, S., & Juell-Skielse, G. (2020). Robotic Process Automation as Routine Capability: A Literature Review. In The 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), An Online AIS Conference, June 15-17, 2020. Association for Information Systems.

Sapraz, M., & Han, S. (2020). Improving Collaboration Between Government and Citizens for Environmental Issues: Lessons Learned from a Case in Sri Lanka. In ICT Systems and Sustainability (pp. 297-306). Springer, Singapore.

Full publication list can be found at  Google Scholar.



Research projects