Stockholm university

Research project Aspects of hindrances and possibilities with user participation in social services

In my dissertation, I research aspects of hindrances and possibilities for user participation in the social services' individual and family care (IFO).

The user perspective is advocated in laws, guidelines and national publications and social services are instructed to plan, implement and evaluate their work with user influence. There is an overall consensus that user participation should be realized in practice. However, research describes that there is a lack of knowledge about methods and conditions for realizing this ambition in practice.

Project description

The dissertation is based on participatory design, where relevant actors contribute with knowledge of the social context being studied. Techniques such as Future workshop, Prototype workshop and story-telling are used in workshop format, as well as interviews. The work of studying aspects of hindrances and possibilities is based on theories of power, credibility and epistemic injustice.

The studies in the dissertation aim to examine the staff's thoughts on what hinders and promotes participation, as well as what scope for action there is. What happens when children / young people and staff work together and design a tool to increase children and young people's participation in conversations about placements, relocations or termination of placements. How does an implementation process look like, where the co-created tool for participation is put into practice and worked with? How do children and young people position themselves in the meeting with the social services? What experiences do children and young people have and how do they experience these meetings?

The expectation is to contribute with knowledge of what hinders and enables a more epistemically fair practice, and to exemplify with co-creative methods

Project members

Project managers

Kristina Bromark

Senior lecturer

Department of Social Work
Kristina Bromark. Foto: Sören Andersson.